Why does not bloom indoor geranium. What to do?

Who said that growing indoor flowers is difficult and problematic? Do not seek the advice of such a person ever again. And don't ask him why indoor geranium doesn't bloom. What to do? - he won't answer you either. But we will tell you what we do now. We will discuss the usual room, the royal do not touch. It requires a completely different care. A competent care for a simple geranium will allow you to admire the flowering almost all year round. Go!

 Why does not bloom indoor geranium

General principles

Under natural conditions, geranium grows in fairly harsh climatic conditions. And in the room the owners are very pampered by this fragrant beauty. So she uses kindness, zhiruya in his pleasure. Greens increase, and release the buds in no hurry. So, it’s necessary to arrange a darling Spartan content.Then she will think that the hour of death is near, and will rush to leave offspring. That is bloom.

For best results you will need:

  • reduction of living space
  • correct watering
  • short haircut
  • good diet
  • relocation (extreme measures)

All this is quite doable in home-grown conditions at no extra cost.

Reducing living space

Some owners plant a room geranium in a huge tub, for growth. Then flowering over the years. It is in vain waiting. The buds will appear only after the root system completely occupies the entire space of the pot. Up to this point, the beauty will grow green mass and "legs."

Decision. Keep young plants in small pots. Adults transplant in containers of the same size, only replacing the soil with a new one. For room geraniums of 5 years old, “living space” with a diameter of not more than 16 cm is sufficient.

Council If the roots begin to crawl through the drainage holes or peek out at the surface of the ground, then just gently trim them with scissors and rinse the wounds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Correct watering

Indoor geranium does not sometimes bloom from over-care. This includes abundant watering. But in natural conditions, geranium does not grow in a swamp. No, it rains there, but rarely enough. But after all, it has been taken by some florist to surround houseplants with care, which means to arrange watering regularly, but from the heart. Naturally, room geranium roots will be under constant stress from the water. And what bloom can we expect when the main feeding organ rots and dies?

Decision. Water the plant only when the top layer of the earth dries out at least 2 cm. Do not be lazy to pick the potted soil once more to see if it’s time to water the beauty. Yes, and the next loosening will never be over.

Council At the bottom of the tank under the landing must put a decent layer of good drainage. Expanded clay, pebbles, broken brick, gravel. This will allow free flow of excess water into the pan.

Short haircut

Like any lady, a room geranium will definitely need to keep an eye on her hair. It’s very difficult to do this, so the owners will have to regularly engage in such a procedure. Without a haircut you will not get a magnificent bush.From the pot will stick a long bare branch with a bare bundle of leaves at the crown. And the buds appear only on the young growth. Bloom such a pole will not.

 Blooming geranium

Decision. Regularly - it is not once a month, as in a hairdressing salon. This is a strong pruning (half the height of the shoot) immediately after the next flowering. That is the fall. Do not feel sorry for the faded branches. They will not give buds. But after shearing, room geranium will begin to actively release young shoots in the spring, which will soon please the owners with buds.

By the way, try planting several plants in one wide pot. Then your bouquet will be not only magnificent, but also multi-colored.

For those owners whose room geranium has not yet blossomed once, another method of stimulation and maintenance of the “hairstyle” of the pet will be suitable. A young plant begins to pinch over every 4 leaves. After this, there is an active growth of lateral shoots. They also need to pinch in the same manner.

The result is a compact lush bush, rather than a long, bare trunk, protruding alone. By the way, if you inherited such an ugly specimen by inheritance, as a gift, or you yourself started a plant, then you should not torment it with a haircut. Just cut off the top of the head and root it. Do not discard the remaining barrel.With proper care, he is still quite capable of growing lateral branches. Aesthetics it does not add to it, so also carefully cut off the young and put in a separate pot.

Council If an adult room geranium is neat, fluffy and does not “shoot” separate long branches to the sides, then you should not be zealous with scissors. It will be enough to easily pinch the tops of all the shoots.

Good diet

In women, everything should be fine, so they strictly monitor their diet. Indoor geranium is also feminine, but she does not have to choose. For the ration is for her owners. Often they do not bother and just without measure shove into the pot any handy dressing. As a rule, it is a nitrogen-containing fertilizer.

On such a diet grows a thick, mighty green mass, the leaves turn out juicy, bright, large. But there are no colors. Well, what kind of lady will bloom if you feed her the same time each time? And if you overdo it, then at all the greens will become friable, watery and start to be ill. Just like people.

Decision. Proper diet should contain the highest possible set of trace elements.After all, you take a multivitamin complexes? And for good flowering fertilizer should contain potassium and phosphorus. This is an axiom. And of course, other goodies.

Just do not forget that very well - this is not good. Busting fertilizers will not help the room geranium to bloom. He can just destroy it from the inside.

It is better to purchase a complex mineral fertilizer from a reputable manufacturer. Then carefully read the instructions and follow it strictly.

Council Ask the store to find you a mineral water that is suitable for pelargonium. In such a package, the nutrition for your beauty is most balanced.

Relocation (extreme measures)

You tried very hard, provided suitable conditions for your room geranium. Spring came, and the buds are not expected. Well, you have to act decisively. What was the famous poet saying there? "The less woman we love ..."

 Indoor Geranium

So you have to make your beauty move. After all, a change of residence - it is always stress. And plants in such a situation often try to leave behind offspring.

Decision. As soon as the blowjob threat of return frosts, feel free to pick out our young lady from the pot.We go into the garden or on a bed. And with a firm hand plant it right in the open ground. We choose a sunny place, in the shade of flowering you will not wait.

Caring for her in the usual way:

  • watering
  • loose
  • rid of pests

Approximately by the middle of the summer we are looking at our migrant ... and we are stunned by the number of buds. It is very important not to change anything now. Care and conditions should remain the same.

Now you can admire the fabulous hats of flowers until the onset of cool days. Then you need to carefully dig up the room geranium and transplant it back into the pot. Often, with such a procedure, a significant part of the root system has to be cut off. Because sometimes it grows heavily.

In this case, just add to the usual care treatment with a root stimulator and any adaptogen. These drugs will significantly help room geraniums recover from transplants.

What to do to those who live in an apartment? Or for those who do not have a summer cot? There is an exit. It’s not necessary to cuddle around with a pot, wondering where to put it. For the summer season, it is enough to move the container from room geranium to a balcony or loggia.Some even manage to keep the plants on the windowsill outside. Naturally, with the help of coasters.

The care does not change. Even such a refreshing procedure instead of a cardinal transplant has a beneficial effect on the plant. You'll see, the bloom will not take long.

As you can see, it is very easy to find out why indoor geranium does not bloom. What to do? - remember is also not difficult. And following our recommendations, it is very easy to achieve a lush flowering plant at home.

Video: how to make geranium bloom

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