Hot flashes during menopause: how to ease and what to take?

For women who have stepped over the fortieth year, at any moment a period called climax can begin. This phenomenon is characterized by age-related changes, primarily related to the reproductive system. In addition, the process is reflected on the skin - wrinkles, pigment spots appear on it, as well as on the menstrual cycle, which becomes unstable. From time to time a woman throws alternately in the cold and heat. This phenomenon is called "tides."

 Tides during menopause

Sleep disorders, migraines, fluctuations in blood pressure - thus the appearance of menopause.Global symptoms that occur in the hormonal background lead to the appearance of similar symptoms. The functioning of internal organs can be disrupted, chronic diseases can worsen and new ones develop. In this difficult period for a woman, she must direct all her strength to maintain her health.

When the menopause comes

Changes in the level of hormones in the body of each person occurs quite often. This can happen due to nervous tension, changing weather conditions or time zones, dietary characteristics, psycho-emotional overload, etc. But more global changes in hormonal levels are observed in the period of puberty, childbearing, and the onset of menopause.

The average age when this process occurs is 40-45 years. If this happened earlier, then menopause is called early. Its occurrence is caused by surgery, stressful situations, uncontrolled intake of hormonal contraceptive agents.

Tide symptoms

As practice shows, before the last menstruation occurs, and for a couple of years after, about 60% of women will experience hot flashes, the intensity of which is different. How long this will go on - it is impossible to answer precisely, since for each woman the answer will be individual.

Some suffer from similar symptoms for one or two years, while others do not even know about such sensations, and the rest are uncomfortable for several years. Over time, the frequency of such manifestations of menopause is reduced. The state itself itself, when it throws into heat or cold, lasts from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. Extremely rare tide lasts for an hour. A brief description of this state can be given as follows:

  1. It is impossible to confuse the signs of hot flashes with the clinical manifestations of any other diseases. As a rule, before the attack begins, many ladies feel its approach.
  2. It feels a strong influx of heat to the face, it becomes red, besides the heat is observed in the upper part of the body (arms, neck, chest).
  3. The heart begins to beat more often, a woman may experience a lack of air, anxiety, anxiety, suffocation, lethargy, nausea. She may get sick and dizzy.
  4. When the fever stays on the body, the woman may have a fever and then return to normal after an attack has ended. Observed sweating, the appearance of perspiration. Some sweat a lot at high tide, others just have an insignificant sweat over their lips. The attack ends with a chill. For this reason, a woman has to go after him in the shower or change clothes.
  5. In most cases, the occurrence of seizures is noted in the evening or at night. In approximately 10% of such situations, the attack continues for a long time and is very intense, then medical assistance is required.

What contributes to increased tides?

Attacks can be very strong in the following cases:

  1. The use of peppered and fatty foods, dishes in very hot. This can cause frequent tides. Therefore it is recommended to adhere to dietary food to reduce adverse manifestations.
  2. Alcohol abuse.Alcohol-containing drinks contribute to the expansion of blood vessels. In addition, cigarettes have a detrimental effect. Such bad habits not only increase the frequency of tides, they adversely affect overall health, adversely affecting organs and systems.
  3. Long stay in stuffy rooms also leads to increased seizures. In addition, a similar phenomenon is observed when staying in places with significantly increased temperature: saunas, baths, rooms with a fireplace and additional heating systems, in the summer - not air-conditioned rooms.
  4. Stress, chronic fatigue, depression, psychoemotional instability - all this can be a provoking factor in increasing hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.
  5. Wearing tight underwear and too tight clothes. Such things should not be worn by women during menopause.
  6. Increased exercise, active sports training - can lead to increased symptoms of menopausal syndrome.
  7. A large amount of sugar consumed.
  8. Abuse of beverages such as strong coffee and black tea.

How to deal with tides without drugs

You should know what to do to alleviate your condition during hot flashes and whether to completely get rid of them.

  1. Breath. When a woman feels that the tide is approaching, she should try to calm down. A good help is the technique of slow breathing with a stomach. It is necessary to breathe deeply, in a minute it is necessary to take up to eight breaths, that is, having breathed in, one should hold the breath for six seconds. Such breathing exercises will help to calm the nervous system, therefore, the interval between attacks will become much longer, making it less difficult to endure another tide.
  2. Fresh air. The room where a woman spends the most time should be aired as often as possible, as well as monitor the level of humidity in it. To create a natural climate indoors, you can use an air humidifier.
  3. Stress. Nervous overloads and strong agitations are one of the main trigger factors for the occurrence of pronounced manifestations of the menopausal syndrome. Despite the fact that it is very difficult to struggle with life problems, financial difficulties, information that carries negative information, you need to learn how to do it so as not to affect your own emotions.This will help avoid adverse effects on the nervous system. It must be carefully protected. Calm woman will help prevent the onset of symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes.
  4. Fluid intake. Ladies with the onset of menopause should, if there are no contraindications, drink at least two liters of liquid every day, it is better if it is clean water. It is necessary to normalize the water balance, which was disturbed as a result of increased perspiration.

If the tides do not worry so often, then following the above recommendations, you can lead a normal life. When the discomfort does not leave, even with the observance of these measures, you should visit the doctor who will help with the selection of appropriate medications that eliminate the symptoms of menopause.

How to relieve hot flashes and survive menopause?

With minor manifestations of menopause, not causing special inconvenience, it is possible to drink vitamin complexes for the purpose of prevention. They will benefit in this period not only because they can relieve menopausal symptoms, but also help to strengthen the immune system.Thanks to such means, the body is much easier to cope with stress and depression.

 How to relieve hot flashes and survive menopause

When taking vitamin complexes slows down the process of aging, symptoms, including hot flashes, still become less pronounced. Vitamins are excellent helpers in the care of hair, nails and skin. They help maintain healthy teeth. Young appearance, well-groomed appearance improve mood, give strength to maintain an active lifestyle. As a result, it becomes easier for a woman to cope with emotional overloads, as well as tides that appear at this time.

Having coordinated this issue with the doctor, it is allowed to take complexes, which include necessary trace elements, the lack of which leads to a deterioration of the woman’s well-being, aggravation of the symptoms of the hated menopausal syndrome. Especially important for ladies aged 45+ are the following vitamins:

  1. BUT. This vitamin is an antioxidant that is needed for strong immunity. A large amount is found in butter, cow's milk, beef liver, parsley, as well as pumpkin, carrots.
  2. WITH. Takes part in temperature-controlled processes. It is abundant in black currants, bell peppers, tomatoes, apricots, hips, citrus fruits.
  3. AT. This substance helps to eliminate anxiety, normalize sleep, improve mood. Contained in oatmeal and buckwheat, bananas, avocados, nuts, legumes.
  4. D. It is necessary in order to assimilate magnesium and calcium normally. Among the products, its main suppliers are chicken eggs, cheese, milk, and fatty fish.
  5. E. Promotes stimulation of ovarian function, activates the production of natural female hormones. Helps to improve the condition of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure. Significant amounts of this substance are found in beans, avocados, brown rice, green peas.

Relief with hormone replacement therapy

Everything that happens in the female body during menopause - changes in hormone levels, fatigue, nervous overstrain, depressed state - can lead to the development of serious chest diseases, hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Against the background of long and regular tides, the female nervous system is depleted, as a result of which the risk of such disorders increases.

In this situation, only the doctor can assist.A woman will have to undergo a comprehensive examination, which includes several diagnostic procedures, the results of which will be given therapy with the use of special drugs. For these purposes, hormone replacement drugs are used that affect the concentration of estrogen and progesterone in a woman's body. Not all cases allow the use of this method of treatment. Before replacement therapy is prescribed to reduce the symptoms of menopause, a blood test will be performed and the woman’s health condition will be carefully studied.

Such treatment is not carried out in the presence of vascular diseases, oncology or diseases that are associated with impaired functioning of the immune system. In addition, contraindications for hormone replacement therapy are diseases of the pancreas and liver.

Hormones are not used to reduce hot flashes in case of a climacteric syndrome, if the patient suffers from severe bleeding caused by uterine fibroids, failure of ovarian function, and endometrial disease. The method is not used for serious disorders in the functioning of the heart.

Such preparations should be selected only by the attending physician, the patient’s condition is checked once every 6-12 months. Before this is determined by the concentration of hormones in the blood. Before starting to carry out hormone therapy, it is necessary to undergo such diagnostic procedures as:

  • Mammography.
  • Ultrasound examination of the chest and pelvic organs.
  • ECG.
  • Blood test for the determination of clotting.
  • The form of release of drugs is different, it can be:
  • Tablets - Klimonorm, Estrovel, Ovestin and others.
  • Plaster - Klimara. It is applied by sticking to the area of ​​the spine or on the buttocks.
  • Gels - Estrozhel.

Sometimes, when a woman cannot be prescribed hormonal treatment for any reason in order to alleviate the symptoms of the so-called menopausal syndrome, she is prescribed antidepressants (adepress, ephevelon, etc.). Such drugs reduce the incidence of hot flashes, thanks to the action on the blood vessels.

Non-hormonal medications

To relieve the clinical manifestations of menopause, the following herbal remedies are more often used:

 Non-hormonal drugs for menopause

  1. Femivell. This drug is a dietary supplement that has many beneficial properties due to its constituent vitamin E and plant analogues of the hormone estrogen.
  2. Qi-Klim. The tool contains the root of the red brush. It helps to restore the balance of hormones, due to which not only decreases the severity of seizures and other clinical manifestations of menopause, but also improves immunity. The drug has anti-inflammatory properties, helps lower the cholesterol in the body.
  3. Ladys Formula Menopause. This is a complex of vitamins on a natural basis. Created using Passiflora extract. The composition includes a large amount of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Klimadinon. A drug that has an effect similar to that of natural estrogen. Made on the basis of snake root. Regular use can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.
  5. Remens. The drug is a homeopathy, which has a tonic effect. Contains snake venom, cimicifuga extract and other components. It is used to compensate for the lack of hormones, to reduce the symptoms of menopausal syndrome, in particular hot flashes.

Folk remedies

To reduce the frequency of attacks or completely eliminate them, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine:

  1. Sage. This plant is a frequently used product to combat the symptoms of menopause - it can be used as a drink, replacing regular tea. It is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. raw materials poured 500 ml of boiling water and infused. Ready infusion is recommended to drink three times a day. The duration of treatment is two weeks, then a break is made for the same period, after which the therapy should be resumed.
  2. Oregano. This herb is known for its soothing properties. It affects the central nervous system. In addition, oregano has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and choleretic properties, so it can be used to relieve nervous overexcitement, eliminate sleep disorders, reduce pressure.
  3. Herbal infusion. For cooking means you need to mix in equal proportions mint, valerian root, chamomile flowers. 2st.l. pour the obtained composition into a thermos and pour 500 mo of boiling water. After three hours, strain and drink every day a quarter of an hour before breakfast and dinner.

How to delay old age

The later menopause, the easier it will be to move the accompanying symptoms. To delay this natural process, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine. Good help decoctions of herbs - linden, hop cones, angelica root, red clover, mountain ash, oatmeal and barley seeds. The selected component is brewed in a thermos with boiling water or using a water bath. If you regularly take medicinal decoctions, the symptoms of menopause will be less pronounced and will end quickly, without leaving behind any serious complications.

Video: how to cope with the tides during menopause

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