Why do dark circles appear under the eyes?

The skin around the upper and lower eyelids is very thin and is subject to various negative factors. Because of this, the first mimic wrinkles appear there, swelling in these areas of the face is more noticeable. But most often women face such a problem as dark circles under their eyes. They spoil the makeup, make the face emaciated, the woman looks tired and exhausted. Although not always circles can appear only because of fatigue. In this article, you will learn how and why dark circles appear under the eyes, as well as get acquainted with the main ways to eliminate them.

 Why do dark circles appear under the eyes?

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

In general, any changes in skin color indicate a serious malfunction of the body. Especially if dark circles do not pass for a long time. But why do they arise?

  1. Fatigue. The most common cause of dark circles under the eyes is lack of sleep and overwork.The norm of healthy sleep for an adult is 8 hours a day. If you do not get enough sleep, moreover, it happens regularly, the eyes become overworked, the blood vessels of the eye dilate and allow more blood to pass in to fill the exhausted eyes with oxygen. Especially often this can be observed in those who constantly work at the computer. Often dark circles under the eyes due to overwork are accompanied by bags. Lower eyelid swells due to stagnation of lymphoid fluid. To make sure that the bags under the eyes appeared due to overwork, you need to pay attention to the eyeball. During the overvoltage period it increases.
  2. Buds. If dark circles under the eyes are accompanied by swelling of the eyelids, especially in the morning - for sure, this is a violation of the kidneys. The kidney is an organ that filters the fluid in the body and brings it out. With infectious or non-infectious kidney damage, the function of this function deteriorates, the fluid begins to linger in the body. The subcutaneous tissue of the eyelids is very sensitive and loose, so it firstly makes itself felt. If you have dark circles under your eyes, and you assumewhat is it because of the kidneys, pay attention to the accompanying symptoms - frequent or painful urination, back pain, general swelling of the body, protein in the urine.
  3. Allergic reaction. Sometimes dark circles under the eyes may indicate a banal allergy. As a rule, this is accompanied by redness of the eyes, itching, sneezing, swelling, runny nose. If dark circles appear only in the morning, you may have a reaction to a pillow or blanket. This can be observed after the acquisition of new bedding. Permanent circles under the eyes may appear due to the use of allergenic or low-quality cosmetics.
  4. Eye strain. If your work is knitted with a constant eye strain, this may be the reason for the appearance of dark circles. These include seamstresses, various artisans, jewelers - those whose work involves fine details. Separately, I would like to say about those who work at the computer. The monitor screen gives a huge amount of flickering glare that affect the eye lens. This leads to severe eyestrain. If your profession is related to working at a computer, you need to regularly break away from the screen, do gymnastics, look into the distance.
  5. Aging. Over time, the skin of any person ages, loses its elasticity, becomes more loose. This leads to the fact that it is no longer able to hold the subcutaneous tissue, the eyelid is lowered. Blood vessels also cease to be in good shape, they let in more blood, the lower eyelid darkens. Dark circles under the eyes is a natural process of aging of the body.
  6. Liver. This organ performs the most important functions of the body. It is a natural filter that retains toxins. When the liver fails, the skin turns yellow as bile enters the tissues. This is often accompanied by the appearance of circles under the eyes. If dark circles are accompanied by a characteristic yellowish, unpleasant taste in the mouth and discomfort under the ribs on the right, they are most likely a consequence of liver disease.
  7. Diabetes. Circles under the eyes may appear due to the large amount of glucose produced in the body, which is observed in diabetes mellitus.
  8. Bad habits. Frequent consumption of drugs or alcohol leads to intoxication of the body, many tissues lose their oxygen supply.With regular consumption of drugs or alcohol circles under the eyes have a characteristic bluish tint.
  9. Iron-deficiency anemia. Anemia can occur due to an insufficient amount of iron that comes with food. Also, anemia develops with bleeding (internal or menstrual), often observed during pregnancy. When the hemoglobin level decreases, the blood cannot fill all the organs with the proper amount of oxygen. In this case, the skin becomes pale, the person quickly gets tired, loses working capacity, his eyes become as if sunken. Anemic circles under the eyes do not pass even after a long sleep and rest.
  10. Nervous shocks. If a person is often under stress, falls into depression, his body is depleted, the nervous system works at its limits. A large amount of adrenaline, which is released into the bloodstream, contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels. This often leads to micro-breaks - for example, after an overvoltage, blood capillaries are visible on the whites of the eyes. The skin on the lower eyelid is very thin, so any changes in the subcutaneous tissue are noticeable to the naked eye.Under this condition, the circles under the eyes become brown and gray.
  11. Bruise. Any injuries lead to the appearance of internal bruising. The skin of the eyelids is very tender and sensitive, so even a minor impact can lead to a bruise.
  12. Eye disease. Barley, conjunctivitis, keratitis and other diseases of the eye lead to eyelid inflammation. As a result, the subcutaneous tissue is supplied with a large amount of blood, due to which it acquires a dark shade and swelling.

In addition, circles under the eyes may appear due to the lack of certain vitamins. This leads to a decrease in metabolism, deterioration of the walls of blood vessels, the destruction of the normal structure of the skin. And it also happens that circles and bags under the eyes are a hereditary factor. After all, data on the elasticity of blood vessels and the structure of the subcutaneous tissue is transmitted genetically. In this case, you need to look for cosmetic solutions to this problem.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

To keep your eyes fresh and your appearance rested, you need to get rid of unpleasant dark circles under your eyes as soon as possible.

 How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

  1. If the circles are caused by overwork, just sleep. Turn off the phone, take the children to grandmother and devote a couple of days to full sleep. Sleep as much as you want.
  2. Change your quality of life - eat right, give up bad habits, move more.
  3. Do exercises for the eyes - translate the gaze from a close object to a distant object, make rotational movements with the pupils, you can squint and open your eyes strongly. It trains the muscles of the eyes and makes the subcutaneous structure more elastic.
  4. To improve blood circulation in the eye area, a light massage can be performed for ever. To do this, take a cosmetic oil or cream, apply on the pads of fingers and gently spend on the lower eyelid, make stroking, tapping and patting movements. Do a neat massage for at least 10 minutes. You can complete the procedure by applying eye cream or rubbing ice.
  5. It is very important to determine the cause of the formation of dark circles and begin the correct treatment. When nervous experiences need to take antidepressants, with allergies - antihistamines, etc.
  6. If the circles under the eyes appeared due to iron deficiency anemia, iron preparations will help. You also need to get iron from food - it is good to eat red meat. Hemoglobin can quickly be raised with the help of boiled beef tongue.
  7. Home cosmetology helps to cope with dark circles very well. Raw potatoes perfectly tightens the skin around the eyes, normalizes its blood circulation. It should be grated and apply a lot to the lower eyelid. In addition to potatoes, you can make masks with the pulp of cucumber, decoction of sage and green tea. Lemon, kefir, parsley juice have lightening properties.
  8. You can fight with dark circles under the eyes with the help of cosmetic procedures. Dermatonia is a vacuum massage of the lower eyelid, mesotherapy is the introduction of a vitamin complex under the skin of the eyelids, cryotherapy is an effect of liquid nitrogen, blepharoplasty is used to remove the impending century. In addition, the zone of the lower eyelid can be affected by low-frequency pulses to improve skin circulation. The cosmetologist will help you choose the procedure you need.
  9. In the fight against dark lower eyelids will help pharmaceutical ointments.Heparin ointment and troxevasin improve blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissues, which is very effective in hematomas and bruises. It is very good to apply vitamins on the skin in liquid form - A, E, B. They are sold in ampoules.
  10. Use quality cosmetics that suits your skin type. To care for the eyelids, use the profile cream. Apply the cream on the eyelids with dotted movements. In the cosmetic shop you can buy special pads for the eyelids in the shape of a semicircle, they are called patches.
  11. Normally, the skin contains a certain amount of hyaluronic acid, which makes it elastic and resilient. If the production of this component slows down, the skin begins to sag, the eyelids become baggy and dark. Hyalouranic acid can be obtained from creams - apply them before bedtime and after a couple of weeks the effect of lightening and skin tightening will be noticeable.
  12. While you have not dealt with the problem of dark circles, you can disguise them with decorative cosmetics. Concealer works best - it hides the imperfections of the skin and evens out its tone.

Here are popular ways to combat dark circles under the eyes, which in 80% of cases will help you get rid of this cosmetic problem.

If all these measures do not help you cope with dark circles, you need to consult a doctor - to begin with, to a therapist. This is often a simple symptom of a serious illness. If the circles under the eyes are not accompanied by additional symptoms and have recently appeared, you will most likely be able to get rid of them using our simple tips. Watch the state and health of your face, because it is a reflection of your health.

Video: what do the circles under the eyes

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