Plyut noble - description of where the toxicity of the fungus grows

Noble plumes prefers to grow in Eurasia and North America. It is in these areas that it can be found in large quantities. However, this representative of the family is considered rather controversial, since according to some sources its consumption in food is prohibited. However, true gourmets can not rejoice in the taste and special aromatic notes of an already prepared specimen. In today's material we will touch on everything that is connected with the noble spat and its brethren.

 Plyus noble


  1. Otherwise, this sort of mushroom family is called domestic, although it is difficult to say for sure where this name came from. It is ranked in the category of conditionally edible mushrooms of the genus of spits. The varieties of fruit bodies under discussion have their own characteristics and distinctive characteristics.
  2. The tip is compacted, fleshy in structure, can grow up to 15 cm in diameter.maximum, but often there are instances from 4 to 12 cm on average. Top colored light, may be beige or gray. The surface is dry, the cuticle glitters. When it is wet outside, the tip becomes sticky.
  3. In young animals, the hat first bulges out, but with the passage of the life cycle it becomes prostrate. It retains its peculiarity - wrapped edges and a light mound of a scaly structure in the middle part. Then this bulge is lost, a depression is formed in its place.
  4. The plates on the back of the top are located close to each other. They are free, painted light pink shade. The spores are smoothed, pigmented by the color of the plates. The soft part, like cotton wool, is a mushroom flavor, and the taste is sweet. Painted white, with damage or breakage does not change shade.
  5. The base has a cylinder format. It can grow in diameter up to 1.5 cm. With a height of 10 cm. Maximum. It is painted white, there is some bulge closer to the soil. Covered with a touch of beige shade.
  6. Some inexperienced lovers of quiet hunting confuse our representative with another spat — deer.However, the second tip is darker and dark blotches are seen on the base.


 Growth of the noble sponge

  1. The founding habitat of these representatives of the breed group is considered to be North America, as well as Eurasia. Specimens prefer moderate climatic conditions that extend to the mountains of the Far East.
  2. In the expanses of our country, this mushroom settles in the Volga region, Krasnodar and the district, Siberia in the east, Primorye, St. Petersburg and its environs, as well as near Rostov.
  3. Considering the nature of growth, it should be said that this species chooses for itself the bark of trees, hemp, any remnants of deciduous trees. Therefore, they find spruce on poplar, oak, beech remains, preferably in the shade, and not under the sun. Copies love moisture, but moderate.
  4. Of course, you can find them near live trees. They settle on high mountains in the middle of a forest, on a flat terrain. They can grow not only in proud solitude, but also in medium colonies.
  5. As for fruiting, it originates at the end of the spring season and lasts until about the middle of autumn.In general, mushrooms appear in several approaches. The first batch is in June, and the second is in September.
  6. When planning to gather, you should carefully wield a stick so as not to damage the specimens. They break and become chapped, so further cooking should be carried out as soon as possible. Also, do not confuse this spit with your fellows.

Edibility and benefits

  1. The discussed variety of fruit bodies is ranked in the category of conditionally edible. It is famous for its low calorie content, but high nutritional value and usefulness for the human body.
  2. Most of the volume is occupied by protein compounds responsible for all important functions. There is in the composition of lecithin, which is responsible for the reduction of cholesterol in the blood.
  3. Fruit bodies also help people maintain heart function at an optimal level. Mushrooms are required to improve brain activity, increase memory.
  4. As for the taste characteristics, these specimens are sweetish and smell pleasant. Thanks to this, based on them, gravy, side dishes, roasts, first / second courses,mushroom casseroles and other goodies.

In this material, we studied the noble sponge, which is appreciated by gourmets. From some sources it can be concluded that the representative of the family is inedible. But in our country it refers to mushrooms that are suitable for human consumption under the rules of cooking.

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