Which oil is better to fry?

Modern man tries to preserve health, choosing the most valuable products. Also during cooking, there is often a question about the use of oil. Indeed, during heat treatment, many varieties secrete carcinogens, which, when ingested, gradually poison a person. In order not to be mistaken with the choice and receive exclusively the value of the meal, let's consider the most important aspects in the next order. You will form your own opinion and make a decision.

 Which oil is better to fry

The value of fat for the body

  1. Fatty acids are fully concentrated in oil. They protect the skin from external influences, and also strengthen the hair, make the nail plate dense and prevent their separation.
  2. The most important role is played in the activity of the heart muscle, adjusting the pulse and eliminating tachycardia.Not without value for people with unstable indicators of pressure.
  3. Fats improve the hormonal environment, eliminate the slightest fluctuations, tone the whole body. Categories of citizens with a low on the nature of the immune system to consume the oil must be systematically to enhance the protective functions.
  4. These compounds are required for the brain and central nervous system. This is important for people who are often under stressful situations, work mentally, and have difficulty sleeping. Do not assume that all fats are harmful. Those that are concentrated in oil, on the contrary, are useful and necessary.

Oil features

If you plan to choose products soon, you need to clarify certain features.

  1. There are several variations of the product. Each oil in the process of heat treatment will produce carcinogens. But their heating temperature varies, respectively, some species are quite difficult to bring to the intentional release of toxins. When the desired temperature of smoking is reached, the fats break down into peroxides, aldehydes and other very harmful compounds.They lead to the formation of oncology, problems with the digestive system and the heart.
  2. It is important to consider the amount of harmful fat that is concentrated in a particular variety of raw materials. If the lipids are of a saturated type, then they lead to problems with the vascular system and the heart muscle. They also provoke obesity and diabetes. It is important to purchase a product with a minimum amount of saturated fat.
  3. Also pay attention to the amount of impurities contained in a particular type of raw material. If, after frying, the food will reheat, then it makes sense to specify the oxidation index. He talks about how long the oil is allowed to be heated. All this is important to consider when choosing products.
  4. On the shelves of supermarkets comes a variety of products. It is difficult to say for sure whether it is useful or harmful. It is easier for some to buy oil from farmers, because it is made on-site from raw materials that grow directly in the country of residence. As a rule, allergy sufferers who have tried everything tend to this, but the body still reacts negatively to store oil.

Creamy or melted?

Products must be selected taking into account what you are going to do with it in the future. The specific dish is taken into account, as well as the heating of the ingredients.

 Butter for frying

  1. The basis of raw materials are fats, they are given about 85%. The remaining components of the composition of the product are impurities. In terms of utility, they can not boast of a special impact. Often on such a product are made dishes that are not planned to be heated for a long time. As a rule, they belong to the English cuisine. If the butter is subjected to a long heat treatment, it will smoke, become dark, rancid.
  2. To get a good dish with a crust, it is important to put not the highest level of heating. When products are cooked, in its flavor and taste characteristics it is somewhat similar to nuts. Naturally, if the basis for frying was taken natural oil, rather than soft purchase composition.
  3. This product can hardly be called useful, because it contains a lot of unhealthy fats. They are given more than half of the total volume of the chemical list of substances. If you look at it differently, only 1 slice of butter concentrates the daily need of an adult in retinol.
  4. The composition begins to smoke at 120 degrees.Accordingly, if the dish is cooked at lower rates, then you will get exclusively benefit from it. But at the same time it is necessary to choose a farm home product, which is difficult to do today. Store raw materials stuffed with vegetable fats.


  1. On the basis of it Indian dishes are prepared. It is all about the healing effect that the oil has on the body. Definitely, you can calculate the plus temperature of smoking, which is about 240 degrees. This oil is better than butter, and it should be preferred for long-term heat treatment.
  2. Otherwise, a similar composition is called ghee. Hindus attribute to him a lot of valuable characteristics, including increased cellular regeneration, cleansing of blood canals, increasing bone and cartilage density, accelerating metabolic processes, improving the activity of the digestive tract, and so on.
  3. The positive aspects include the fact that this oil over time acquires the best taste. The main thing is to keep it in an airtight container. On such a product, you can fry food, even if you plan to do something delicious for children.

Coconut, olive, mustard or avocado?


  1. Oil has a high temperature of smoke, the rate is 172 degrees. It is certainly useful for the organs of the digestive system. The basis does not include impurities in large quantities. But there are saturated fatty acids with antibacterial effect.
  2. A lot of research has been done regarding what exactly coconut oil is useful for. Proved that it is absorbed by the body, is not deposited in the form of fatty layers, respectively, suitable for people on a diet. Often this product is used to make baked goods or deep-fried snacks.
  3. Optionally, you can purchase oil class "Extra Virgin" or "Refined". The second is best suited for frying various foods. As for the first option, in this case, this oil is ideal for filling salads.
  4. If we talk about the purified product, then in this case the oil will have a pleasant coconut aroma. Consider, similar raw materials can seem to you unusual.By the way, for frying it is required many times less when compared with cream.
  5. Before using such a product, it is recommended to melt it in advance in the microwave or on the steam bath. Only after that use the product as intended. As for the class "Extra Virgin", then it tastes slightly sweet.
  6. Such butter can perfectly complement pastries, smoothies or be just the way when frying popcorn. If you are still undecided on the choice, it is still worth taking a closer look at the coconut. Its only drawback can be considered the formation of lumps during frying.

 Mustard oil for frying

  1. We should also mention the mustard product, it begins to collapse as soon as the temperature exceeds 250 degrees. Therefore, such a composition can be considered ideal for prolonged thermal exposure. Consider, it only concerns the refined composition.
  2. This oil contains a large amount of vitamin F and lipoic acid. High lipid content is a definite plus. Such a product can be compared with linseed oil. Only the mustard compound is not destroyed so quickly.
  3. It is worth noting that it is mustard oil that increasingly begins to appear on store shelves, but most of it still goes to France and abroad. In European countries, this product is very loved and added to almost all dishes. The specific taste of them does not bother. This oil is often used even for preserving food to extend the shelf life.


  1. If you look in the direction of olive oil, then you should give preference to the class "Extra Virgin". This composition does not contain harmful compounds and additives.
  2. Opinions about whether to fry on it or not, diverge greatly. The temperature of destruction is 200 degrees.

 Avocado oil for frying

  1. Next, pay attention to the avocado oil. Immediately it is worth noting that this kind of composition can not be attributed to cheap. The advantage is that it is saturated with tocopherol.
  2. It is vitamin E that is famous for its antioxidant properties. Due to this in the human body slows the aging process. This vitamin has a positive effect on the entire cardiovascular system.
  3. In addition, avocado oil contains chlorophyll. This enzyme has excellent antibacterial properties. Due to this, a person in the tissues prevents the formation of cancer cells. Oil goes well with almost any dish.
  4. Another undoubted advantage of this oil can be considered that it does not oxidize for a long time. This is not due to the fact that the composition contains monounsaturated fats. In addition, cold-pressed oil will be destroyed only at a temperature of 270 degrees. It is ideal for cooking.

Cooking oil

  1. Do not forget that after the purchase of vegetable oil, you will use it and give it to your loved ones. It will not be superfluous to know how such a product is generally manufactured. Beautiful advertising tells us that the composition is completely safe and even useful.
  2. Consider how to extract vegetable oil. There are only three main methods. It is cold pressed, hot and extracted. As for the cold press, it is considered one of the first and is used by a person for a long time.
  3. In fact, this oil is considered the most expensive.In the production of it is still heated and it is oxidized. However, this oil is considered the most useful and will be an excellent dressing for salads. Hot spinning is not as bad as it may seem. When processing the oil is heated to 100 degrees.

Fats must necessarily come to the human body with food. They are responsible for lipid metabolism, perform many different functions, including the withdrawal of cholesterol deposits from the cavity of the blood channels.

Video: on which oil to fry correctly

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