Is it possible to get worms from a dog?

Avid animal lovers indulge their four-legged friends in everything. They give you to try ice cream, lick your cheek, drink from the master's glass of water. But only the most health-conscious people want to know whether the worms are transmitted from dog to man and how this happens. In order not to harm yourself and other households, let's understand the main aspects in order. So let's get started!

 Can I get worms from the dog

What are the worms transmitted to man

Not many people know that there are more than 400 species of parasitic creatures that with great success will be able to settle down in the human body, fully exist there and cause irreparable harm.

Perhaps one of the most common types of such parasites are worms.They affect all the most important systems and organs, immunity falls at an unprecedented rate. Moreover, these parasites are transmitted through the respiratory tract and with food.

However, most of the worms, existing or accustomed to the dog, in a person does not get along. They die and then go out. But the other part of the worms will successfully settle and begin to aggravate the state of health. Therefore, it is necessary to answer your question, based on what kind of worms we are talking about.

Often the most dangerous for human life are helminth eggs. They can be transmitted to humans, children who are in close contact with the dog and do not observe basic hygiene will be especially hard hit.

Here are the main types transmitted from the dog to its owner:

  1. Zenuroz. Under this unfamiliar name for many people, tape worms lurk, which are responsible for damage to the spinal cord and brain. Helminthic eggs enter the human body with food or water if it is contaminated with animal feces. When a brain damage occurs, the person feels a severe pain, a pulsation in the temples.Facing vomiting spasms, convulsive seizures and loss of consciousness due to lack of oxygen and slowing blood circulation. If the worm infestation is accompanied by damage to the spinal cord, then paralysis of the legs and the entire lower part develops as a depressing stage.
  2. Dipilidiosis. Another type of tape-type worms, which is called chain cucumber. It is given to the owner of the dog if the pet is infected with fleas that are sick in which a helminth is formed. A rare phenomenon, but you need to know about it. It parasitizes the intestinal tract, which is why the stomach often hurts, the person becomes nauseous, itching in the anus region and accelerated salivation. If the invasion becomes severe, then iron deficiency anemia (anemia) develops. A variety of tapeworm usually enters the child's body, if the animal touches its mouth to the lips or mouth of the baby.
  3. Toksokaroz. The most dangerous type of larva infestation, in which human systems and organs are endangered. Together with the bloodstream, parasitic creatures penetrate the intestinal tract, lungs, liver and kidneys.The inflammatory process develops in the cavity of the organs, the worms begin to multiply. This kind of worms can penetrate into the human body through the animal's woolen coat or from the hands of a person unwashed after playing and training with a dog. Toxocarosis usually develops in children who play in the sandboxes (this is the main source of infection). For the younger generation, such an outcome is fraught with complete / partial loss of vision.
  4. Echinococcosis. Echinococcus eggs often live on wild berries and plants, so you can get infected from a dog that lives in such an area. The most dangerous type of illness, due to which the cyst of worms develops in various organs of the human body. Usually transmitted from animal hunting breeds. The treatment is long and complicated, only with the help of surgical intervention. As for the symptoms, they are different, depending on the area of ​​the lesion.
  5. Tenioz. The defeat pork chain, most often it develops in the digestive system of people and animals. Usually enters the body by consuming raw meat of pigs or rabbit, if the animal was infected.

How a dog becomes infected with worms

  1. Even the strongest dog with a stable immune system during its life is exposed to infectious diseases and other lesions of the internal organs. It does not depend on gender, age or breed. It's all about curiosity and frequent walking of pets.
  2. Any contact with other dogs is a risk of infection. Playing with a stick, leftover food near a dumpster on the street, licking your own wool cover - this and much more can provoke the development of helminthic invasion.
  3. If the owner did not accustom the four-favorite pet of the family to manners from early childhood, did not tell what is bad and what is good, then the animal will pick up all the nastiness on the street. It is possible that helminth larvae will be found in the bones or in the remains of meat.
  4. Important information that affects pregnant dogs. If the expectant mother is infected with worms, the eggs can get inside the womb. This will lead to disastrous consequences. Also, if the bitch has already given birth, puppies can pick up the helminth infection from the mother's milk or close contact with her.
  5. There are many parasite carriers that can infect a dog with worms.This category includes lashing, arthropods, blocks with mites. How worms are in the external environment? Eggs leave with pet feces, they can be everywhere: on grass, sand, branches, plants, in water.
  6. The dog becomes infected quickly enough. It is enough to drink water not at home (for example, from a puddle), eat something from the ground on the street, eat contaminated meat or swallow a flea during the cleaning process.
  7. It should be understood that if you have a four-legged favorite of a decorative breed, you can bring worms on top of clothing or footwear. The dog will still be infected, so timely deworming is required.

How does a person become infected with worms

 How does a person become infected with worms from a dog?

  1. An adult, a child, any family member can become infected with parasites from a pet by contact or through saliva. Worms eggs can be found in animals in the fur, under the claws, in the paw pads and in any other part of the body.
  2. It should not be excluded from the attention of the fact that pets love to contact with all family members. The animal is always active and friendly. Also, dogs on walks are in contact with relatives, which may be affected by worms.
  3. Showing love, the pet begins to lick the hands or face of the owner. In most cases, pets are allowed to climb on a bed or sofa. Children also like tender and friendly animals. The child will always care for the dog, kiss it and hug.
  4. As a result, frequent and close contact with pets provokes human infection. At the same time, the dog itself may not even be affected by parasites. Pet can bring eggs or larvae on their own wool from the street.
  5. Parasites may be present on furniture, interior items, carpets, clothes, floors, or children's toys. That is why it is necessary to follow the rules of basic hygiene. If the dog is infected with parasites, larvae or eggs, they will quickly enter the human body. Further worms will only develop.
  6. Also, the risk of damage to the human body is increased by several times if the animal is kept in poor conditions. The owner simply can not give the dog proper care and attention. That is why the prevention of helminths should be regularly carried out. Follow the rules of feeding.
  7. Often the worms appear in the animal due to poor-quality diet.If you give a dog raw sea or river fish, meat, offal, which has not been subjected to heat treatment, there is a great risk of parasites. Therefore it is not necessary, then be surprised like this.
  8. Consider, often the defeat of the body occurs in the warm season. This is the time for parasites is considered the most favorable. In warm times, the worms begin to multiply actively. It is worth noting that in the early period the symptoms of an animal being affected by parasites are difficult to detect. However, a person can also become infected.

Consequences of infection

  1. Even experienced owners of four-legged friends may not always be aware of whether worms are transmitted to humans. Helminths do not inhabit the animal's fur, but eggs can be contained in such an environment. The risk of infection in this case is significantly increased by contact with the dog.
  2. Worms are equally dangerous for both animals and humans. Helminths enter the body, provoking the development of serious intestinal pathologies and internal bleeding. Diarrhea appears, the anus is inflamed, body weight is reduced.
  3. In rare cases, it is possible to observe damage to the human eye and skin.Such consequences are particularly dangerous for young children. Because of the parasites, the child may go blind. Therefore, take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

If the animal is affected by worms, the person can easily become infected. Even with regular dog prevention, she can bring parasites into the house on herself. Be sure to follow the rules of hygiene. Do not allow children to kiss pets. Not superfluous systematic prevention of the whole family from worms and other parasites.

Video: Can a person get worms from a domestic cat or dog?

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