The content of the article
- 1 The reasons
- 2 Pathological conditions of the stomach
- 3 Reflux disease
- 4 Gastritis
- 5 Ulcerative processes
- 6 Pyloric stomach
- 7 Crayfish
- 8 Diseases of the esophagus
- 9 Zenker Diverticulum
- 10 Esophagus scleroderma
- 11 Diaphragm
- 12 Medical Correction Activities
- 13 Prevention
- 14 Video: how to get rid of belching and abdominal distention
Belching air after a meal is a phenomenon, unfortunately, not so rare and is observed in the overwhelming majority of the male and female half of humanity. She also happens in childhood. No one would even think of seeking medical help on this matter. It is considered only as some deviation from the norms of etiquette.
In fact, everything is much more complicated, since belching can be one of the first symptoms of the disease (on the part of the digestive tract organs). Even worse, if it is one of the manifestations of cancer. This sign should alert - it is important to think seriously about your condition.It is better if this is a reason to go to a medical institution on time.
The reasons
I must say that this symptom can be observed in people against the background of absolute health. An empty stomach in the human stomach contains a certain amount of air. In it he is like a gas bubble. Sizes are determined by gastric volume. The larger its size, the more massive the size of the air bubble. Where does he come from? It gets into it in the following situations:
- Short meal. In this mode, the air is simply swallowed.
- Air ingress occurs when taking a deep breath.
- Constant use of water with gas.
- The habit is to keep chewing gum in your mouth all the time.
Short-term speech is often a causal link in which air enters directly into the cavity of the stomach. This happens during a conversation, a conversation.
Excessive food intake can cause this symptom. Simply put, it is often seen in people suffering from gluttony. Such people during the meal fill their stomach with food to failure. The sphincter physiologically is simply not closed as it should be.Pressure contributes to the ejection of gas into the pharynx. A similar pattern is observed when bending after a hearty meal.
The reason may lie in the wearing of a tight belt. Often this is true for obese people. This is due to the increase in pressure in the stomach, which provokes the occurrence of belching.
The appearance of this symptom accompanies the one who suffers in the diet. Usually this is observed in coffee drinkers, spicy foods, and condiments.
The reason may be the use of inhalers in the correction of various conditions, while on the part of the digestive tract problems in humans are absent.
Pregnancy of a woman is often the time of occurrence of this symptom. The enlarged uterus during pregnancy always displaces the internal organs. The diaphragm rises somewhat, and this unpleasant symptom appears.
Pathological conditions of the stomach
Most often, these conditions occur when the stomach is weak in the cardiac region. In this place is the sphincter, which simply is not fully closed. Such anatomical discrepancy can be seen on the radiograph or during FGDS.
This failure of the cardia in its development has three stages:
- Initially, the incomplete closure of the sphincter leaves open a third of the lumen of the stomach.
- In the second stage, the lumen of the stomach is half open.
- In the third stage, in addition to the fact that the lumen is not fully closed, reflux esophagitis is added. When it is part of the gastric contents, as a rule, is constantly located directly in the esophagus as a result of throwing it there.
With weakness of the cardiac region, belching is a constant symptom, and it is caused by the following points:
- This is observed in those who constantly overeat and people with slow motor skills.
- The sphincter in the lower esophagus is weak. The presence of a hernia in the diaphragm in the place where it passes through the esophagus.
- Increased pressure in the stomach. Doctors explain that this phenomenon may well occur due to various kinds of inflammatory processes, malignant neoplasms. The culprit of this condition is pylorospasm or pyloric stenosis.
- Surgery for pathology in the radial section of the stomach. When they can be removed or damaged sphincter.
- Traumatic lesions, thermal factor.
Reflux disease
It is the most common reason for a person to burp. Doctors explain this by the fact that the entrance to the stomach is locked circular muscle. With its weakness is not observed complete closure. At the same time, what is contained in the cavity of the stomach enters the esophagus and then, respectively, into the pharynx. The provocateur of its appearance are the slopes or when the body has assumed a horizontal position for a long time. This condition is characterized by a number of other symptoms. These include:
- pain in the left chest, behind the sternum;
- nausea, occasional vomiting;
- feeling of quick satiety. The stomach is swollen.
Symptoms of a different nature in the form of coughing, shortness of breath, other symptoms. The patient begins to feel that someone is scratching his throat, there are difficulties with swallowing. Usually, doctors say that in this case, processes associated with erosion occur in the esophageal mucosa, ulcerative changes may join. If this condition is not treated, then the risk of esophageal cancer increases significantly.
Gastritis can occur for a variety of reasons, which are infectious and non-infectious nature. Observed acute or already flaccid chronic form of the flow.Among the variety of symptoms caused by the inflammatory process, there is also a manifestation in the form of an eructation by air.
Doctors claim that atrophic processes contribute to the accession of belching, which has a rotten smell. There is a decrease in appetite. When eating, the patient is saturated very quickly. There may be manifestations similar to dumping syndrome (the appearance of weakness after eating, frequent urge to defecate).
With the so-called antral forms of gastritis, the infectious cause comes to the fore. The culprit are bacteria Helicobacter pylori. As medical practice shows, a strong heartburn and even pronounced pain in the epigastric region can often be observed against the background of belching with air.
Ulcerative processes
Ulcerative defect is associated with gross lesion of part of the gastric mucosa. In this case, the condition of a person is accompanied by hyperemia, edema. Sometimes the damage can be so strong that it reaches the muscle layer. All this contributes to the appearance of an eructation of air or acidic contents of the stomach. Other symptoms are characteristic of the disease:
- Painful sensations of an acute or dull character.As practice shows, they occur some time after eating.
- Pain may even occur on an empty stomach or at night. Their localization is observed in the area of the projection of the stomach.
- After eating the patient sick, often vomiting joins. After it usually comes relief.
- Patients are prone to constipation, and appetite is significantly impaired.
Pyloric stomach
A condition associated with pyloric stenosis, when a spasm of the obturator muscle is observed, causes an increase in pressure in the cavity of the stomach. For this reason, any content in the stomach stagnates. Of course, this contributes to the occurrence of belching, which can be observed after eating.
Children pyloric stenosis is usually caused by congenital thickening of the muscle. As for pyloric stenosis in adults, the disease is characterized by clear cicatricial changes that usually occur in a patient due to ulcerative processes in the output section of the stomach. If the process goes into a decompensation stage, then along with unpleasant frequent belching with air, one can often observe vomiting. It can take a flowing character and occurs after eating.The patient loses weight, there are obvious signs of a violation of the so-called water-electrolyte balance. The skin and mucous membranes become dry, there is a dyspnea and a violation of the rhythm and heart rate.
At the very beginning of the process the clinic is scanty, the symptoms are poorly expressed or absent altogether. The clinic is somewhat similar to chronic atrophic gastritis. Usually, attention is drawn to the fact that there is a significant decrease in appetite. The patient has an aversion to meat food. Catastrophically quickly the patient loses weight. Appetite may disappear altogether. Objectively felt heaviness in the epigastrium. Belching air or food is present quite often. Due to the ability to metastasize, the lymph nodes of the supraclavicular region are enlarged.
Diseases of the esophagus
Quite often, this pathology is one of the causes of the onset of this symptom.
The condition is characterized by the chronic nature of the flow. The reason is, as the diagnosis shows, insufficient relaxation of the sphincter in the lower esophagus.Usually, doctors talk about the narrowing of the lower divisions, and the upper ones, on the contrary, they are expanded. There is no active reduction of the esophagus. There is an extreme irregularity of peristaltic movements. All this leads to a deterioration of the mechanisms associated with swallowing. The process is accompanied by the following sensations:
- Patients most often at the doctor's office complain about the feeling of a coma in the throat.
- Swallowing is difficult.
- The voice becomes husky, food often gets into the nasopharynx.
- If the patient is in a horizontal position, air enters the oral cavity.
- Half of the patients reported having chest pains.
- Nutrition is upset, the patient loses weight, with unenviable constancy accompany the phenomena associated with belching, heartburn.
- The development of esophagitis with the formation of scars. On the nutritional side, pronounced problems appear.
Zenker Diverticulum
The place where the esophagus passes into the pharynx expands like a sac. There is incomplete muscle relaxation and a significant increase in pressure. There is a protrusion of the esophageal wall. The following symptoms are characteristic of the disease:
- At the very beginning of the disease, the condition can be mistaken for a banal pharyngitis. I have a sore throat and it seems that someone is scratching the throat. Hypersalivation may occur (saliva is abundant), swallowing causes certain inconveniences. The patient often coughs up.
- Over time, the diverticulum increases. In this case there is a constant refusal of what is contained in the stomach.
- The combination of symptoms is possible joining belching.
- If food is often thrown into the respiratory tract, aspiration pneumonia may occur.
- If the diverticulum occurs in a patient for a long time, then its walls become inflamed and ulcerative changes occur. An unfavorable outcome is possible when the wall is perforated.
Esophagus scleroderma
The connective tissue apparatus is affected. Because of this, arterioles are affected. There is an atrophy in the mucous layer and the appearance of ulcers. This condition is not uncommon in the female climax.
Heredity is important in the development of the disease. Disturbed peripheral blood flow. Swallowing is broken, heartburn, belching appears.There is a strong pain and swelling of the small joints of the hands, feet.
Hernia at the site of entry of the esophagus into the diaphragm causes belching. The older a person is, the higher the risk of her appearance. This is due to the weakening of the muscle fibers.
There is also a weakness on the part of the ligamentous apparatus. The pressure inside the peritoneal space often increases. A similar condition may occur after heavy physical exertion.
Such conditions often occur in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. This may also include bronchial asthma. Such hernias may also be congenital, although they are much less common.
Medical Correction Activities
We have not yet invented such a drug, which would once and for all rid of this unpleasant symptom. If belching is due to any pathological process, the corrective measures are directed to the treatment of the underlying disease.
It is possible to arrest such states with an appropriate diet. Antacids and antisecretory drugs are prescribed.The mechanism of action of the first is aimed at neutralizing the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice. Preparations of the second group act on the principle of suppressing the excessive secretion of gastric juice.
Severe cases, organic pathology require surgical intervention. If belching is caused by food intake and occurs against the background of problems associated with hepatic abnormalities, the same remedies are prescribed as for acidic belching. The purpose of antispasmodics, drugs that enhance the flow of bile is shown. Assigned to inhibit the formation of bile acids.
No treatment will have proper efficacy if nutrition is not performed. Assigned treatment table number 5 by Pevzner.
Concomitant symptoms arrest the appointment of appropriate symptomatic therapy. In the presence of pain analgesics are shown. If the cause is an infectious onset, then a course of antibiotic treatment is given.
Malignant neoplasms require observation from a cancer specialist. Sometimes a neurologist’s consultation is required if nerve damage is the cause of a burp.
If this symptom appears against the background of complete health, then it does not require treatment. Only some correction is necessary to exclude the conditions conducive to its appearance.
You can avoid this symptom. To do this, follow the following rules:
- Moderation and regularity when eating. Do not allow overeating.
- Chewing food thoroughly.
- It is not allowed to do other things while eating, such as watching TV or reading.
- Correction diet. It is necessary to exclude drinks with gas, products that contribute to the occurrence of flatulence.
- Once and for all part with bad habits.
- Strong physical exertion is contraindicated, especially after eating.
If such a symptom began to pursue constantly, then you must immediately make a visit to the hospital. If a symptom is due to a disease, then it is much easier to cure at the initial stage.
If a similar symptom appears, you need to seriously think about it, analyze your lifestyle and make appropriate adjustments to it in a timely manner.
Video: how to get rid of belching and abdominal distention
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