The benefits and harm of mineral water for the body

Mineral water treatment is slowly becoming a thing of the past. However, there are adherents who still use mineral water for preventive purposes as a remedy for thousands of diseases. Today's market is full of this drink; you can find brackish mineral water with or without gas. For this reason, in view of the prevalence, it is worth knowing what a miraculous drug can do.

 The benefits and harm of mineral water

Types of mineral water

  1. Canteen. Mineralization of table water can be done with a laboratory and all the necessary equipment. In the end, you get a mineral water with a minimum content of salts and compounds in comparison with the natural drug. The drink may be useful for people who lack one or another element.In one form of mineral water is dominated by, for example, sodium. The second is rich in phosphorus or calcium, the third - sulphate and so on. But it should be understood that all this is achieved artificially.
  2. Therapeutic. The mineral water is exclusively natural, it is extracted from a deep well, and then it is processed and purified. Medical narzan is checked by all possible means for the absence of salts of heavy metals and other harmful impurities. From the use of such a product a person should get the maximum benefit. Due to the extensive concentration of mineral water can not be drunk in large volumes. The cost of such a drink is higher than the price of possible analogues. Healing water should be consumed only as prescribed by a physician for therapeutic purposes.
  3. The canteen is medical. Mixed type that has gained popularity. There are no strict restrictions on reception, with all this, the drink is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The concentration of active substances is reduced by 1.5-2 times than in purely healing mineral water. Mixed type includes not only table and medicinal water, but also ordinary filtered water. However, in terms of usefulness, it is not inferior to the second type of mineral water.

Mineral water benefits

  1. The drink is obtained from the bowels of the earth. Water passes through the layers, thereby becoming free from harmful impurities and enriched with nutrients. When using this mineral water, the activity of absolutely all vital systems and organs of a person is normalized. It’s not for nothing that our organism consists mostly of water.
  2. Healing mineral water truly works wonders. This is a real magic wand for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, circulatory, endocrine, nervous system. Very often mineral water is consumed in urinary, cardiological and intestinal disorders.
  3. Any purified water is a source of youth and longevity, mineral water in particular. With the consumption of mixed, dining or healing mineral water, the body rejuvenates on all fronts. The skin comes in order, wrinkles are smoothed, the person loses weight naturally.
  4. Since in such a drink a lot of calcium, improves the condition of the teeth, bone tissue and nails. The drug has a pleasant feature to reduce cholesterol levels and clear the blood channels.In view of this, maximum prevention of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis is carried out.
  5. It is useful to use narzan to patients with diabetes. The composition of mineral water has all the compounds that are responsible for the decrease in blood glucose. On this basis, the general condition improves, the dependence on insulin is reduced.
  6. The beneficial properties of mineral water apply to people who are overweight. The drink is included in absolutely any diet, therapeutic or prophylactic. It allows you to get rid of fat several times faster than if you lose weight with a small amount of daily water consumed.
  7. Mineral water improves stools, relieves constipation and, on the contrary, diarrhea. Due to their diuretic properties, the kidneys are cleaned, sand and small pebbles are removed from their cavity. Narzan also has a positive effect on the liver, increasing the flow of bile.
  8. Girls during the menstrual cycle, women with menopause, expectant mothers just need mineral water without gas. Such a drink normalizes the water-alkaline balance, increases hemoglobin, will normalize the psycho-emotional environment.
  9. Heated mineral water is used in health resorts for the treatment of pneumonia, asthma, prolonged cough and other ailments associated with the human respiratory tract. Mineral oil helps to eliminate mucus and partially eliminates the smoker’s cough.
  10. On the basis of cool mineral water it is possible to prepare a tonic for the face, and narzan is also often frozen to obtain cosmetic ice. Subsequently, the use of these natural products will help you keep your skin young and cope with fine wrinkles.
  11. It should be mentioned the obvious fact that a person should not be allowed to dehydrate the body. Mineral water perfectly copes with this task, if you use it regularly and in full doses. Against this background, the digestive processes will improve, intestinal peristalsis will improve, and stomach pains will disappear.

Mineral water during pregnancy and lactation

 Mineral water during pregnancy and lactation

  1. Female doctors advise future and newly-minted moms to use mineral water in doses to give the body a general tone.
  2. During pregnancy, almost all women change their eating habits, suffer from toxicosis and indigestion (heartburn, constipation). Mineral water will help to cope with these delicate problems.
  3. Nursing mothers just need to consume water to get all the vitamins, mineral compounds, amino acids and other elements. They will be passed along with the milk to the baby.
  4. The main thing is to remember that the reception should be carried out, after releasing gases from a bottle of mineral water. To do this, leave the vessel open for 50-60 minutes.

The benefits of mineral water for the face

  1. Proper use of the product for the skin will give an amazing result. Such water can be consumed inside and applied externally. The composition is mixed with other components in the preparation of homemade masks.
  2. It is important to know that for cosmetics it is necessary to use water without gas. Carbonated mineral water adversely affects the dermis. Carbon dioxide accelerates the aging process and destroys skin cells.
  3. To ensure proper hydration and toning, it is recommended to carry out a simple procedure every day. Freeze mineral water without gas in advance. Wipe the skin with ready-made ice cubes.
  4. To eliminate shine and adjust the activity of the sebaceous glands,It is necessary to use mineral water with a high rate of salt in the composition. As a result of systematic rubbing of the face, the skin will acquire an even tone, the pores will narrow.
  5. To eliminate swelling on the face and get rid of bags under the eyes, you should prepare a simple tonic. Equally mix the non-carbonated mineral water and chamomile decoction. Wipe your face twice a day.
  6. To cleanse the skin and pores from impurities, brew calendula with boiled mineral water. Use the tool as a lotion. Leave the makeup on the face for a quarter of an hour.

Mineral water for children

 Mineral water for children

  1. Nowadays, the actual question is whether it is possible to give mineral water to children and from what age. The answer is definitely there, the child can only drink a certain type of product. You should not give mineral water to babies up to six months. During this period, the body gets everything you need from milk.
  2. If you feed your baby with an artificial mixture, mineral water will not be superfluous. Drink can be included in the diet from 1 month. Keep in mind that it is necessary to use a special mineral water for infants. Often, this water is called children's water. The product is thoroughly tested.
  3. It is not recommended to give children mineral water of natural origin with healing qualities. If there is such a need, consult your pediatrician in advance. The doctor will determine what kind of mineral water must be given and with a certain composition.

Mineral water damage

  1. It is important to understand that practically all mineral and table water is carbonated. An excess of carbon dioxide in the product provokes an increased secretion of gastric juice. In most cases, heartburn occurs. After a while, gastritis and ulcer may develop.
  2. If you often drink an additional mineralized product, the body can get an excess of active substances. As a result, the water-salt balance is disturbed. Renal failure may develop, sand and stones appear.
  3. Mineral water produced in natural conditions, is further processed at the enterprise. As a result, most of the natural elements are lost. Such a product does not carry any benefit.
  4. If you consume natural narzan, it is important to understand that mineral water can be beneficial for the body. But, consuming raw materials in unlimited quantities, often poisoning occurs.

The benefits of mineral water, of course, is. Consume the product wisely and study the composition. Natural sources of health just do not harm. As for the goods sold, it all depends on the manufacturer. Before buying always study the composition, date of manufacture and shelf life.

Video: mineral water - medicine or poison?

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