Why Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow. What to do?

Why Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow. What to do? Such a request is often introduced into the search engines by people who are too actively caring for their indoor flowers. Let's see why this happens.

 Why Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow

Wrong watering

Most gardeners do not realize that Kalanchoe is a succulent. Water is poured with a generous hand, from the heart and often. They do not even give the soil in the pot a good dry. But the plant is quite able to do without watering for a long time. And the overflow leads to the strongest rotting of the roots. And if it is very simple to save the Kalanchoe from drought, the yellowing from overflow practically never recovers.

Signs. Leaves turn yellow throughout the plant, soft, watery. Kalanchoe itself looks depressed, often shoots bend under the weight of water inside the leaf plates.

What to do. Urgent save! The usual termination of watering, as recommended by some sources, will give nothing. The root system has already begun to rot. It is necessary to immediately stop this process, otherwise the plant will die.

To do this, Kalanchoe is pulled out of the pot, then the roots are thoroughly washed under a stream of warm water. Now you need to carefully trim all rotten, foul-smelling and dark in color. The slices are powdered with crushed activated charcoal, left to dry in the open air for at least an hour.

After that, Kalanchoe is transplanted into another soil and a new pot. In the old there may be many pathogenic bacteria.

In the future, strictly monitor the moderation of irrigation. Recommended procedure: the top layer of soil in the pot has dried, plus another 5 days. By the way, do not particularly zealous. The soil is only slightly moisturized. No need to wait until water flows from the drainage holes. Kalanchoe does not like this. Otherwise, the root system, like a pump, will absorb absolutely all the moisture. And unknowing owners will start watering the plant again when they see the dry earth in the pot. The circle closes, the leaves begin to turn yellow again.

Wrong lighting

Signs of lack of light.The leaves turn yellow, shrink. Shoots become thin and long as matches.

Signs of excess light. The leaves turn yellow, curl, dry. The plant does not bloom.

What to do. Kalanchoe is very fond of bright light. But not more than 10 hours a day. Therefore, the output of only 2:

  1. Artificially create a short light day, covering the Kalanchoe with an opaque material.
  2. Choose a place of detention where the duration of the lighting will be normal. For example, an oriental window sill.

By the way, if the Kalanchoe is already stretched out and turned yellow, then it will not be possible to save the shoots. They will not become a lush compact bush. They will have to be cut. Just do not throw away. These shoots are well rooted, so why not get a few new plants? Of these, then it will be possible to easily form a beautiful crown with proper care.

Dry air

The second most common cause of yellowing of leaves is in Kalanchoe, especially during the heating season. Few people think about how hot radiators affect the plant.

 What to do if kalanchoe leaves turn yellow

Signs. The tips of the leaves turn yellow on the whole plant, then they begin to dry out completely.

What to do.Humidify the air around Kalanchoe as often as possible. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Spray with warm clean water from a spray bottle.
  2. Put around a few extra containers with ordinary water.
  3. Cover radiators with wet towels or blankets.
  4. Place a pallet with expanded clay, peat or sphagnum nearby. Constantly water them.

If you do not have the opportunity to provide Kalanchoe with normal moist air, then it is better to artificially enter it into a state of rest. Put in a cool place (+ 14-16 ° С), reduce watering. In this position, the plant can be no more than 2 months, well, then you have to come up with something with an increase in humidity. Otherwise, the tips of the leaves will turn yellow.


Signs. The leaves turn yellow on the whole plant, look boiled, shriveled, but not dry. The plant as a whole looks healthy.

What to do. Stop frying Kalanchoe. It loves bright light, so many flower growers settle it in the south or west window. This is quite acceptable, only in recent years, the summer of the middle band presents incredible surprises.In the sun, the thermometer creeps far above + 40 ° C. As a result, the plant is simply fried.

It is imperative to pritenyat Kalanchoe in the sun. This can be done with white paper, thick light cloth. As a result, the plant will receive enough lighting, but will do without sunburn. And it is better to rearrange the pot for the curtain. For example, on a table or a bedside table near the window. Then do not have to fence every day shading.

Natural wilt

Signs. Leaves sometimes turn yellow at the bottom of the stem, gradually dry and fall. The plant looks vigorous, grows well and blooms.

What to do. Nothing to change! Absolutely everything suits your pet. And the loss of a certain amount of lower leaflets is a normal natural aging process. Do not interfere with the familiar microclimate. Kalanchoe feels great.

Improper fertilizer

Nutrient oversupply is as destructive as deficiency. Immediately after transplantation, some comrades begin zealously handfuls of feeding in the pot. And what is Kalanchoe? Uncomplainingly, everything is absorbed by the root system.Here are the leaves refuse to accept such gluttony.

Signs. Leaf plates first turn yellow, then turn brown. There may be a red border, brown, wet spots. The plant looks unhealthy, does not bloom. A large number of loose shoots, can begin to rot the crown.

What to do. Stop eating by yourself and stop stuffing innocent flower. This is a succulent, he used to live in very cruel conditions. And you give him fertilizer!

Normally, you need to reduce by 2 times the dose of trace elements recommended by the manufacturer. Then all this good will benefit. Oversupply always hurts. Have you ever seen a fat people, healthy? There is no such. So why should Kalanchoe be different? Always think before pouring mineral water into the water for irrigation.

Council In order not to be mistaken, use long-lasting fertilizers. Simply place the tablet or granule in the pot. Kalanchoe itself will take as much power as needed during the next watering.


Signs. Leaf plates change pigmentation on the whole plant, sticky spots, small dots appear.Then they grow.

 Yellow leaves at Kalanchoe

What to do. Open eyes. Indeed, on the leaves of Kalanchoe it is very difficult not to notice uninvited guests. Insects are very well distinguished by the naked eye, especially on the underside of leaves.

Immediately treat the victim with any insecticide of systemic action. Just be sure to look for the phrase “allowed for indoor plants” on the package. And strictly follow the dosage.

It is advisable to place Kalanchoe in quarantine for a time so that other flowers do not get infected. If necessary, the treatment is repeated again after about 7-10 days.


Excessive watering or too cold air often leads to various diseases. As a rule, the owners understand this too late.

Signs. The leaves turn yellow very quickly, then become covered with a bluish bloom. Or whitish fluff. The plant fades, then dies.

What to do. Of course, you can try to save the Kalanchoe by spraying fungicide. But even if it recovers, the view will be very unpresentable. What is the beauty in a long bald stalk with a bundle of curves of deformed leaves at the top? Still, not a palm tree.

Only one way out of this situation.We'll have to cut as many healthy cuttings as possible to try to root them and grow a new Kalanchoe. As a rule, this problem does not arise, shoots very quickly gain strength, build up the root system and go to growth.

And do not grieve the loss. In any situation, you need to be able to see its advantages. But you will have many young healthy plants instead of one sick and shabby poor fellow.

Now you know why the leaves turn yellow in Kalanchoe. What to do? - also in the know. Therefore, you will be able to provide your pet with decent housing conditions at home and without yellowing. And he will thank you with lush green foliage and fabulous flowering.

Video: secrets of care and cultivation of Kalanchoe

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