Sand boa - a description where it dwells, features

In nature, this species of snake is found in Central Asia and Iran. In our country, they were seen in the Caucasus and Kalmykia. As a rule, they live in an area where there is a large amount of sand and clay. Sometimes individuals are found in abandoned burrows in gardens and vineyards. Consider the creeping lifestyle and features of their appearance.

 Sand boa

What does it look like?

The adult reaches sizes up to 70 centimeters, however larger snakes are also found. Thin oblate head smoothly into the body. The tail is small and flattened. When a snake bite does not emit any poisons, so it is completely safe for humans. The bite is rather unpleasant and looks like an injection by a sharp needle. Coloring of the classic look of the sandy whip can be seen in the photos on the web.In the deserts and semi-deserts located in the northern or western parts, there are completely black snakes. Scientists gave them the name - melanists.

Sandstriggers prefer to live alone. An individual can easily dig any burrow. In sunny and hot weather, snakes burrow deep into the sand and search for shelter. Udavchik likes to stick his head out of the sand and lie like that, watching the movement of the victim. In addition, they can crawl into other burrows and feed on its inhabitants.

The main enemies of the hunters are birds of prey and monitor lizards. For the latter - this is a favorite delicacy. In November, snakes hibernate and wake up with the onset of warm days.

The diet of the sandy hunters

The main food of small snakes are lizards, rodents and birds. Like other types of boas, the snake strikes its victim by strangulation, wrapping it in several rings. After that, the boa swallows whole food.

Mating period

The breeding of sandy hangers begins in the spring, after they come out of hibernation. Females bear their cubs for 3 months. Snakes belong to the class of viviparous, therefore, no egg can be talked about laying eggs. In late July, snakes begin to be born. One female can give birth to 15 hunters.Their length is 12 centimeters. Sexual maturity comes in 4 years.

How to maintain and breed sandstripers?

These snakes are an excellent option for people who decide to breed creeping. They do not require special care and are easy to maintain. In addition, they quickly find a common language with a person.

 How to maintain and breed sand whip

For their content it is recommended to make a terrarium measuring 60x40x30 centimeters. Although some prepare much less space for their hitters. Now they live in a container, giving up their habitat to another animal. This is a temporary home, because they will still grow in length and thickness. Let's go back to the terrarium. Its doors must close tightly; otherwise, the doublers may open them and crawl out.

What should be in the terrarium?

Many professionals recommend creating conditions close to their habitat. At the bottom it is necessary to pour fine sand and mix it with dry granules. The total soil layer should be about 5 centimeters. Here they can move freely and dig their holes. In the terrarium, you also need to install a bath with water, where they will drink and moisten their skin. It can be set for some time, and then removed.If the snake is in a container with water, then the humidity is quite low.

Some use coconut flakes as a primer. It is softer, allowing snakes to dig mink.

In addition to all the above, it is recommended to install a wooden stick. Boa can often be seen on this decorative element. Sand strangers are able to stand upright, leaning on the walls of the terrarium, and on their small tail.

Important! Do not put objects where there are holes, the diameters of which coincide with the stranger. In this case, they can get stuck.

Maintaining the temperature at the required level provide light bulbs of different power. During the day, the temperature should be + 25 ° C, and at night much less. It is better to create several conditions in the terrarium so as not to rearrange the light bulbs. How to do it? In one corner should be a temperature of + 35 ° C. And in another + 25 ° C. In this case, the stranger will be in different angles depending on the time of day.

What does a stranger eat at home?

Sand strollers feed on small mice, which may be called “naked” or “slider”. It all depends on the age of the snake.Some owners want to enter into the diet of dead mice. However, they are not suitable for everyone, as snakes need to hunt.

Older individuals feed on rats, big mice and chickens. One stranger needs to be fed once every two weeks. Although they may not eat for months. It is better not to feed them from the hands of the strangers, since they will throw and bite at the sight of their hands. It is better to take them more often so that they feel warmth and safety.

How to breed snakes?

The ripening period of sandy hangers comes at the age of 4 years. First, they need to create conditions for wintering. They gradually reduce the temperature in the terrarium and stop feeding. Before this period, it is recommended to feed the strangers every two weeks and keep the temperature at + 30 ° C. After that, begin to create the necessary conditions. Wintering should continue for 90 days, but this period can be made less. With the onset of spring, the temperature in the terrarium is normalized and full feeding begins.

 Eryx miliaris

It is worth noting that some males or females feed after mating. During the mating of snakes do not need to touch.During the courtship period, the male constantly crawls behind the female in the aquarium.

Snake ovulation occurs in a few weeks. And it is true. Sperm is in the body until a certain period, and then fertilization occurs.

The ovulation of the sandwalkers can be observed quite simply. In the middle of the body, the female begins to show compaction, as if she had only swallowed food of impressive size. If this is not observed, it means that the female and the male must be re-planted in one terrarium. Throughout pregnancy, it is better to maintain a temperature of + 35 ° C. It is recommended to create temperature drops in different angles. If everything is done correctly, then at the end of August small snakes will appear. They hatch in a special shell, from which they emerge on their own after some time. As soon as they begin to crawl, they are cleaned in a separate terrarium with wet soil. The first molt should happen there. Feed them need new mice, crickets or cockroaches. The definition of gender is carried out according to a specific table. From this, many do a good business.


Sand strangers are absolutely safe, which is why many families have them. They need to provide the usual living conditions, namely - a spacious terrarium, wet soil, water bath and hot temperature. So that they quickly become accustomed to the owner, they need to be taken more often in their hands, so that they feel safe and warm. Snakes feed on small rodents, crickets and cockroaches. Feed them every two weeks. After this, the sandstriggers may not eat for half a year. This is very convenient for those people who are constantly on the road.

The adult individual reaches 80 centimeters long. As they grow, you need to increase the size of the aquarium. As for breeding, everything is simple. First of all, they create wintering conditions, gradually reducing the temperature. After the expiration of 100 days, the female sits down to the male in one container. Sand strangers are viviparous. The appearance of small individuals occurs at the end of August. Small cubs also need care. After reaching a certain age, they can be sold.

Video: sand boa (Eryx miliaris)

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