The benefits and harm of pumpkin oil. Application Methods

Pumpkin seeds contain a high oil content, accounting for about 30%. The shade of the liquid composition can vary from brownish to light red, the flavor of the composition resembles a nut. Pumpkin seed oil based on a cold cycle. Thanks to the pressing technology, a useful and high-quality product is obtained, which can practically not harm human health. For more detailed information let us analyze important aspects step by step.

 The benefits and harm of pumpkin oil

Chemical composition and caloric content

  1. The high calorie content of pumpkin oil is caused by the accumulation of micro and macro elements, vitamins, organic acids and other valuable enzymes. 100 gr. The product has 894 Kcal.For comparison, sunflower oil, which has a much lower value, is the same high-calorie.
  2. So, pumpkin composition prepared by cold pressing includes tocopherol, ascorbic acid, thiamine, retinol, niacin, riboflavin, vitamins B5 — B6, beta carotene, vitamin B9.
  3. It is difficult not to isolate magnesium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, calcium and phosphorus from macroelements. With regards to trace elements, they are in excess of pumpkin oil. Copper, iron, cobalt, iodine, manganese, fluorine, zinc are present.
  4. The list does not end with the listed items. Pumpkin seed oil is also rich in terin, carotenoids, plant hormones, pectin, phospholipids, poly- and monounsaturated organic acids in quantities of more than 12 pieces.

The benefits of pumpkin oil

  1. For the beauty of hair, skin and nails. The composition of love for the undeniable value for the nail plate, hair and epidermis. Pumpkin oil in the common people is called anti-aging biologically active food supplement. Regular intake of the product makes the skin smooth, evens out the tone of the face, gives a light blush, relieves swelling and dark circles under the eyes.In this case, the hair becomes shiny, strong and moisturized. The nail plate gains strength, ceases to exfoliate and break. This value is due to the content of the natural hormone - phytosterol.
  2. For immunity. Pumpkin oil can be taken as a prophylactic or therapeutic treatment to strengthen the immune system. Systematic use increases protective functions, which helps to resist viral infections during their spread. The oil is recommended for people who are born with low immunity. It will be easier for you to endure the off-season and “walking” times of the flu, ARVI, ORZ. The product replenishes 70% of valuable elements in which the body is deficient.
  3. For the digestive tract. Pumpkin squeeze favorably affects the activity of the digestive system. From the beginning of use, there may be a change (in particular a disorder) of the stool, but this will pass after a while. Oil normalizes intestinal peristalsis, eliminates constipation (including chronic). The composition accelerates the absorption of valuable elements in the blood, has a slight diuretic and laxative effect.After a week of systematic intake, the body is completely cleansed of chronic wastes and poisons.
  4. For the heart and circulatory system. The use of pumpkin oil heals the cardiovascular system. Particularly valuable composition is considered to be hypotensive, people with varicose veins, anemia (anemia), bradycardia, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, angina, ischemia and other disorders of the main muscle. Benefit is due to the accumulation of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the right proportion. They contribute to the correct production of insulin, remove bad cholesterol, give the vessels elasticity and strength.
  5. For the genitourinary system. Folk healers widely used squeeze pumpkin seeds for the treatment of disorders of the genitourinary system of men and women. The strong half of humanity helps the product to cure prostatitis, impotence, impaired reproductive function. It is beneficial for women to drink oil to treat vaginitis, thrush, cervicitis, cervical erosion. In addition, the composition relieves unpleasant symptoms during menstruation, reduces the number of hot flashes during menopause, helps to fight against infertility, polycystic disease, anovulation.
  6. For the liver and gallbladder. Due to the phospholipids contained in the oil, the work of the gallbladder is normalized, the likelihood of stones or sand in the cavity of the internal organ is excluded. Oil restores the structure of the liver, fills the holes, removes toxic substances. It is indicated for consumption during ailments of the biliary tract, with duodenal ulcer and stomach, constipation, colitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, enterocolitis, gastroduodenitis.
  7. For the prevention and treatment of worms. The composition is prescribed by a doctor in case of detection of parasitic worms and other helminthic invasions. Oil fights tape-type helminths in adults and children. Antiparasitic property is achieved by unsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids, antioxidants.
  8. For the nervous system. Often, pumpkin seed oil is used to clean up the psycho-emotional background of a person. The product helps to recover from severe depression and endured stress, fights nightmares and insomnia, removes migraines and frequent headaches with hypotension. It is useful to take the composition of those who are faced with chronic fatigue, apathy, impaired self-control. Sedative properties will help calm down and bring nerves in tone.
  9. For the treatment of skin lesions. Oil based on pumpkin seeds treats skin ailments. It is enough to warm up the composition slightly (up to 25-30 degrees), then apply to the damaged surface of the epidermis. Most often, such therapy is carried out with burns of various degrees of complications (including solar), eczema, psoriasis, severe abrasions and wounds. Regenerating effect contributes to the rapid healing and reduction of the size of scars. Often the product is used to eliminate the effects of allergies (rash, itching, red spots, etc.).

The benefits of pumpkin oil for men

 The benefits of pumpkin oil for men

  1. Pumpkin oil is recommended for consumption by all men, because the composition has a beneficial effect on reproductive function and potency. The product accelerates blood microcirculation in the area of ​​the penis, increases the "burning" and the volume of spermatozoa. Oil is very appreciated by people who have found it difficult to conceive a child.
  2. Also, the oil has a beneficial effect on the urinary tract of a man, has antitumor properties, and prevents prophylactics of the kidneys, bladder, urethra and prostate gland. All this is due to the accumulation of zinc.
  3. Many people know that strong representatives of the world more often than women suffer from heart disease. The accumulation of magnesium eliminates the likelihood of stroke, heart attack, ischemia, bradycardia and other similar illnesses.

The benefits of pumpkin oil for women

  1. The product is used in the treatment of cervical erosion, coleitis, other inflammatory processes. For this, female doctors prescribe the introduction of a tampon moistened in oil inside the vagina. Therapy is carried out every day before going to bed. The duration of treatment is until complete recovery and disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.
  2. Many ladies are interested in the question of whether it is possible to take oil from pumpkin seeds during pregnancy. Yes, of course, it has a beneficial effect on the health of the mother and the future baby. The composition forms the skeleton and the nervous system of the fetus, stabilizes the psycho-emotional background of the girl.
  3. During pregnancy, it is useful to take pumpkin seed oil to get rid of puffiness and constipation, insomnia, toxemia in the early stages. Take 10 ml. 3 times a day every day. Oil is contraindicated for girls who are allergic to carotene.

The benefits of pumpkin oil for children

  1. Cold-pressed oil is used by pediatricians and newly-made mothers as a cosmetic. They are smeared on the outer areas of the skin to avoid diaper rash, prickly heat, rashes, traces of insect bites.
  2. It is beneficial for nursing girls to take the composition inside to improve the quality and fat content of milk, getting rid of the bitter taste. Through milk, the most valuable elements enter the body of the newborn.
  3. Children age from year is recommended to add pumpkin oil as an additional component to the main dishes. Begin to enter the composition drop by drop during the first week, gradually increasing the amount to 4-5 ml.
  4. It is advisable for children of school and preschool age to drink pumpkin seed oil in order to increase working capacity, strengthen brain activity, and keep the psyche in good shape.

Application of pumpkin oil

 Application of pumpkin oil

  1. With chapping lips. Lips are often dried and chapped, resulting in bleeding cracks on the skin. Not all cosmetic lipsticks are able to cope with this ailment.For wound healing, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with pumpkin oil and leave overnight. In just three days, you will clean the sponges, saturate them with moisture and add color.
  2. When peeling skin. As mentioned earlier, tocopherol with retinol has a rejuvenating effect on the epidermis. Lubricate areas with wrinkles, peeling, rashes oil, rub and leave overnight. Repeat the procedure every day.
  3. With dryness and hair loss. Pumpkin seed oil effectively fights male and female type alopecia, eliminates dandruff, dryness, and section. To do this, the heated composition is heated to 35 degrees and rubbed into the root area. After two hours of exposure, the product is easily removed with shampoo.
  4. When infected with helminths. If you are faced with a worm infestation, pumpkin seed oil is administered orally and as an enema. Use three times a day for 10 ml. product half an hour before the meal. In the evening, do the usual enema for cleansing, an hour after it, prepare a mini-enema based on 20 ml. oils. Therapy is carried out every day until the parasite worms disappear.
  5. With an ulcer. To get rid of duodenal ulcers or stomach, as well as gastritis, take the oil with the existing scheme. Drink 40 ml. composition 4 times a day for half an hour before meals for 1-1.5 months. Next, take a 15-day break, if necessary, resume therapy.
  6. When losing weight. Weight reduction is achieved due to the complete cleansing of the digestive tract and the acceleration of metabolism. Since the oil is too high in calories, it should not be taken in large volumes. To achieve the goal, drink 80 ml. per day, breaking the specified amount into 4 receptions. The best option is to add ingredients to salads and cereals.
  7. For skin problems. If you have psoriasis, diathesis, eczema, acne, skin irritation, pressure sores, striae, oil is rubbed outwardly and taken orally. Drink 2 times a day for a teaspoon before meals. At night, lubricate the damaged areas with warm composition. The course continues until the elimination of symptoms.

Pumpkin Oil Harm

Oil on the basis of pumpkin seeds is a product that practically does not harm the human body. However, there are some contraindications, consider them.

The product is taken in minimal quantities or is excluded from the diet completely in case of individual intolerance, oil allergy, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, diabetes, flatulence, chronic diarrhea.

Pumpkin oil has a wide range of applications, because it contains a high concentration of valuable elements. It is useful to take the product inside children, men and women. As a result of regular consumption, all body functions are normalized.

Video: about the benefits of pumpkin oil

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