Why does not bloom Decembrist. What to do?

Why does not bloom Decembrist. What to do? - This topic interests many fans of home flowers. After all, when growing it at home, mistakes are made that not everyone notices. For example, it is believed that all indoor colors constantly require heat and a lot of light. That Decembrist provide similar conditions throughout the year. And he does not bloom! He did not even notice the moment when it was time to release the buds.

 Why does not bloom Decembrist

In December, to admire the lush bouquet, competent care should begin in March. Let's look at each month in detail.

March. April

Be sure to do spring pruning. Moreover, this is not the use of scissors or blades. This is the breaking off of the hands of the last segment on the whole shoot. If you leave a half-cut piece on a branch, then 100% rot or disease will begin.Therefore, you need to break strictly on the knees! And by all means on each runaway.

Some sources recommend transplanting the Decembrist every year. If your plant is in good conditions:

  • pots low but wide
  • bottom thick layer of drainage
  • soil mixture loose, nutritious, well breathable

You should not once again disturb the already weak root system. It will be enough to periodically gently loosen the ground, trying not to damage the roots.

If your Decembrist grows in other conditions, then the early spring is the time for a competent transplant. Just do not take a huge pot with the expectation of the future. In such a tub, the soil will quickly sour, and the roots simply do not have time to master all the space. In general, for a 20-year-old Decembrist, a pot with a diameter of not more than 20 cm is enough.

May. June

The flower stands on a sunny, but shaded sill. Direct sunlight is contrary to the natural needs of the Decembrist. Yes, and they burn it mercilessly.

Care at this time is simple:

  • once a month feeding with a weak solution of any mineral fertilizer
  • maintaining high ambient humidity by spraying
  • watering a little, but frequent
  • temperature at + 22-27 ° С, not higher
  • loosening the soil to improve air permeability

The tropics, namely, from there the zigocactus hails, is warm and humid, not heat and damp. By the way, the Decembrist grows on the trunks of trees, and not on the ground, so you should not be especially zealous with food.

The Decembrist will not refuse organic chemistry, only in very small quantities. If done correctly, then on the tips of the broken off shoots appear the rudiments of a new knees.

July. August

Care continues in the same manner, new shoots grow safely. The only thing is that fertilizing is being stopped now completely, but not abruptly, but gradually reducing them to nothing.

 Flowering Decembrist

By the way, at this time you can safely rearrange the pot with the Decembrist, which will then be impossible. You can even take the plant to the garden. At the same time the cold August nights will remind him of the imminent period of rest.


By this time, feeding stopped. Now you need to reduce to zero watering, spraying, and in general any moisture.

A big mistake of many flower growers is the installation of additional lighting for the Decembrist and maintenance in greenhouse conditions. The air temperature should remain at a level not higher than + 17 ° С.Light day is short and dim.

Do not worry that the plant is in spartan conditions. In natural conditions, this is completely normal. But the flower will understand that now comes the period of hibernation. Just do not change the conditions dramatically. Everything should happen as smoothly as possible and without jumps. By the way, the climate of the middle band allows you to keep the Decembrist on the street or on the balcony until mid-autumn. The only thing to do is to cover the pots from the rain. An unexpected abundant watering can negate all your efforts.


The Decembrist is sleeping. All of the above conditions do not change. But it’s already cold outside, because when the air temperature drops to + 10 ° C, almost all life processes stop, and we don’t need it. At the same time, the room is too hot for a normal period of rest. What to do?

Options are:

  1. Content on a glazed balcony or veranda. Just watch for night temperatures, sometimes there are frosts.
  2. Keeping the room on the windowsill. In this case, the battery is covered with a thick towel or blanket.
  3. It is possible to isolate the lower part of the window from the room with glass or thick film.
  4. It is also recommended to put pots with a plant in the staircase or the vestibule.
  5. Some flower growers manage to keep the Decembrist in a hot room, but plastic bottles with ice are laid out next to them. As they cool, they are replaced by new ones.
  6. The flower is placed under the open window.

As you can see, the options are many. If you need the rapid flowering of the Decembrist, you will definitely find an opportunity to keep it cool.


From about the middle of the month the Decembrist should be gradually withdrawn from the rest period. Slowly they begin to water the ground, slightly increase the temperature of the air, slightly increase the lighting.


By the way, this time is the last moment when pots can be moved to another place. As soon as the tiny buds appear, it will not be possible. It is even forbidden to turn the plant around its axis and touch the shoots. Otherwise, all the buds will safely fall off. Decembrist will go to growth, skipping the flowering period.

All annual training will have to start all over again, because in the summer the zygocactus does not bloom.

December. January

If everything was done correctly, then at this time you admire the lush flowering. Now you can not be zealous with care. You can only:

  • spray the decembrist with cool settled water
  • sometimes water the soil until lightly wet
  • feed with any fertilizer for flowering plants

The dosage of mineral water should be reduced by 2 or even 3 times. The root system of the Decembrist may not have time to learn the full measure.


By this time, most zigokaktusov stop pleasing the owners and the most exhausted. Do not listen to advice that recommends giving the plant a rest a month, another. This is fraught with the death of the Decembrist. Remove all faded buds and begin to gradually increase the feeding, watering and spraying. March is soon, and a new period of preparing the Decembrist for the next bloom will come.

Some recommendations

There are tips to plant a Decembrist in the purchase soil for cacti. But after all it is stony-sandy, plants are not adapted for such. It is better to prepare the soil yourself. Just need:

 What to do if the Decembrist does not bloom

  • peat
  • sand
  • turf
  • leaf humus
  • bark of deciduous trees

Mix in equal parts and boldly plant.This composition is as close as possible to the natural and well breathable.

Perhaps zigokaktus even more suitable special soil for orchids. Because they grow in approximately the same conditions for the root system. Just add a little bit of ordinary garden soil to this soil.

If you missed the pots with a rearrangement and the Decembrist has already started producing buds, then you will have to adapt and not touch it until the end of flowering. The slightest movement in this period - and you already miss a whole year without admiring the fabulous bouquet.

You should know that the Decembrist lays the buds only on young shoots. If you feel sorry for breaking the plant in the spring, then you can be left without flowers in the winter. In addition, this procedure helps to form a lush bush, and not two branches to the floor.

Do not confuse penumbra and shading. The first will not help the Decembrist in the formation of buds, because he simply does not have enough lighting. Shoots will be thin and long. The second favorably affects the development of the whole plant, because it allows to get maximum illumination without overheating and direct sunlight.

During the entire vegetative cycle, carefully monitor the drainage holes. They must be free and well pass excess liquid. The root system of the Decembrist is already very small and weak. And if it is still constantly in the swamp, the roots will simply rot. What are the flowers when the plant dies?

Why does not bloom Decembrist. What to do? After reading this article, you will not have similar topics for reflection. We all laid out on the shelves and described each step of the grower. Follow the recommendations and admire the magnificent bouquet of your tropical "cactus".

Video: how to make the Decembrist bloom

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