The first signs of diabetes in men

Today, the most common pathology of the human endocrine system is definitely diabetes of various types. In order not to miss the initial stage of diabetes, it is imperative to promptly diagnose any discharge from the norm in the human body. It is also important to have information about what is related to the causative agents of the disease, to have an idea of ​​the first indicators that indicate the onset of diabetes in a man. This is really important, since the early stages of diabetes mellitus are quite simply amenable to complex therapy, and, therefore, such diabetes can occur with minimal risks regarding the possible occurrence of complications with the vascular system of the body.

 The first signs of diabetes in men

What could be the causes of diabetes for men?

This disease has clear characteristics that distinguish it from the others, the disease manifests itself by a high content of sugar in human blood. The occurrence of such a condition occurs due to the fact that the body does not produce enough insulin in the pancreas. The remains of glucose enzymes are not subject to neutralization by insulin, as a result of which sugar enters the body, which leads to the occurrence of hyperglycemia. The increased sugar content, in turn, leads to its accumulation in the vascular system. As a result, it gradually collapses and complicates the full functioning of the many vital processes of the human body.

Such a disease preferably develops in men who are not overly aware of and take care of their weight and are prone to obesity, as well as in those men who regularly consume fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, spicy foods. According to most endocrinologists, diabetes can potentially affect half the male population of the country.

There are many factors that can trigger the occurrence of the disease:

  1. If the family or family attended cases of this disease of any type.
  2. Critical body weight.
  3. Violation of the diet, failure to comply with a specific daily diet, and absorption of food with a short period of time and in too large quantities.
  4. Pathological condition of the heart and blood vessels.
  5. Due to the intake of specific drugs, such as diuretics or hormonal drugs.
  6. Frequent stay in stressful situations, emotional overstrain or in a depressive state.
  7. Various infectious diseases.
  8. Any chronic pathology.

Diagnosing the first type of disease means that the person will need to use insulin therapy for the rest of their lives. In the second type of illness, it is allowed to use only those drugs that improve the process of assimilation of hormones, they also need to observe a special diet and radically change their life charter.

What are the symptoms of diabetes in the first stage?

The main symptomatic manifestations of diabetes in the female half of the population and the male are quite similar to each other in many ways; however, they are still not identical to each other.A distinctive feature of the development of the disease is that male representatives resort to contacting the hospital for medical care much later than is necessary. As a result, at the time of their appeal, the state of health is in a critical situation. Most of the patients who applied provide an explanation for their arisen state by an elementary lack of proper rest, regular exposure to stressful situations, disturbed regimens and diets, or simply the appearance of changes in the body based on age.

The first signs that indicate the presence of diabetes:

  1. The absorption of fluid in a large volume, and therefore increases the load on the bladder, and this, as a consequence, leads to frequent urination.
  2. When there is no exposure during prolonged physical exertion and rather rapid fatigue.
  3. Sharp weight gain, or a critical reduction in the weight of a person.
  4. Sensitivity temporarily disappears or a sensation arises that pricks or rubs in the limbs.
  5. Regularly swollen legs.
  6. Arterial and intracranial pressure is subject to sudden and frequent drops.
  7. The oral cavity is not sufficiently moisturized and this begins to be felt.
  8. Sharply lost appetite.
  9. An unpleasant cutting sensation, burning of the eyeballs.
  10. An itchy sensation appears on the skin.
  11. Elasticity in joints on small limbs decreases. The detection of this symptom is a direct indication that the tendon reduction has begun.

The appearance of all the above symptoms do not have to occur at the same time, they can all manifest gradually, some earlier, and some later, but they will all be seen in a person who has diabetes, no matter what type of disease he was diagnosed. If a man will be able to independently detect at least two of all the indicated signs, this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor endocrinologist for diagnosis.

Signs of diabetes in men: how does the first type differ from the second?

 Signs of diabetes in men
The process of developing an insulin-dependent type of disease occurs literally within a couple of weeks, therefore, it can be characterized by a significant manifestation of symptoms.The disease is almost always provoked by infectious pathogens or chronic pathology during an exacerbation. At the onset of the first type of disease, an increased appetite is observed, however, after a certain period of time, due to the rapid development and progression of the disease, such patients are increasingly beginning to refuse to consume food.

The obvious signs of the disease in the first type:

  1. Regular thirst, which does not pass even at night, when a person stays in the stage of sleep, because of which a sick person often wakes up to drink.
  2. There is a regular itchy sensation on the skin.
  3. The process of urination in a patient becomes much more frequent.
  4. There is a regular fatigue, which becomes chronic.
  5. Significantly reduced human performance.
  6. Sometimes there is an attack of nausea or vomiting, it is not uncommon occurrence of pain in the intestines.
  7. A marked decrease in potency, there are even cases of its complete absence.
  8. After a certain period, there is a noticeable deterioration psychologically and physically.

The onset of the second type of disease is not rarely accompanied by specific symptoms. Identification of this type happens during the passage of prophylactic medical examinations, when receiving the results of a clinical blood test - then the specialist detects significant abnormalities or other pathologies characteristic of this disease. The development of the disease does not occur at such a rapid pace as that of the first type. Not rarely does it happen that the disease can be hidden for quite a long time and does not manifest itself at all externally, and its detection can occur only several years later, during a medical examination. Such a long period, which manages to hide a disease of this type, is explained by the fact that men have practically no frequent urge to urinate, which may seem suspicious, and make the man think about the need for a medical examination.

The obvious signs of the disease of the second type:

  • poor healing of various skin lesions;
  • deterioration in clarity and visual acuity;
  • hair loss;
  • cases of bleeding from the gums;
  • tooth enamel is crumbling rapidly.

Complications of Diabetes

Men carry the disease much harder than the woman, and they suffer it with significant complications that are not typical for the female half of the population. This state of affairs can be explained by the fact that the female body is initially susceptible to hormonal transformation, and the male body is faced with a disorder in the functioning of the whole organism. More than the other organs, the liver is exposed to a negative effect, and the kidneys are second.

The consequences of type 2 diabetes for men:

  • There is a failure of the male reproductive system.
  • Development of angiopathy.
  • The appearance of dysfunction eruption of seminal fluid.
  • Periodic lack of orgasm during intercourse.

What to do when you find signs of illness in a man?

 What to do when detecting diabetes in a man
There are no diseases that could not be cured, especially when a sick person discovered the problem in a timely manner and reported it to a specialist. Such principles are directly related to this disease, since its development and impact on the human body is directly related to how severe the destruction of the patient’s vascular system will be at the time of his visit to the doctor.When running the form is not rare is the accompanying diseases of various types of insignificant trifles, which together can have a detrimental effect on the human body with diabetes mellitus. Ingoda such an effect entails the death of the patient, or irreversible destruction of certain organs or systems that cannot be restored or rehabilitated.

In the process of rehabilitation therapy in the second type of illness, patients almost always achieve fairly good results, and acquire the ability to maintain their sugar within the limits of acceptable norms for the normal functioning of the whole organism. They may well keep all the necessary indicators within the established limits with the help of a single diet, which is prescribed by the endocrinologist and the gastroenterologist. If the patient is insulin-dependent, with the timely provision of proper medical care, it becomes possible to avoid significant disorders of the vascular system. Also an important role in this case will display the necessary dietary nutrition, regular and complete control over the level of glucose in the blood, and proper calculation of the required dosage of insulin.The first and most basic sign that therapy is successful and has an effective positive effect on the body is the gradual disappearance of obvious unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

The methods by which it is possible to temporarily and partially eliminate the negative impact that a person may be most uncomfortable with are:

  1. The use of oral medications and drugs, designed to stimulate the normal functioning of the human reproductive system.
  2. The use of physiotherapy.
  3. The use of drugs that can improve the composition of the blood and maintain its vascular system in good condition.

Also, in addition to tracking glucose levels, and adherence to a specific dietary plan, it is very important for a man to avoid unnecessary injury to the body, since diabetes mellitus causes wounds or other injuries in the form of bone fractures to heal. And this, in turn, can lead to necrosis and amputation of the limb, or even worse, to infection of the blood and further death of the patient.Of course, many men who are not lucky enough to get any type of diabetes will be very worried about the erection and sexual relations with a partner, since this insidious disease has a very negative effect on potency. Taking any medication for eliminating this problem for men suffering from diabetes is strictly prohibited, because it can be a threat not only to their health, but also to life. Such a danger is substantiated by the fact that drugs for increasing potency are designed to improve blood circulation, which, in turn, means that blood begins to circulate through the arteries much faster. And, therefore, for people suffering from diabetes, there is a rather high risk of hemorrhage, which then is not that problematic, and in most cases it will be impossible to stop. As a result, simply wishing to improve potency, a man who has diabetes can die from blood loss.

Based on the above information, it should be concluded that the disease is much more dangerous for men, since it is diagnosed much later and, therefore, causes much more complications and irreversible damage in the body.Also, this disease affects the basic sexual functions of every man, making him in some respects inferior. It is for this reason that men need to monitor their health as thoroughly as possible, undergo planned and unscheduled medical examinations, and be sensitive to any discomforts that occur, and if necessary, consult a doctor immediately.

Video: signs of diabetes in men

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