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All products and substances obtained as a result of the vital activity of bees have indisputable, time-tested and science-valuable qualities for human health. Beeswax, which insects seal honey collected from honey plants, has been called by beekeepers zabrus or honey signet. The name is due to the location outside the bars in the form of a layer protruding above the surface of the honeycomb. The presence of caps is a signal for pumping honey. Inexperienced and self-serving beekeepers can start harvesting, not waiting for printing, thus getting immature honey, with high humidity and depriving themselves of such necessary building material for bees and healthy substance as zabrus.
In order to extract honey from honeycombs, beekeepers cut off the upper, protruding layer with a special tool; it can be soaked with honey collection from the side of the slice, or it can be dry if the bee has closed the cell without typing it to the brim. However, not only honey they are valuable. As part of the trimming are invaluable in its uniqueness of the substance.
Mention of the benefits of healing substances can be found in the ancient annals of the Novgorod writers. Zabrus appeared in the lists of merchant goods exported for trading with the Swedes. There is even a legend about a beekeeper who has completely healed from ailments by chewing on wax cuts soaked in honey. It was also believed that in the families of beekeepers the teeth differed in beauty, whiteness and health. For hygienic purposes, Siberians chewed horn and tar, and the owners of bees - zabrus.
Composition and what is the uniqueness of the product?
The number and composition may vary depending on the place of collection and the diversity of plants of honey plants.
- Wax is a building material, adsorbent, a fighter against pathogenic bacteria.
- Perga is a “bee bread” or pollen, a composition intended and prepared by bees for personal use.Inquisitive people have studied the composition and take it away for their needs.
- Propolis is a bee glue, famous for its widespread use in folk and traditional medicine.
- The bees' saliva is a composition that is rich in useful ingredients and which the insect smears pollen brought on the paws from plants.
- Pollen is a male reproductive organ of plants. Valuable by the presence in the composition of all essential amino acids for the human body and 27 microelements.
- Essential oils are responsible for the aroma of honey and saturate the honey from the plant honey plants. For a short period of time they can be seen with the naked eye as a thin film on the surface of the honey. Especially well visible oil when pumping.
- Enzymes: diastasis, peroxidase, oxidase, invertase, catalase.
- Lysozyme - is in the highest concentration precisely in zabrus. It provokes the secretion of saliva and has a beneficial effect on the motility and secretory function of the stomach. Strengthens the immune system. The absence of any enzyme may indicate a violation of the quality of honey, caused either by pathology or by the careless actions of the beekeeper.For example, by giving honey a thermal effect in order to destroy crystallization, one can easily and irreversibly destroy the enzyme diastasis and replace the useful properties of the product with poisonous ones.
- Vitamin E (tocopherol) - is responsible for the beauty and youth of the female body.
- Carotene, retinol (vitamin A) - with good concentration, fruitfully affects the condition of the skin.
- Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is an excellent antioxidant, but also remember that it is a strong allergen.
- Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6) - improve the functioning of the nervous system, metabolism and have a beneficial effect on growth and development.
- Folic acid is prescribed in traditional medicine for anemia.
- Pantothenic acid is indispensable for skin diseases and neuromuscular disorders.
- Carbohydrates.
- Fat
- Squirrels.
- Organic acids.
- Resins
- Chitin - an excellent remedy for male ailments.
Trace elements and macronutrients (potassium, responsible for the proper functioning of the heart, iron, calcium, manganese, phosphorus).
What is its benefit? Medicinal properties of honey seal
Besides the fact that it is very interesting and tasty - to chew honey in honeycombs, it is also useful:
- It is a storehouse of beneficial vitamins, micro, macronutrients.
- Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. Good antiviral and fighter against colds.
- Immunomodulator, which creates barriers to the body, does not allow bacteria to enter the body, as this product accelerates the healing process.
- Treats diseases of the cardiovascular system, due to the presence of potassium in the first place, as well as unique components in the composition.
- A favorite product of a dental doctor. Zabrus strengthens the gums, eliminates bleeding, cleans the mouth of bacteria and gives strength to the teeth, prevents their loss.
- Used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract (nose, larynx, nasopharynx). Effectively copes with shortness of breath and pain symptoms. Heal pharyngitis, adenoid growths, tonsillitis, sinusitis.
- It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Improves peristalsis, motility. It helps to improve food processing. Indispensable for dysbiosis and slagging.
- It improves metabolic processes in the body.
- It is indicated for problems with the spine, arthritis, osteochondrosis.
- Chewing zabrus, it is easier to quit smoking. Promotes cleansing of the bronchi and lungs, smoothes cravings for smoking.
- When alcohol intoxication, vomiting, nausea, weakness and headache, healers advise chewing this miracle remedy.
- Treated with zabrus bronchial asthma, drug, food allergies, atopic dermatitis.
- Removes toxins. Valuable antioxidant.
- It gives vigor and strength. It has tonic properties.
- It has regenerating properties.
- With reactive zaushom, submaxillary, cervical, lymphatic lymphadenitis.
- Recommended for chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, neurosis.
- Treats trophic ulcers, dermatitis, burns, varicose veins.
Important! It is used with caution in case of allergies, and it is recommended for allergy sufferers to chew zabrus cut off from may honey.
Contraindications and strong recommendations
Despite the apparent harmlessness of the product, it should be used after consultation with a doctor. Saturated composition of the caps can cause harm to the body. To whom this product is contraindicated in the first place:
- Pregnant and lactating women.
- Cancer patients with a serious form, so as not to give impetus to the growth of cells.
- Young children under the age of 4-5 years.
- With increased acidity and gastritis.
- In the presence of serious allergic reactions.
- People with individual intolerance to the components.
How to take zabrus with various diseases
- For pancreatitis: 2 times a day before meals, 1 teaspoonful, relieves inflammation of the gastric mucosa and duodenal ulcer. Consume daily.
- To support immunity and treat colds: chew one spoon, four times a day for 10 minutes. If cough is present, the wax balls are chewed every hour. And the inveterate cough will recede if you drink warm tea with zabrus dissolved in it. In case of sore throat, chew the medicine every half hour in half a spoon for 15 minutes.
- For diseases of the oral cavity: wax balls will help to eliminate bleeding gums, stomatitis, periodontal disease. 1 tbsp. spoon before meals in the morning and in the evening (10-15 min.).
- When radiculitis: pain in the joints is eliminated by applying applications to the inflamed joints. You can use the ointment from the networks of pharmacies, which include zabrus.The effect of antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory.
- When stomach pains: eliminate unpleasant symptoms, relieve inflammation and pain, by taking half a spoonful of food before meals to eat. The problem of a chronic nature is solved by daily intake.
- Dietology and zabrus: able to quickly saturate, suppresses the feeling of hunger, has a pleasant taste and aroma. It is a complete substitute for desserts. Recommended daily use. It will give strength and energy, improve the process of digestion. Will remove toxins, bile.
For allergies of varying severity:
- easy - two weeks before flowering;
- medium - 2 days every 8 hours;
- strong - two weeks before, and after the period of the pollen attack;
- with bronchial asthma - as prevention before the onset of a critical period.
Video: Zabrus - a healing product of beekeeping
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