Beer alcoholism in women - symptoms and treatment

Let's talk frankly - in Russia the cult of alcohol, and especially beer, is quite high. How often we see people drinking in parks, squares, squares. It is sad that among them are not only strong men, but also women, and even teenagers. They are not prohibited from drinking alcohol in public places. The most that has changed - the bottle is carefully wrapped in a black plastic bag. But the worst thing is that people consider this kind of pastime a rest. They do not know how to relax in a different way. For such people, a bottle of beer every day after work is absolutely normal. Today we will talk about such a serious problem as beer alcoholism in women, learn about the causes of its occurrence and how to treat this addiction.

 Beer alcoholism in women

Why women have a beer addiction

The low degree of beer makes it more acceptable and affordable to use. However, we drink beer not in glasses, but in liters, so the strength of the drink and the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood rises quite high. But why do women start drinking? Why doesn't anyone surprise a teenage girl walking down the street with a bottle of beer? Beer alcoholism is very dangerous and it can develop in different women.

Most often, a woman washes away her grief when she had a misfortune, and she cannot cope with it on her own. Even the most decent and organized women can start drinking after losing a child. If a loved one is dead or seriously ill, this can also be a trigger for the beginning of beer alcoholism.

Today beer alcoholism is most often observed in women of fertile age - from 20 to 40 years. But, unfortunately, this age is decreasing, and teenage girls have been drinking beer since the age of 12-13. Often, addiction to beer is born during this period, when a girl tries to look adult and is increasingly applied to the bottle.

Very often women drink when they cannot cope with the vital load.These can be mothers of many children who live in difficult living conditions and even a business woman trying to relax after a busy day.

Often they drink women who grew up in a family with an alcoholic, they really consider this an absolute norm and do not try to get rid of their addiction.

Sometimes the cause of drinking becomes a woman’s dissatisfaction with her position in society. Low income, low social status, disorder in personal life, lack of realization in the profession, the lack of their own living space - all this can motivate a woman to drink beer.

The list can be continued indefinitely - they drink not only from feelings, but also from idleness and boredom, in order to drown out pain, shame, anger. Unfortunately, the stereotype of alcohol, as a cure for many mental problems. So people are "treated." But is it not possible to consume a woman’s beer in moderation? What will happen from one glass of beer per week? Indeed, this is a very fine line, on one side of which is permissible relaxation, and on the other - hard beer alcoholism. Here are some signs that will help you identify female dependence on beer.

How to recognize female beer alcoholism

The difficulty of the problem is that women often do not recognize themselves in this addiction, they are sure that they can always stop. But here are some factors that can talk about the seriousness of the situation.

Daily consumption of beer, even in small quantities. If a woman can not spend a single day without beer - this is undoubtedly an addiction.

If she suffers from headaches, especially in the morning. A hangover is becoming more difficult to endure - there is a strong dizziness, a feeling of thirst, etc.

With prolonged exposure to alcohol, sleep disturbances are observed - during the day a woman feels overwhelmed, cannot sleep at night because of a large amount of alcohol consumed.

If a woman loses control of herself, if she does not even remember several times what happened yesterday because of alcohol intoxication, this is an addiction, definitely.

A woman has an alcohol addiction, if she does not want to give up the bottle, she experiences aggression towards her relatives, who are trying to protect her from alcohol.

Alcoholic women become overly tearful, emotional, may scream and cry for no reason.Often they are indifferent to what is happening around - do not follow the children and home, do not care for her husband. They have one concern - to get a beer for drinking.

Such women are prone to depression, constantly feel sorry for themselves and firmly believe that beer will help them make the right decision and relax.

If you notice similar symptoms in yourself or in your loved ones, you need to sound the alarm as soon as possible. Do not neglect the situation, female alcoholism is much more insidious and hard, it has many distinctive features.

Features of female beer alcoholism

Female alcoholism is considered more dangerous than male alcoholism. The fact is that dependence in women develops much faster - it will take a year for a lady to sleep, against several male years. In addition, women, unlike men, prefer to drink alone to hide their addiction and that no one saw it. Due to the fact that a woman drinks without a company, it is sometimes difficult to imagine what scale the problem has reached.

The peculiarity of female alcoholism is that the woman is not able to control the amount of alcohol consumed.Women get drunk much faster than men, for a few reasons. First, the mass of the female body, as a rule, is less, therefore the concentration of alcohol is greater. Secondly, the activity of the enzyme in relation to ethanol in the female body is negligible. Alcohol is eliminated from the body of a woman is much more difficult and longer. A woman's liver is destroyed several times faster, and cirrhosis develops in a short time.

Another feature of female alcoholism is the rapid absorption of fluid into the walls of the stomach, especially during menstruation. Before menstruation, the body begins to collect water, absorbing it from the contents of the stomach is very intense. That is why women get drunk on alcohol faster. Often, a woman's craving for beer is much stronger than that of a man. And the bodies of alcohol are destroyed faster.

How beer affects the female body

In the crowd, you can always notice an alcoholic woman, and not by her clothes and unkempt appearance. Constantly drinking beer always puts a mark on a woman’s face. Her skin loses its natural elasticity, becomes precarious and wrinkled.A large amount of alcohol consumed on the eve leads to severe edema, puffiness, bags under the eyes. The skin gets an unnatural shade - it becomes yellow, purple, red or bluish, capillary stars appear. Permanent alcohol intake hair becomes dull, dry and brittle. The teeth often crumble, the gums become loose, there is always an unpleasant smell from the mouth.

 How beer affects the female body

A large amount of beer increases testosterone levels in the body. Because of this, hair activity may increase on the body - antennae appear, a strip on the abdomen, in some cases hair appears even on the chest. After a few months of regular beer consumption, the woman has a characteristic beer belly. The figure loses its silhouette - the waist increases, the hips and chest cease to be pronounced and rounded. The sexual function is also impaired - with regular beer consumption, women experience interruptions in the menstrual cycle, the production of female hormones is suppressed, libido decreases, and later the woman becomes frigid. If you consume beer during pregnancy, it greatly increases the risk of developing congenital abnormalities in the child - mental or physical.All the organs of a woman simply fade away with a constant intake of alcohol - the kidneys stop working, the liver fails, the pressure exceeds all permissible norms. But what to do? How to protect yourself and your loved ones from such a terrible end? How to deal with women's addiction to beer?

How to treat female beer alcoholism

To get rid of this terrible misfortune once and for all, you need to act in a complex way. The first thing you can do is to refuse any dose of beer, flatly. Be sure to consult a narcologist for treatment to be effective. You may need hospitalization and inpatient treatment. Here are some measures that will help you suppress female alcoholism.

As a rule, for the first time a woman enters for treatment in extreme alcohol intoxication or in a state of hangover. In order to bring a woman to her senses, she is given a gastric lavage, and vitamin droppers are placed. To get rid of the symptoms of a hangover, you can take special drugs Alkoseltzer, Zoreks, Medihronal, etc.

A drug therapist must prescribe medications that cause aversion to alcohol.These are Naltrexone, Esperal, Teturam, Vivitrol, Antakson, etc. Only a doctor should prescribe them, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, chronic diseases, the duration of dependence, etc.

You can use various encoding methods. One of the most common - psychological effects on the individual in the group. Often, patients in a drug treatment center sew a pill under the skin, from which the drug is discharged, causing disgust for alcohol. Sometimes a drug is administered intravenously, which is not excreted from the body for a long time and gives a powerful reaction when taking alcohol. Hypnosis is often used in the fight against alcoholism - it is especially effective in the fight against female addiction.

It is necessary to take a woman with something useful so that she does not miss, and she did not have time to drink beer. Zatoy repair, instruct her to monitor the children, help get a new job, meet with an interesting man, finally. This will help overcome the psychological craving for alcohol.
Try to protect as much as possible from the temptations of drinking beer. Do not relax in the company of people drinking, learn to watch movies and sports programs with lemonade, do not run into the store every time after work.

Try to identify the problem that makes a woman drink. Try to talk heart to heart with her, be a support and support to a sick person. Perhaps the sound of mental pain will help get rid of it once and for all.

A woman needs to switch - instead of beer, you can gnaw seeds or nuts, eat fruit, drink non-alcoholic cocktails. Be sure to find a hobby that will interest a woman - it can be coloring pictures by numbers, embroidery, cooking - anything, just to take boring and long evenings.

Most importantly, do not leave a woman addicted to beer alcoholism alone. She can tell herself that nothing will happen from one bottle of beer, because no one will see, and therefore will not know. This is fraught with the resumption of alcoholism.

In the fight against female alcoholism, two thrusts need to be overcome - physical and emotional. And if you can somehow cope with the physical, using medication, then only the woman herself can overcome the emotional burden. It is necessary as much as possible to let her know that she needs a healthy one, she needs it. For example, a drinking grandmother must be told that no one except her can take her grandson from school.A sense of responsibility often helps pull a person out of this abyss. If you do not succeed, be sure to visit a psychotherapist, perhaps with a drug treatment center. He will help you build the right relationship with the patient and save him from alcoholism. Beer is evil, remember that.

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