Why yellow ovary cucumbers. What to do?

Many gardeners face problems in growing vegetables. In particular, they are interested in why the ovaries turn yellow in cucumbers. What to do? - they think. Today we will talk about it.

 Why do yellow cucumber ovaries

Impassable forests

As usually happens? Bought a bag of cucumber seeds, flattered by a magical description of a mighty crop in perspective. Sown, then sprouts planted in the usual way. It seems to be taking care of, flying, loosening, watering. Cucumbers are growing, and now, after a month the bed does not know. Jungle! The most real! With lianas, huge burdock leaves ... and ovaries turn yellow and fall off.

What to do? It was necessary to think in the spring, even when the seeds were purchased. The trick of the producers is that the description is written for ideal conditions and maximum yield. Can you provide completely perfect content? Hardly.Most likely your errors are:

  1. Thickened landing. On the package 3 plants are written on 4 square meters. m. So you need to put it that way. And you poke shoots after 30 cm. Consider that the modern varieties have a wide root system. The food area should be enough to provide food for the whole plant. Therefore, do not neglect the recommendations on the bag.
  2. Scourge grow as you like. Let's face it. Few people are engaged in the careful formation of cucumbers. The maximum that most gardeners are capable of is to pinch the central stem, as mothers and grandmothers taught. The mistake is that cucumbers with beam ovaries are formed in a slightly different way. From the beginning of the whip 5 leaves are counted. Anything that tries to get out of the sinuses, ruthlessly plucked out. Pasyns are not allowed to grow at all, tearing off the top of their head after 2 leaves. The central stem does not touch! It is he who gives the main crop.
  3. Leaves. It seems that if there are many leaves on a plant, then there will be many ovaries. Bullshit. The number of ovaries is laid genetically and it does not depend on lopushki. Therefore, boldly remove those leaves that create unnecessary shadow and thickness.

All these procedures greatly facilitate the life of the plant. The root system directs nutrients to the development of the ovaries, and not the growth of stepsons or shoots 3 orders of magnitude.

Rich table

How often do you feed your cucumbers? Only once a month, if not for the whole season? And these people are interested in why the ovary turns yellow! Sorry, but in order to feed the whole crop, the plant needs to eat something. Otherwise, it just throws most of the freeloaders.

What to do? To stop the ovary to turn yellow, you need to feed cucumbers every 7-9 days. Before the appearance of flowers, it can be urea, an infusion of mullein or bird droppings. Then the plant will pick up a decent green mass. And after the formation of ovaries without mineral water is not enough. For the growth of fruits need phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese. What kind of natural top-dressing can you provide cucumbers with the presence of these trace elements? Yes, no.

Without industrial fertilizers, you will not get the maximum yield. Ovary will still turn yellow and fall off. Just do not overdo it with the dosage. From your generosity, there may be an oversupply of trace elements, and this will not benefit. Rather hurt.

By the way, in the greenhouses and greenhouses you can use air dressing.For example, now the industry offers special briquettes for burning in shelters. The meaning of the novelty is that it is necessary to close all the holes as tightly as possible and light the cube of fertilizers inside. The air will be a large number of trace elements that are deposited on the leaves. It turns out foliar nutrition. Naturally, then the shelter must be ventilated, before going inside.

This method is still not very common, but its popularity is already rapidly gaining momentum. Naturally, in the open field there will be no sense from him, everything will evaporate faster than it is absorbed or the wind will spread through the surroundings. But the owners of greenhouses can take a note.

Correct shower

All the articles, as one, say the same thing: cucumbers can not be watered from above. Well, who came up with this nonsense with droplets, lenses in the sun? Let him show at least one plant, burnt down after natural rain. And at the same time it will tell you how to help the cucumbers not to throw off the yellow ovary, when during the day the scale of the thermometer shows above + 33 ° С.

 Watering cucumbers

What to do when the leaves in the sun hang like cloths, and the ovaries turn yellow and fall off literally before our eyes? Hey, couch lens specialists, answer me! And do not now about pritenenie. It is possible to block 2 bushes from the sun.And if people have 3 weave planted? Where to get so much fabric for shading all the beds?

Forget this myth. Water sprinkling cucumbers boldly. In the heat - every day, when the temperature decreases, then you can wait a little with drinking. Focus on the state of the soil near the roots and the appearance of the lashes.

By the way, at temperatures above + 36 ° C, pollen becomes sterile. Here, for sure, all ovaries will turn yellow if they form. And sprinkling:

  • reduces the temperature around cucumber bushes
  • cools the surface of the leaves, preventing burns
  • refreshes the ovary
  • washes dust off the leaves, allowing them to breathe

Therefore, leave the nonsense and get busy, otherwise you will be left without cucumbers at all.

Furry bumblebee…

And not only he, but the bee. Without these striped helpers, the cucumber ovary will yellow and fade safely. After all, not all polls plant self-pollinating hybrids.

We came across recommendations to put a hive on the site. Interestingly, this is an adequate person wrote? Not only is this a big responsibility, because with the inability to handle bees such a venture can be deadly! Besides, the hive must be taken somewhere.Or are they sold at every lousy kiosk immediately with insects? You need to think what you say.

What to do? First, stop writing in the search engine "buy a beehive with bees." Then you have to go to the kitchen. Take 1 l of plain pure water, add 100 g of white sugar. Now the whole thing must be thoroughly stirred. And stomp to the beds with cucumbers. The resulting liquid gently sprayed landing. Not until dripping, but quite a bit.

Insects pollinators from afar will feel an alluring smell and will arrive for prey. Of course, they don’t eat sugar, but they will thoroughly shuffle them according to the color of cucumbers. At the same time and do their job. After this, the ovary will not turn yellow.

Opponents of this method can be advised to plant honey plants in the bushes of cucumbers. They will also attract bees and bumblebees on the beds. Beautiful and without violence.

More! More!

How many gardeners remember the information from the bag to the beginning of fruiting? But it plays a huge role in the sudden yellowing of the ovaries. After all, most are accustomed to pickling vegetables in the old manner, in banks of 3 liters. Accordingly, the cucumbers there are stuffed large, at least 11 cm long.

On the packaging, it was clearly written: gherkins. So, you need to shoot the fruit up to a length of 8 cm. And if there is a word pickles, then even less - only 5 cm.

What is really happening: they saw a tiny cucumber ... and left it, let it grow up. No, we do not mind. But, while one fruit grows, at least 5 ovaries will turn yellow and fall off.

What to do? Collect cucumbers daily. This will allow new ovaries to develop normally, and not fall off immediately.

It is necessary to carefully examine the plants from all sides. A familiar situation: a long whip without a single ovary, but somewhere at the beginning of the stem there is a hefty yellow bast. He ate all the nutrients, and the bush simply threw off all the rest of the ovary.

Did you know that even overexposure of the fetus on the lash at 3 o'clock already takes away more than 50% of the nutrition from small cucumbers? Take this into account, do not let the fruit outgrow even by a centimeter. Then the rest of the ovary will remain on the stem and will not turn yellow.

Old age is no joy

Sometimes it happens like this: all the tips are taken into account and applied as expected. And you see, yet a few of the ovaries have turned yellow. Not massively, but pleasant enough.Begin convulsive search for their mistakes. Then there is a change in the rules of care, some other actions. What for? If from all the ovaries yellowed no more than 10%, then you should not wrestle.

 What to do if the cucumber ovary turns yellow

What to do? Stop going crazy. Cucumbers are designed so that they initially raise the number of ovaries with a small margin. Yellowing a few pieces over the entire growing season is perfectly normal. There should be no panic, only a sober assessment of the situation. Anxiety needs to start beating when the ovaries begin to turn yellow rapidly and on the whole plant at the same time. Everything else is from the evil one.

By the way, with the natural aging of the plant, the same thing happens. Some ovaries turn yellow. All you need is to podozhuchit a little central stem for the formation of additional roots. Care and maintenance try not to change.

From heat to cold and back

Some gardeners complain that with the advent of August, the ovary of the ovaries of the cucumbers becomes rampant. And on questioning, it turns out that none of the complainants helped the landings to endure cold nights. After all, a sharp temperature drop can be one of the causes of the problem.The root system will refuse to work properly in cool soil. Consequently, the flow of nutrients to all parts of the plant is sharply reduced. Throwing the leaves or throwing away part of the shoots of cucumbers is problematic. So, we must urgently get rid of the ovaries, directing food to the fruits that have already begun to ripen.

What to do? Those who prepared the bed in advance, adding a large amount of organic matter or manure to the soil, have nothing to worry about. Roots will be reliably protected by natural heat. But the rest should think about how to make the difference in day and night temperatures minimal. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Arrange and make a temporary shelter from a thin film or a dense non-woven material. In the evening, cover the cucumbers, and in the morning remove protection from the cold.
  2. Inside for the night you can put plastic bottles with hot water.
  3. Several containers with fermenting green fertilizer not only give off heat, but also saturate the air around the bushes with ammonia, which will serve as an additional feeding and night “battery” at the same time.
  4. In between the rows make the grooves, as close as possible to the roots of plants. Inside lay manure or finely chopped greens.All this stuff is well shed solution em drugs. The process of maturation begins with the production of a large amount of heat. That is what we need.

In a word, necessity is the mother of invention. If a person is puzzled by the question of the salvation of the ovaries of his cucumbers, then he will definitely figure out how to do this on his own.

Now you know exactly why the ovaries turn yellow in cucumbers. What to do? - figure it out yourself after reading our article. And following our recommendations, you will collect a decent crop of vegetables, which will greatly delight yourself and your household.

Video: why the ovaries grow yellow and do not grow on cucumbers

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