Is it possible to catch worms from a cat?

Statistics show that about 4 billion people in the world are infected with parasitic diseases. Such scales make you think about preventive measures against parasites. The main sources of human infection are our smaller brothers - among them cats.

 Is it possible to catch worms from the cat

Often the owner does not even suspect that a pet may have parasites until it is accidentally discovered in the animal’s feces. The first thing that worries the owner of the cat in this case is whether he can be the carrier of the same helminths.

How is this dangerous?

Infection with worms is not only unpleasant, but also quite dangerous. The parasite is therefore a parasite that lives at the expense of others. In the course of their livelihoods, they feed on the carrier’s organism, leaving it with fewer nutrients necessary for life.In addition, they are able to poison it with the products of their vital activity, which causes intoxication and allergies. The most dangerous consequences of such cohabitation - damage to the organs where the parasites live, and damage to the central nervous system.

A large accumulation of worms in the intestine can cause its obstruction. They often contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases. Often, the effects of the presence of parasites in the body are damage to the cells of the brain, lungs, liver, joints, as well as other organs and systems. Their presence is accompanied by symptoms in the form of headache, chronic fatigue, as well as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, persistent allergic reactions to food and external stimuli.

This way of being they perfected over thousands of years in the process of evolution. Many types of worms do not even have a mouth, they feed on nutrients from the body of the wearer, absorbing them in the cells of their body. At the moment in their world there are several hundred species. The only place where they can not live in the human body is hair and nails.

Parasites were, are and will be.They perfectly adapt to any conditions and reproduce with amazing speed. Worms are spread, depending on their species, in various ways, including airborne.

Important! Many cat owners mistakenly believe that small kittens can not be carriers and carriers of worms. Contrary to popular belief, most often babies, especially yard ones, are infected with parasites at a very early age from their mother - cats. Infection occurs in utero or during breastfeeding. For this reason, anthelmintic kittens need, starting from two weeks of age.

What parasites do cats have?

In fact, their great variety. Currently, in medicine and veterinary medicine there are three main groups:

Roundworms (nematodes)

  1. Toksokary. It can be found in cats of all breeds and ages, but it is usually only kittens that are striking. There are described cases of infection of people, but they concern children and old people. The body of adults who do not have problems with the immune system, rather actively resists infection and destroys the larvae who managed to get inside.
  2. Hookworms. In foreign literature, the name Hookworms is usually called worms, and in Russian literature it is an ankylostoma. So, ankilostomiasis is called the disease, due to which parasites settle in the small intestine (often kittens) of an animal in the form of roundworms. Typically, the length of such a helminth is about two or four millimeters, that is, they are barely noticeable. These same hookworms feed on the tissues and blood of a living organism. Through its tooth-shaped hook, the helminth attaches to the intestinal walls and begins to harm the body of a living being.
  3. Roundworm. The worm, which affects the body of cats, has a white, yellowish tint. These parasitic forms can grow up to twenty centimeters in length. Cats can infect with these parasitic forms without even leaving their home borders. Parasitic eggs can be at home, settling on the shoes of the owner.
  4. Pinworms. Pinworm infection or enterobiosis is one of the most common parasitic diseases. It is caused by ingestion of pinworms. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, so it is very easy to get them in the living environment when in contact with the carrier. The main symptom of their presence in humans is itching in the anus.Its cause is egg deposition by the pinworm female in the anus, which treats its eggs with a substance called isovaleric acid. This substance irritates the skin, causing the most unpleasant itching.

Flat worms (tape)

  1. Cucumber tapeworm. He lives in the intestines of the carrier, clinging to its wall with a special hook. It can reach sizes up to 30 cm in length.
  2. Wide tapeworm. May cause vomiting and constant nausea and cats. Some representatives of this type of worms can reach sizes up to one and a half meters.
  3. Echinococcus. Type of tape parasites that live in cats. They have a flat body up to 0.5 cm in length. It is difficult to infect them from cats, since they are transmitted only by the fecal-oral route. Their habitat most often becomes the liver, where they live and multiply, creating special cavities around themselves. As a result of their vital activity, the structure of the organ suffers and its functions are disturbed, which inevitably leads to complications in the form of concomitant diseases.

Signs of

Rarely the owner realizes that the cat suffers from helminthic invasion, without having actual evidence of this in the form of a “surprise” in the tray.A number of characteristic symptoms that are not direct but characteristic in this situation can speak about infection with worms:

  • The lethargy and drowsiness of the animal.
  • Changing taste preferences and the amount of food consumed.
  • Pallor and dryness of mucous membranes.
  • Dull coat.
  • Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Constipation and diarrhea.
  • Large volume of the abdomen without pregnancy.
  • Permanent licking of the anus.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Frequent allergic reactions.
  • Dramatic weight loss or weight gain.


 Diagnosis of worms in cats
The diagnosis of parasitic diseases in cats is carried out with the participation of a veterinarian in the clinic. For this, the doctor analyzes the host complaints and examines the history of the disease. For analysis, take the animal feces and check for the presence in them of waste products and worms eggs. Additionally, blood and urine can be taken for analysis. With a strong worm infestation with accompanying symptoms, a special ultrasound diagnosis of the organs where the parasite is supposed to live is carried out.

Preventive measures

It should be borne in mind that preventive measures must be observed not only the owners of the cat, but also the owners.The main method of prevention is periodic deworming of both the cats and their owners with the help of special preparations aimed at the destruction of round and ribbon parasites.

In addition to deworming, the following preventive measures should be observed:

  1. It must be borne in mind that anthelmintics act only on the inhabitants of the animal, but in no way can destroy the eggs on the surface of the pet's body.
  2. Pet products that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment should not be eaten.
  3. All procedures for cleaning cat feces and washing the tray should be followed by hand washing with antibacterial soap.
  4. The place where there is a cat toilet and the tray itself should be periodically treated with disinfectants. The same goes for pet bowls.
  5. You can not take in his hands and stroked stray cats. Most often, they are the carriers of parasitic infections.
  6. A cat living in the house must limit contact with animals that have the possibility of free range.
  7. If there are obvious signs of parasite infestation of the cat's body, it is necessary to contact the veterinary clinic, where it will be provided with effective, qualified specialist assistance.The veterinarian will prescribe the necessary tests to determine the type of parasites and describe the correct treatment. In addition, the doctor will give recommendations to all family members for treatment and prevention.

Important! Contrary to the opinion that worms can be infected from a cat, it is the owner that is the cause of parasitic infections of the animal. People bring eggs of parasites on their shoes and clothes, thus infecting themselves and their beloved pet with worms. Especially dangerous in this regard are small children who attend groups and love to dig in the sandbox, eat food without washing their hands before eating, often eat unwashed vegetables and fruits.

Preventive de-worming cats

Many people mistakenly believe that a cat that lives in a house cannot become infected with parasites a priori. However, this opinion is erroneous. Home sofa pets can pick up worms through food or socializing with other animals. Most often it is the owner himself who brings the worms into the house.

In most cases, the owners will find out about the presence of parasites in the cat when they see suspicious white dots in the feces, ignoring all the typical symptoms that are common, and cannot testify to the presence of a parasitic infection in the animal.

Preventive deworming is conducted on cats quarterly and at least once every six months. Kittens do not wormhole before they reach the age of 1 month. During this period, the baby's body has time to get a little stronger. Kittens are most often infected in utero or when fed with mother's milk.

For deworming cats comes a variety of tools in different forms that are convenient for use: tablets, pastes, suspensions, drops.

Antihelmintic drugs for cats of a wide spectrum of action:

  • "Dirofen - pasta 20";
  • "Broadline", "Prazitsid", "Gelmintal" - drops on withers;
  • “Febtal - combo”, “Prazitel”, “Prazitsid” - suspensions;
  • “Canikvartel Plus”, “Febtal”, “Trontsil K”, “Drontal” - tablets.

Preventive human deworming

Despite the stereotypes that only sluts and dirt got infected with worms, absolutely all people can accidentally become victims of parasites. Most often they are brought from a team, public transport or with food. Any helminths can not the best way to affect the state of human health. Parasites and parasites to live at someone else's expense! They take from their owners the most beneficial substances from the body.The owner thinks that he suffers from avitaminosis and starts feeding the worms with expensive vitamin complexes.

In rare cases, a modern person comes to a state where characteristic symptoms of the presence of parasitic worms appear in the body. People, like their favorite pets, should ideally be de-wormed for preventive purposes. To do this, use a wide range of drugs once, about once every six months with a repetition of the procedure after 2 weeks.

A relatively healthy person without obvious signs of helminthic invasion can choose their own medicines by consulting a pharmacy for advice. If there are problems with health, especially the liver, heart, kidneys and the digestive system, then before using the medications, you must visit the doctor and clarify whether it is possible to use such drugs for these pathologies.

Anti-worming drugs of a wide spectrum of action for people:

  • "Optimist";
  • Mebendazole;
  • Levamisole;
  • "Naftamon" and others.

Important! Children under one year old are dewormed only according to special indications and following the advice of the attending physician, under his strict supervision.

Video: can a person get worms from a domestic cat or dog

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