Amanita Vittadini - description of where the toxicity of the fungus grows

The mushroom Amanita Vittadini belongs to the Amanita family. As to whether they can be eaten, there are still disputes. Some sources say they are poisonous. Others argue that the fungus is completely edible, and does not pose any health hazard. Most likely, in this case it would be appropriate to consider representatives of this species as conditionally edible mushrooms.

 Amanita Vittadini

In Latin, its name sounds like Amanita vittadini.


The cap of the fungus of the species of the mushroom Vittadini usually white. But sometimes there are instances in which it is painted in brown or greenish color.

Diameter can be different. It ranges from 5 to 14 cm. On the bonnet there are remnants of a bedspread with scaly spines. The base is angular, they are noticeably convex. On the periphery, these residues are separated from the skin of the fungus.

The plates, which are located under the cap, are also white. The spores have a smooth amyloid surface. The dispute form is irregular in the form of an ellipse. And the spore powder is also white.

The stem of these mushrooms is shaped like a cylinder. It is also white, but towards the base it narrows somewhat and becomes darker. On the leg there is a smooth ring. Young mushrooms are enclosed in a common Volvo. In adult fungi, it disappears over time. From it remain only traces, which are represented by scales, located both on the cap and on the stem of the fungus.

Where grows

Mushrooms of this species are quite common in Russia. You can see them as a rule in the south, as well as the south-east of the country. They grow in the Stavropol region, on the territory of the Saratov region. You can also meet the mushroom Amanita Vittadini on the territory of Ukraine, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

They also grow in other European countries, which are characterized by a warm climate. You can meet them almost all over the territory, from Italy to the British Isles. There are representatives of this species in Asian countries.They grow in the Far East. You can meet this fly agaric in Israel and in Transcaucasia. There is this mushroom also on other continents. It is found in Africa, as well as in America.

Favorite places of growth of mushrooms of this species are the steppes and forest-steppe, located not far from the forest belt. In the territory of Southern Europe you can very rarely meet this mushroom. Perhaps, therefore, residents treat him with caution, and believe that it is poisonous. The fruiting period of the mushroom Vittadini is rather long. You can collect them from the middle of spring to the very middle of autumn. They grow on different types of soil.

Similarities with other species

Externally, the representatives of this species are quite similar to the white mushroom. And this mushroom is very poisonous. Its use can be fatal. This may be another reason why many people avoid the Amanita Vittadini. He is simply afraid to be confused.

Even in appearance, it is very similar to an umbrella painted white. On such a similarity does not carry any danger.

The nutritional value

 Nutritional value of mushroom Vittadini
Young mushrooms of this species can be eaten. The flesh has good taste, as well as a pleasant aroma.But it is found in nature very rarely, so many people prefer not to collect them. After all, there is a high probability to confuse it with a deadly species.


Mycologists refer this species to the genus Lepidella. But many of them believe that the representatives of this species have both features of the mushrooms belonging to the Amanite genus, and features of Lepiota.

Special features

It is noteworthy that when the body dries out, these mushrooms (in case they are not young) do not lose their viability. Therefore, they may temporarily stop growing due to drought, but when the rains blow, the fungus will revive again and will continue to grow.

Related mushrooms

Amanita Battarry also refers to conditionally edible. The cap of this fungus can have a different shape. It can be convex, and also have the shape of an egg or bell. The cap has uneven edges, rather thin structure. As a rule, it is painted in olive color with a yellowish tinge, but can also be grayish-brown. Sometimes there are traces of bedspread on the hat. The leg has scales on the surface. Painted yellowish brown. The fruiting period lasts from mid-summer to October.It grows in a coniferous forest. Sometimes you can see and mixed. Prefers an acidic soil.

Another related species, which is also conditionally edible, is Elias Amanita. The cap first has an ovoid shape, and then becomes flatter with a tubercle in the middle. It can be painted white, beige, and sometimes a pinkish color. There are also brown specimens. It has the remains of a blanket. There is a ring on the leg.

Growing species in the Mediterranean. In Russia you can meet extremely rarely. You can see in the forest under a nut, beech, etc.

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