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Almost everyone faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea in a child. What is pathology? This is a rapid discharge of liquid feces. The causes of pathology are many, the most important thing is not to let everything take its course, but to take adequate measures. Otherwise, diarrhea can lead to undesirable complications and a significant deterioration in the well-being of the baby.
In this article we will consider what can be done if the crumbs have diarrhea, what are the methods of treatment.
The reasons
The reasons often depend on how old your baby is. In infants, diarrhea is quite common, and the pathology may be due to the following factors:
- teething;
- the formation of the digestive tract;
- lactose or enzyme deficiency;
- feeding with an artificial mixture, or incorrectly administered complementary foods;
It can also be caused by a reaction to the mother’s milk: if she does not follow the diet prescribed by the doctor, the baby may have diarrhea.
You can also identify the causes of diarrhea, which are found in young children, regardless of age:
- problems with the nervous system, stress;
- food poisoning - if the child ate substandard food;
- excessive consumption of vegetables and fruits - almost all of them have a laxative effect;
- disorder after antibiotic therapy;
- lack of hygiene: the child eats with dirty hands, does not wash fruit;
- with frequent overeating, diarrhea also occurs.
Also, diarrhea can be a symptom of a serious illness. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, because standard methods will not save you from diarrhea - it is necessary to diagnose the ailment and conduct adequate treatment.
So, diarrhea can be a symptom of the following diseases:
- allergic reactions;
- various infections;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- mucosal inflammation;
- hemorrhoids;
- oncological diseases;
- dysbacteriosis;
- worms;
- Crohn's disease.
To panic ahead of time is not worth it - most often diarrhea is a consequence of poor hygiene or malnutrition. However, you should consult a doctor in order to know for sure that your baby does not have serious health problems.
Important: There is such a pathology as bearish disease. It can be caused by a stressful situation - for example, if a child is nervous before going to kindergarten, or under stress associated with an unhealthy situation in the family. In such cases, the child needs to drink drunk herbs, since this problem is psychological.
It all depends on the mechanism of the flow, as well as the causes. Consider them carefully.
- Infectious diarrhea. In this case, the causative agent is an infectious disease. Up to 2 years old children often suffer from such phenomena, especially in the winter. The incubation period lasts about 2-3 days, after which the baby may develop vomiting, accompanied by diarrhea. In the end, the disease ends with a high body temperature, severe headache and general weakness. The duration of the disease - about 7 days.
- Alimentary. The cause is poor baby food. If he has a very poor diet, there are few vitamins in his food, and his food intake is disturbed - diarrhea is quite possible. Another reason why a crumb can suffer from intestinal disorders is an allergy to food or drugs.
- Dyspeptic. Occurs as a result of violation of the processes of digestion. The reason may be secretory insufficiency of the digestive tract.
- Toxic. Diarrhea occurs as a result of poisoning with certain substances - for example, mercury, arsenic, etc.
- Medication. With prolonged treatment with antibiotics, the intestinal microflora of the child may be disturbed, resulting in diarrhea. Dysbacteriosis may occur.
- Neurogenic. About him it was said above - arises from the frequent stresses, repressed fears and experiences. It is called a bear disease.
Intestinal upset may be acute or chronic. If diarrhea lasts for more than three weeks - this means that the pathology has already become chronic. It is necessary to take action as soon as possible, because diarrhea always leads to dehydration,And this is fraught with unpleasant consequences for the baby.
Diagnostic measures
In order to confirm or exclude the presence of diseases that caused diarrhea, a specialist will in any case appoint a child to undergo diagnostic measures. They may be as follows:
- Radiographic study - it is necessary in order to study the speed of movement through the colon of certain substances that are introduced by artificial means.
- Blood is a mandatory general analysis, and if there is a need to identify specific ailments, then biochemistry is prescribed.
- ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity;
- feces analysis - for dysbacteriosis or worms;
- coprogram;
- bakposev;
- sigmoidoscopy.
The pediatrician selects the diagnostic technique on the basis of general data, such as the nature of feces, general condition, complaints. Only after passing the studies, based on the results of the analysis, can therapy be prescribed.
Treatment methods
It is necessary to start therapy as soon as possible in order to prevent complications that diarrhea can provoke.Naturally, if the disease is serious, refers to internal causes, an urgent need to consult a doctor. External causes of diarrhea, it is necessary to eliminate and conduct therapy in order to remove toxins from the body and to establish the work of the intestine.
First of all, the baby must be given something from salt solutions. These include Oralit, Regidron, Gastrolit. Also give a solution of glucose, it is necessary in order to avoid dehydration.
If the diarrhea is accompanied by temperature, in this case, the baby should be given a drug that contains paracetamol. Children under one year old are prescribed candles due to the fact that they are not able to take a pill or capsule.
Do not neglect the sorbents. They effectively bind and remove toxins from the body, due to which the child’s condition will noticeably improve. The sorbents include white coal, Smekta, Polysorb, Enterosgel, etc.
Specialists in diarrhea prescribe symptomatic drugs - such as Bismuth, Imodium, Calcium carbonate.
If the cause becomes a serious illness, in this case the patient requires hospitalization.It is necessary to call the doctor as soon as possible, and he will develop a further plan of action depending on the general well-being of the little patient.
Therapy depending on the type of the disease:
- Dysbacteriosis. In this case, the baby is important to take drugs that will restore the intestinal microflora. Such drugs include Linex, Enterol, Atsipol, Bifikol. You will also need to drink a course of probiotics, as well as bacteriophages.
- Intestinal infection. In such situations it is necessary to resort to the help of antibiotics. Among the most effective are Nergam, Nevigremon, Kanamycin, Tienam, Ciprofloxacin, etc. Parents should not miss an important point - they shouldn’t prescribe antibiotics to a child, as this can only aggravate the situation. Prescribes therapy to the doctor, depending on the type of infection, the degree of neglect.
- Lack of enzymes. If there are not enough enzymes in the child’s body, it also causes diarrhea. In such cases, Panzinorm, Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin, etc. are used.
If diarrhea is accompanied by severe pain, in this case, the child can be given antispasmodics - Drotaverinum, Spasmomene, etc.
Traditional medicine
If diarrhea in a child is not accompanied by serious symptoms, which may indicate the presence of dangerous pathologies, in this case, you can resort to traditional methods of treatment. All of them have been tried by millions of people and tested by time.
So, if a child has very frequent diarrhea, then this can be dehydrated. In order to avoid it, the parent must prepare a special solution (according to the type of Regidron):
- 1 liter of water;
- 2 tbsp. Sahara;
- 1 tsp salts;
- 1 tsp soda
You should give your baby a drink every 15 minutes, at least in small sips.
Consider popular, safe and highly effective recipes that help stop diarrhea:
- Rice decoction. With it, you can get rid of excessive gas, eliminate stomach cramps, as well as stop diarrhea. Prepare as follows: put 40 grams of rice on a half-liter of water, simmer for about 50 minutes. After the specified time, the resulting broth should be poured into a glass, cool. Give the child 2 tbsp. every 2 hours. Naturally, if the baby is very small, the portion should be reduced.
- Garnet. Do not use for infants.It is easy to prepare the medicine - you need to take a spoonful of the crusts of this fruit, pour a glass of boiling water. After covering with a clean cloth and hide in a dark place for 3-4 hours. Drink 30 grams 3 times a day. It is important to bear in mind that using this infusion diarrhea for more than 2 days cannot be treated.
- Walnut leaves. You will need one sheet and 200 ml of boiling water. Give insist 10-20 minutes, after which you can give the patient. The tool must be prepared immediately before use.
- Potato starch. It is necessary to make a solution out of it - 1 tsp. starch and 1st.l. Cold water is thoroughly mixed, after which the solution should be given to drink to the child.
- Bird cherry It is also a very effective tool. It will take 5 berries of a bird cherry and 300 grams of water - all this needs to be boiled over low heat for about 30 minutes. After cool, strain - the resulting liquid will save from diarrhea.
- Coil root. In the composition there are tannins - they provide a lashing effect. It is noteworthy that the fact that the coil root is completely safe for babies is not proven, therefore it is necessary to use the tool with caution.The plant is non-toxic. The broth is prepared as follows: the root must be grind grated. After you take a teaspoon of the root, add 200 ml of water to it. Next, bring the mixture to a boil, then immediately remove the heat and leave to infuse.
- The root burnet. It will take 1 tbsp. chopped root, pour 200 ml. water. To simmer the mixture on low heat for about 25 minutes. Leave to brew for about 20 minutes. After you need to strain the resulting broth. Give the child a drink 15 before the meal. It is noteworthy that this decoction must be taken even after improving the general condition.
- Bananas. If you grind unripe fruits in thick porridge, they can help eliminate intestinal upset. It can be used for children of any age - if the parents are sure that the crumbs are not individually intolerant of this product.
- Potassium permanganate You can give your baby a weak solution - it allows you to eliminate intoxication, also stops diarrhea. The only thing is that potassium permanganate can provoke an emetic reflex, therefore it must be given with caution.
What diet should be followed for diarrhea?
Parents should know how to feed the child correctly in order to avoid a relapse. Many products tend to provoke a disorder in stool, so they should be excluded from the diet. These foods include foods rich in fiber. You also need to exclude foods that contain a large number of simple carbohydrates - they cause fermentation in the intestine. Also, the baby will have to abandon his favorite treats - ice cream and milk chocolate. Besides the fact that such food can provoke an attack of diarrhea, it is harmful.
You can eat:
- dried wheat bread;
- light soups in the secondary broth;
- boiled eggs;
- lean fish and meat;
- cottage cheese without various additives;
- All kinds of porridge, boiled in water.
It is forbidden to eat:
- rich soups in fat broth;
- fresh vegetables;
- fast food;
- pickles and smoked products;
- milk products;
- soda;
- cakes, chocolates.
Possible complications
It depends on the timeliness of applying for qualified help whether a baby will be hospitalized. If diarrhea occurs as a result of external factors, it will not threaten health.When diarrhea becomes a consequence of a disease - it is fraught with the health of the baby.
If you do not promptly go to the doctor and do not begin treatment, then this may result in the following complications:
- cramps - they often appear as a result of dehydration;
- upset stomach in chronic form;
- dysbacteriosis, as a result - proctosigmoiditis, dermatitis, asthma;
- dysentery, as a result - pericolitis, arthritis, intestinal bleeding, anemia, etc.
Dehydration - the body loses a large amount of fluid, along with it potassium and magnesium are washed out, and these substances are vital for the normal development of the child's body.
If diarrhea persists for a long time, it will be very difficult to treat its effects. That is why all pediatricians argue that it is necessary to conduct therapy in a timely manner in order not to harm the health of the child and prevent the pathology from developing into a chronic form.
Preventive measures
Every parent should be aware of the need to take preventive measures - in order to avoid diarrhea:
- the baby must follow the rules of hygiene;
- give products of animal origin to the baby only in a thermally processed form;
- fruits and vegetables must be washed.
If the child is breastfed - in this case, the mother must necessarily follow a diet.
If you adhere to all the above simple rules - you can prevent diarrhea, due to external factors. If diarrhea is accompanied by other symptoms - the baby must be led to the pediatrician. Only a qualified doctor, after passing all examinations, will be able to establish the exact cause of diarrhea in the baby, as well as prescribe adequate treatment.
Video: fever with diarrhea and vomiting: what to do?
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