German Boxer - description of the breed and character of the dog

This is exactly the case when the name of the breed speaks for itself. It is a strong, muscular, very energetic animal. The breed got its name thanks to its relief muscles and the habit of fighting with its front paws. By the way, this breed is considered one of the most hardy. These qualities give boxers excellent chances to get hired by the police or guards. Often they are chosen as pets.

 German boxer

From the history of the breed

Boxers are distant relatives of the Rottweilers. Their ancestors were hunters. They used their qualities to catch a wild boar, a bear or a deer. Their big mouth with pincer bite allows them to cling to the victim. In addition to hunting qualities, the boxers are also great shepherds.

Their selection involved in Europe until the 1900s. Large individuals were called the Danzig Bullenbeisers, and the smaller ones were called Brabant. It is the latter that are the closest ancestors of modern boxers.

The word Bullenbeiser itself means "the one that bites the bulls." He was called all dogs pickling breeds, which have differences in colors and external data. St. Petersburg Kunstkamera boasts a stuffed dog. This animal was brought from Holland by Peter the first. Even the greatest visionary is unlikely to have the idea that this animal is the ancestor of the boxers.

It is a fact! The representative of the breed of boxers earned the title of honorary donor. A pet named Winston is known for regularly donating blood to the needs of his fellows. American veterinary clinics often carry out a transfusion procedure. Boxers have a universal blood group, which is suitable for dogs of all breeds. With the help of Winston many times saved the lives of other animals.

The final appearance of the boxers was formed at the end of the 18th century. The dogs of red and brindle color were with the same broad and shortened muzzles, like their Molossian ancestors.Due to the fact that the dog had a protruding lower jaw, during the grip of the victim's teeth, he could breathe freely. To avoid trauma during labor, the tails and ears were stopped for dogs.

Bullenbaserov used for hunting purposes. They waited patiently until the bull approached and clung to it with a dead grip until the owner gave the command to release. The objectives of the centuries-old selection was the improvement of the professional qualities of this breed.

The new breed, resulting from the selection, was given the name boxer. After several decades, they all began to be called boxers. Some individuals had an interesting feature - the division of the nose into two parts. These individuals were considered true boxers and were called biphasic. The first of the known owners of boxers is considered to be the Bavarian rogue Mathias Kloosterman. Many prints have his images along with his four-footed friend. Naturally, such an animal made a very vivid impression on people of that time.

It is a fact! Artist A. Bryullov depicted Princess Golitsyna together with her four-legged friend, the progenitorBoxers Brabant Bullenbaser.

Boxer Defender

After the firearms were invented, the pickling dogs were sent to a well-deserved rest. Thanks to the butchers and herdsmen, the boxers remained human assistants. But for other purposes. They were used for security purposes and as shepherds.

 German boxer dog breed

In order to improve the working qualities of animals, they began to cross with representatives of the old English bulldogs. Representatives of the Boxer breed inherited from them a large and short head, a wide body, the presence of white spots in color.

Despite the long history of this breed, at the end of the 19th century, German traders were scornful of these dogs. The proposal to include the Bullenbeisser in the breeding book has caused outrage among breeders who prefer other breeds.

The four-legged shepherds were defended by a trainer with a good reputation F. Robert, who showed sympathy for the representatives of this breed. From his own experience, he concluded that boxers cope more effectively with their tasks than similar animals of other breeds.

His efforts led to the fact that in the 85th year of the 20th century, representatives of this breed were allowed to participate in exhibitions. The support of F. Robert gave impetus to the creation of a German boxing club and the development of the first breed standards. At the end of the year, the first exhibition was opened, in which fifty representatives of this breed took part.

Some exposed animals had a wolf's mouth. The rest were more like representatives of the Bulldogs. One third differed elongated body and long muzzle. Standards breed repeatedly refined and changed. Representatives of the white color breed were deaf from birth and subsequently excluded from breeding.

Boxer Creators

Soon, the representatives of this breed became extremely popular and demanded so much that their number considerably exceeded the competitors.

The purpose of selection was to improve the exterior of the animal, and not working qualities, as it was before. To improve the aesthetics of the Bullenbasers was only possible for real artists. In the 10th year of the 20th century, Shtokman created a sculpture of an ideal dog in their opinion.The creation of this project involved Ms. F. Shtokman. Together with her spouse named Philip, she founded a nursery where they were engaged in the improvement of this breed.

Shtokman waited obstacles to achieve the goal. When Philip was called to the front, Mrs. Friederum had to raise a child by herself and engage in the number of inhabitants of the nursery. Fortunately, she achieved the goal in her selection work and even avoided bankruptcy.

It is a fact! Representatives of the breed boxers were imprisoned for the fulfillment of civic duty. During the First World War, they served as guard and signalmen. 60 individuals hailing from Bavaria were taken to help German soldiers.

Breed standards

Puppies of German boxers stop tails, and this gives the animal a somewhat comical appearance when they wag the booty. Boxers are descendants of the English and German bulldogs, crossed in the 50s of the 19th century. These animals were invented to participate in dog fighting and bull baiting. After many years, aggression was eliminated from the breed by breeding. They are very attached to children, have a kind and playful character.Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to pay attention to boxer-kids games, as the dog is obviously stronger.

 German Boxer breed standards

Representatives of this breed must have the necessary physical activity daily. They can be kept inside the apartment or house, subject to regular active walking. Limiting the physical activity of boxers can cause problems in dealing with animals.

Note! German boxers are very sensitive to heat. For this reason, do not walk them in the sun.

Compared to their fellow rottweilers, they are smaller in size but have a more formidable appearance. Their body has an angular rectangular shape. This type of boxers are due to the large bones and developed muscles. The boxer's energetic movements express his physical strength and noble character.

The shape of the head shows the origin of the breed from ancestors intended to bait bulls. Skull cubic shape with a slight bulge on top. On the face there is a pronounced transition from the forehead to the nose. The tip of the nose is slightly raised up and flattened. The lower jaw is wider than the upper one, therefore it projects approximately one and a half centimeters.

Initially, when the breed appeared, the ears and tail were always stopped. A little later, when boxers stopped being used for harassment, they traditionally continued to do this. This procedure gives representatives of the breed characteristic features of the exterior. In Europe 16 years ago, such manipulations were banned. Changes were made to breed standards.

Acceptable colors have not changed for decades. Representatives of this breed can be tiger or red colors of any shades with a black mask. The presence of white markings is permissible, but not more than 30% of the total body area of ​​the animal. By the way, albino boxers are not recognized by breed standards. Since most often they are born deaf, there is a constant debate between the breeders about them.

Character traits of boxers

Representatives of this breed of dogs are endowed with strong nerves, docile nature and personality. They are very kind to their owners, they easily find a common language with those around them and adore when they are paid attention to. As a rule, their external calmness in the room is replaced by excessive activity in nature.Boxers like no other breed requires constant physical exertion. These active and energetic pets love adventure and fun. As far as they like to learn everything, they begin to sniff everything in a row while walking, it is amusing to grunt.

 Character traits of boxers

It should be borne in mind that the boxer - still the bully and naughty. They have no problem finding a common language with animals with which they live in the same house. Outside the home, a boxer behaves completely differently with respect to four-legged friends. They can chase cats and conflict with other dogs.

Relationships with strangers at boxers are hard. They are not inclined to bother with an annoying barking, but they are barking very loudly several times in a row, thus signaling that the stranger is approaching. If a boxer is properly brought up, then his guard qualities manifest themselves in the best way, without creating any problems for the owners.

With all his noble and wrestling qualities, the boxer is endowed with amazing sensitivity and childlike spontaneity. He will not use his power to get what he wants, he knows how to negotiate, while showing his intellect.For each family member, he always finds a special approach, which he then uses for his own purposes. From the very first moment, after the puppy appears in the house, it is required to establish a certain framework.

Boxers may well contain people who do not have experience with dogs.

Interesting fact! Happy owners of dogs of this breed at one time were such celebrities of a global scale: Robin Williams, Sylvester Stallone, Pablo Picasso, Alexander Vertinsky.

Features care and maintenance

First of all, attention and love on the part of the owner is important for boxers. All the rest does not concern his dogs so much. Dogs of this breed do not require special care. Their wool is very short and does not need to be combed. It is possible to bathe an animal only occasionally in case of a strong need. If they are only slightly soiled, it is possible to do with a damp sponge dipped in warm water to wipe the contaminated area on the body.

But the eyes of the dog require increased attention. Due to the peculiarities of their appearance, they can get grass, dust, pollen of plants.Therefore, they should be inspected several times a week and wiped with a cotton pad dipped in clean, lukewarm water. If the eyelids are red or swollen, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian so that it can dispense ointment.

After walking, wipe the paws with a damp sponge and inspect for mechanical damage. If the paw pads are injured or they are cracked, they must be treated with an antiseptic, and then moistened with creams or cosmetic oil. Also, the appearance of cracks in the cushions of the paws of an animal indicates deficiencies in vitamins and trace elements. It is necessary to enter into the diet of the animal vitamin complexes.


Nutrition boxer - is a science. As a rule, they have a fairly good appetite and eat everything. In this case, it is very rarely taken food, which can lead to various unpleasant consequences, for example, obesity. To avoid this, the owner of the dog must take full responsibility for the pet's ration. He is obliged to strictly control the amount of food, its quality and content. For recommendations on nutrition, it is best to contact the breeders from whom the puppy was bought.As a rule, they themselves share information about how to feed and maintain dogs.

 German boxer food

Fundamental rules:

  • food should be at or above room temperature;
  • the remaining food or food does not need to be left in the bowl;
  • after eating a meal, it should take at least 2 hours before a walk or active physical activity;
  • Under no circumstances can boxers be overfeed.

The correct ratio of meat and cereals in one feeding should be 1/3 (1 part meat 3 parts porridge with vegetables) for adults. Puppies and pregnant females should receive food in the ratio of 2/3.

The basis of the diet:

  • meat;
  • boneless sea fish;
  • cereals: oatmeal, unpolished rice, buckwheat;
  • hard wheat pasta;
  • boiled liver;
  • dairy products;
  • special feed.

The advantages of the boxer breed

They are great companions and friends of the family. They have excellent security and service qualities. They like to feel the attention and love of their owners. Suitable for active people who love and understand dogs. Most of them have good health and positive character. People who are or were happy owners of boxers, they say that it is better not to find a pet.

If you need a modest and quiet dog for sharing felting on the sofa in front of the TV, then this breed certainly will not work. But they will make an excellent company for people who love sports and outdoor recreation. Will ensure the safety of property and owners. They will add to the life of colors and real canine love, devotion and mutual understanding.


Depends on many factors and is about $ 250 for an individual with a minimum set of documents and from 80 dollars. - on an animal for the soul and home. For puppy titled parents will have to pay a much larger amount, ranging from 500 US dollars and above.

Video: German boxer dog breed

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