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Goat meat has several special features. Some compare goat meat with lamb - unlike beef, these two types of meat have a peculiar smell. There are dairy and meat goats - the first are bred to produce large volumes of milk. The meat of such goats has a characteristic odor, which appears due to the metabolism and physiological characteristics (a large number of sweat glands). There are also meat goats, whose meat is very tender, the smell is mild and it is very easy to get rid of it with the help of a special treatment. The meat of young kids that are not more than three months old is considered more refined. Well, the true delicacy all over the world consider the meat of a neutered kid. Such goats are calmer, they move less, the absence of the male sex hormone makes the meat tender, without additional unpleasant odors.In this article we will talk about the benefits of goat meat, consider the harmful properties and contraindications to this product, as well as learn how to properly prepare the meat so that it turns out to be soft and fragrant.
Useful properties of goat meat
Goat meat is really very useful for the human body - it contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. Unlike beef, goat meat contains less fatty veins, it is more lean and dietary. Let's try to figure out how goat meat affects people.
Low fat content allows to use goat meat in dietary and rehabilitative nutrition. Goat meat has the lightness of white rabbit meat and chicken, but it also perfectly lifts hemoglobin, like red beef meat.
The meat contains almost no fat, so the product is recommended for use during the period of weight loss. Moreover, regular consumption of meat improves the body's metabolism.
Unlike beef, goat meat contains a minimal amount of cholesterol.
Most cattle breeds are susceptible to parasites, but not goat.In this product you will never meet the larvae or adult worms.
Meat is very useful for patients with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, it is considered the most easily digestible, regular consumption of the product is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis.
There are special substances in goat meat that reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Goat meat perfectly removes excess fluid from the body, facilitates the work of the kidneys, eliminates puffiness and bags under the eyes.
Goat meat is very useful for diseases of the spine, it improves the condition of cartilage, promotes tissue regeneration during sprains and bruises.
Goat meat has a beneficial effect on the liver, cleanses it after alcoholic, nicotine, food and drug poisoning.
Goat meat very rarely causes allergies, the product is recommended to use for allergies, it is safe even for the first feeding of babies.
All these useful properties of goat meat make the product really valuable. Goat meat is served in elite restaurants of the whole world, in some cuisines of the world this meat is valued much higher than beef or mutton.But in order to preserve all the useful properties of the product, meat should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment.
Goat meat - harm and contraindications
Goat meat is so safe and useful that it has practically no contraindications. Meat mashed potatoes can safely be given to a child of the first year of life with the introduction of meat complementary foods. Goat meat can be eaten for pregnant and lactating women. Some people have a protein allergy - in principle, any meat is contraindicated, and goat meat is no exception. Very rarely an individual intolerance of goat meat occurs, in which case the use of the product should be abandoned. Some people do not like goat meat because it has a peculiar smell. But this problem can be solved.
How to choose and cook goat meat
It is better to buy meat in places where it is not stale - as a rule, this is the market. Good goat meat should be red in color; it should not be weathered or dry. After cooking, the goat meat will be slightly lighter than the beef. Meat should not be loose or slimy. Press down on the red flesh of the meat carcass - after deformation, the meat should straighten quickly and take on its former shape.Sometimes sellers give mutton for goat meat - remember that goat meat has a lighter structure, moreover, fat accumulates in the peritoneum, and not on the surface of the carcass, like a sheep. Smell the meat - let's say a slight smell that can be suppressed in the cooking process. If the meat frankly stinks, you should not buy it.
So that the meat does not exude an unpleasant smell, this should be taken care of already during the slaughter of livestock. When removing the skin, you need to carefully monitor that the skin does not come in contact with the outside with the meat, because often the unpleasant smell is the sweat of the animal. Before cooking the meat is pre-soaked, cook it in the second or third broth. Various spices, especially rosemary, are surely added to the water - it perfectly suppresses extraneous odors. If you plan to bake or roast meat, you need to marinate it for a long time - at least a day. You can get rid of the unpleasant smell by adding a glass of white wine to the marinade. Goat meat goes well with any side dishes - cereal or vegetable.
In the villages, goats are an integral part of the common household. They are unpretentious, give a lot of milk, from which they make cheese, butter and other products. People use the down and wool of a goat, with pleasure savor its tender meat.And the goat is an incredibly intelligent animal that has an acumen and a wonderful memory. Unlike a cow, a goat does not suffer from tuberculosis and brucellosis. Therefore, you can eat goat meat without fear!
Video: how to cook goat meat
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