Spiderweed goblet - description, mushroom toxicity

The fungus Pyolistnik goblet belongs to the genus Pilolistniki. On the plates they have characteristic “teeth”, for which this genus got its name.

 Pellicle goblet

They are affiliated mushrooms. Wood has a damaging effect. Under their influence, the tree is rotting. Therefore, the farm this fungus is capable of causing considerable damage. Another version of the origin of the name is the ability to act destructively on wood.

More than 1000 species of fungi belong to this genus. Some sources say that today the genus recites several thousand species.

Practically all species belonging to this genus are conditionally edible. But among them there are inedible species, of which there are few. In China and Japan, it is believed that the edible pilolia is an absolutely edible mushroom.

Among all pilolistnikov there are several types in which the mushroom pickers are confident, and always collect. It is brindle, shell-shaped, and also scaly pyrolithic.

It is also known that the following species are inedible, and do not represent any nutritional value. It is a goblet, wolfish, and also furrowed species. Other species of this genus are poorly studied by science or grow in countries far from Russia.

A part of the name of a pyrolidica goblet got for the fact that they tend to destroy the tree. The second part of the name is associated with the shape of the fruit body. It takes the form of a glass as an adult.

Fact! This mushroom is a saprotrophic, destroying tree. It usually destroys the wood that is prone to rotting. They grow on deadwood in the forest, on the stumps of trees of various species, including conifers.

Some sources say that all members of the genus are poisonous mushrooms. In others it is said that it is simply inedible. But it would be advisable to divide these types into those that can be eaten, and those that cannot. There is no exact scientific evidence of how toxic those mushrooms of this kind are,which can not be eaten.

The type of pilostum in view is considered practically unsuitable for human consumption. It does not contain poisons, but it does not have good taste, and the composition of the fungus does not carry any nutritional value.

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Representatives of this species are not similar to any other fungi, and even those that belong to the same genus. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to confuse them with other mushrooms.

According to its nutritional qualities, the mushroom practically does not meet any requirements that are imposed on edible mushrooms. This also applies to young specimens. Therefore, it would be advisable to attribute representatives of this species to a special category of half edible mushrooms.

Where grows

 Where grows goblet goblet
These mushrooms prefer southern latitudes, as they are thermophilic. In temperate climates and in northern latitudes, you can meet very rarely. Mushrooms grow in groups in mixed forests. You can only see them on decaying wood belonging to deciduous species.

Gather these mushrooms in places where there are remnants of rotting trees that have fallen to the ground.They grow in southern Europe, closer to the west. In Russia, they grow in the south and in the center. There are both in the Crimea, and in Siberia, and in the Urals. Also found in the Far East, the Caucasus. The period of fruiting begins in July and lasts until the onset of cold weather.

Appearance and application

The spores of these fungi are located in pseudoplates. They are located often, have a cream shade. The shape of the narrow, have notches.

The head of a young pylorus in a young fruit body is somewhat convex, but may be straight. The edges of her tucked, have a pinkish tint. Over time, the cap becomes a funnel-shaped, it can be covered with red scales. Sometimes there are simply cracks on its surface.

The stem of these mushrooms is dense. Usually it is the same shade with a hat or is lighter. In an adult fungus, it is somewhat narrowed to the bottom, with scales of red tint visible on the surface. Young fruit bodies have soft pulp, but dense. In an adult fungus, it is tougher. It has a white tint. The flesh does not have any taste, but the smell is somewhat harsh.

This species is considered unfit for consumption.But this does not stop some mushroom pickers, and they still collect it, later adding it to various dishes. But in any case, only caps that are boiled before are eaten. Whether to take an example from these people - everyone can decide for himself. But in nature there are a lot of other mushrooms that are much tastier and healthier than the goblet of the goat.

Video: goblet pylorus (Lentinus cyathiformis)

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