Coprinum scattered - description of where the toxicity of the fungus grows

By scattered dung beetle is meant a mushroom of inedible type, which grows in different climatic conditions. Otherwise, this dung beast is called common, since it is present in the forest belts, but it is never assembled and has small dimensions. It is interesting that the soft part of these fruit bodies is practically absent. Among all 150 species of the family, this specimen is the smallest.

 Invader scattered


  1. The hat is small, very thin and fragile, it breaks when improperly handled. Initially, it has the format of an egg, but over time it becomes like a bell. The diameter reaches a maximum of 1.5 cm. But fruit bodies with a top from 5 to 12 mm are more common. Stripes are scattered across the surface of the hat. The very surface of the top with wrinkles, the skin feels velvety and thin.
  2. As for pigmentation, these fruit bodies are stained with a dirty whitish tone and its derivatives. That is, they may be slightly beige, light gray with a touch. In the central part, the color is slightly darker than at the edges. Plate protrude enough, broad in structure. Grow to the base. Initially they are whitish, but the old copies are dark and even black.
  3. The soft part is watery, extremely refined and fragile. Breaks when pressed. It is painted white, has no distinctive signs by smell. It does not smell. The base is drawn up to 27 mm. The inner part is empty, the leg itself is curved, painted in a dirty white tone and quickly crumbles.


  1. Despite the fact that this representative of the family is called beaters, they do not settle in the appropriate places. In whole colonial clusters, these fruit bodies inhabit rotten wood, in particular, trees that are already dead or weakened. The trunks are closer to the soil and hemp.
  2. Colonial clusters can be found on the litter in the forest belts.They spread near aspen or birch. The life span of fruit specimens is interesting, the duration of existence does not exceed 3 days. They grow very fast, then turn black and die.
  3. However, in the summer it is possible to meet dying specimens and young growth that has recently appeared on one stump. Just a couple of generations, a huge family. The peculiarities of the species include the fact that the specimens never spread alone.
  4. In order not to confuse the discussed fruit bodies with themselves, it is necessary to know when they appear. The variety is considered to be summer type mushrooms. The first representatives are found even at the end of spring. Mushrooms continue to bear fruit until the beginning of autumn. If this season is rainy and warm, then there will be specimens in October. However, this is more the exception than the commonplace.


 The edibility of the dung beetle
As for the possibility of consumption in food, say the following. In view of the fact that these fruit bodies have almost no soft part, one cannot hope for excellent taste. Partly for this reason, it is deducted in the category of inedible mushrooms. First, the short period of existence. Secondly, there is nothing to eat.Third, small size. Also of no small importance is the appearance that these dung beasts are ugly, they will not want to put them in the basket. Through their research, experts found that this variety is rich in antioxidants. They, in turn, possess some valuable characteristics.

White dung

  1. Mushroom conditionally edible category with a shaggy top, painted a whitish tone. Diameter - 10 cm. This is the maximum value. Initially, the format of the apex, as a spindle, then smoothly flows into the bell-shaped type. Over the course of the life cycle, it does not become prostrate.
  2. The foot is painted in white, stretched to a height of 15 cm. It is located strictly along the central part. The inner part is empty, in the middle there is a scaling, but it is not always clearly visible.
  3. White fruit bodies are found in huge volume. These are entire colonies that grow in the meadows, garden plots and near houses. They are found in manure and near garbage dumps. Only youngsters are subject to collecting, it has not yet become inky.

In today's article, we studied a representative of the mushroom family, who received his posting "inedible" because of the lack of pulp as such.There is no point in subjecting these fruiting bodies to gathering and processing, because you cannot get anything from them. A white dung beetle is considered a collection, which is classified as conditionally edible specimens and is found much more often than its predecessor.

Video: scattered dung beetle (Coprinellus disseminatus)

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