Freshwater Moray - care and maintenance in an aquarium

Freshwater Moray is an exotic fish that belongs to the Murenov family. Very original fish, which is not so often can be found in aquariums. It can often be seen in marine aquariums. This fish does not like fresh water, preferring salted sea water to it. The pet is very picky, so it is not recommended to start it for beginners.

 Freshwater Moray

Where lives

Homeland fish is the eastern Indian Ocean, and in particular - the Ganges River. Loves to live at the junction of sea and fresh water. She loves to hide behind all sorts of snags, objects and stones.

General information:

  • The volume required for the maintenance of fish aquarium - the minimum volume - 400 liters
  • Content temperature - 20-28 degrees
  • Substrate - you can use any
  • Light - dim, muffled
  • Salt content in water - 15 gr.on 1 liter
  • Food - special food for predatory species.
  • Fish size - from 40 to 60 cm
  • Content - one individual or group of individuals.
  • Water Movement - Medium

Description of the species

Adult fish are usually about 40 to 60 centimeters in length. In appearance, a moray eel is very easily confused with a snake or an eel. It has an oblong body that has no fins and is covered with mucus. This allows you to protect the skin of the fish while moving the fish to the shelter. Color and pattern on the body is diverse and depends on the habitat of the moray eel. The color is pale gray, brown with admixture of numerous spots. The belly of the fish is much lighter in color, almost white. Such variable colors led to the fact that many scientists have divided the main view into several additional subspecies.

How and what moray eats

Moray is a predator, therefore it eats small fish and small crustaceans. When a fish is just relocated to an aquarium, it may at first refuse to eat new food, but over time it adapts to the new menu and starts feeding on frozen pieces of fish, shrimp or mussels, as well as special foods.

Before you buy yourself this exotic pet, you should carefully ask the seller about the diet of the fish.

Moray care and its contents

To ensure the fish a comfortable stay, you must acquire an aquarium of not less than 400 liters. The style and design of the future home is not so important and does not play a big role. The main thing that is definitely worth considering is to make a special shelter for fish, because she always likes to hide under something. It is important that the place is not crowded, and the fish can fit there completely. For example, you can put in the aquarium special decorative stones. A regular pipe will also work.

Since the predator is comfortable in brackish water. When heating an aquarium, you must add sea salt to water at the rate of 15 grams per 1 liter of water. It is important to ensure the average movement of water and a sufficiently high level of oxygen. In no case should not allow the accumulation of organic waste and every week to change the water in the aquarium (30-50%) to clean. The important thing is that even though it is a marine inhabitant who prefers to live on the bottom, his ability to get out to the land is known,therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is recommended to cover the aquarium with a lid.

Predator behavior

 Freshwater Moray Behavior
Due to the fact that it is quite an aggressive predator, then the neighbors should be chosen very carefully and carefully. The choice of "friends" in the marine life is extremely limited and can normally coexist with the same types of fish or surpassing them in size, which they can not eat.

Breeding fish

It is important to note that in artificially created conditions, this fish cannot breed, therefore all new species are directly caught for further maintenance.

What are the diseases in fish

If all the conditions created correspond to the habitat of the moray, then it will be able to withstand much, like any other fish. However, if the conditions of detention are violated and the dimple has been in such conditions for a long time, health problems will not take long to wait.

To date, there are hundreds of diseases of aquarium fish. As a rule, the reason is as follows: improper arrangement of the aquarium and improper care. Main reasons:

  1. The water in the aquarium has not been replaced for a long time and has become very dirty.
  2. The water for the fish was chosen incorrectly.
  3. Poor arrangement of the aquarium: no shelter, very bright light, too hot or cold water.
  4. Unsuitable species of fish were placed in one aquarium.
  5. Improper diet, insufficient supply of fish with vitamins and necessary substances.

In any case, any exotic species of fish requires close attention and proper care. If you still decide to purchase a moray eel, ask the owners of this individual what other features this fish has and what you need to take into account in order to avoid possible problems with the content in the future.

Video: Freshwater Moray

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