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Sweet and fragrant halva is loved by adults and children. It consists of natural, available ingredients and is sold in almost all confectionery departments of supermarkets. Women during breastfeeding, many products, especially sweets, are contraindicated. However, halvah older women - mothers and grandmothers, advise their daughters. They say that this delicacy will make the milk tasty, nutritious and healthy. But doctors on the contrary - do not recommend, and they say that halva is an allergen. So what of this is true?
What is a halvah?
Halva - a sweet dessert from the Middle East, is a favorite sweetness of many. The authorship of this dish belongs to the Arabs, and is translated from the Arabic as "sweet". For its preparation there are a large number of recipes. Usually it is prepared from seeds or nuts.
In eastern countries, it is most often made from sesame, such halvah is called tahini. It has a light color.In the CIS countries, halva is made from sunflower seeds, for the reason that this raw material is very common. In addition to the sunflower, peanuts or pistachios can be used to make this delicacy.
Raw materials for the preparation of finely ground to a pasty state. Sugar and other ingredients are added to the paste. The original recipe requires the addition of honey, but it is used only for homemade halvah. Commercially, other sweeteners are used, such as molasses or caramel mass. With the help of these substances, the same layered texture of the delicacy is formed, for which residents of the East and neighboring countries love it. For foaming use ingredients of natural origin: licorice root, althea, soap nut. If natural ingredients are used to make halva, then it is completely safe and even useful for breastfeeding women.
What is useful halva?
Doctors are mostly categorical about eating halvah by nursing moms. It is not recommended for women at this time, because its components can cause allergies in the child.However, if halvah is not abused, then an individual reaction in the infant can hardly occur. And also, the main raw material of halva is nuts and seeds, which are extremely useful.
- Sunflower seeds. Very popular in Russia and Ukraine product. And all because they contain in its composition a lot of nutrients. They contain a lot of vitamins B and E, fatty acids, and there are also minerals: phosphorus, copper, selenium. By its beneficial composition, sunflower seeds are no worse than red fish, only more accessible in all senses.
- Sesame seeds. They are the basis for many dietary meals. Originally from India, where they are considered healing in the countries of the East. Sesame is extremely rich in calcium, so this product is its main source for vegetarians. By the way, calcium is contained in sesame up to 975 mg per 100 grams. In addition, there are many antioxidants and vitamins that are useful for women.
- Peanut beans. More recently, peanuts were categorically contraindicated in lactating women, and all because it was considered too allergenic product. However, quite recently, American scientists proved its safety.And the benefits of peanuts are indisputable. It is rich in vitamins A, D, E, nicotinic acid and minerals: magnesium, copper and calcium. And therefore the use of peanuts in food helps to strengthen the nervous system, improve skin condition and even memory. If you eat peanuts daily, it will help increase the body's defenses. But after heat treatment its useful properties are lost. In combination with other products, it can actually provoke an allergic reaction.
- Pistachios. In the East, pistachio trees are called the "tree of life", and the Persians considered them to bring wealth. They have a high nutritional value and are rich in fatty acids. These very high-calorie nuts - 640kkal / 100g, contain a lot of fiber and useful (long) carbohydrates. Pistachios contain vitamins A, B and E, as well as minerals: copper, manganese and phosphorus.
- Almond. Almond halva has the least amount of calories 560kkal / 100g of product. At the same time, its composition contains a lot of magnesium and potassium, which are important for muscle fibers. In addition, it is rich in vitamin D, which is indicated for the baby and nursing mother. It contributes to the preservation of the health of the teeth and bones in women, and is also necessary in the infant's diet for the prevention of rickets.In addition, it contains vitamins of group B, F, vitamin PP or nicotinic acid.
Asking whether it is possible to enjoy halvah during breastfeeding, you need to take into account that delicacy is useful, unlike synthetic confectionery. Components of halva are natural and saturated with the necessary body substances.
Attention! Contrary to delusion, the use of halvah in food does not contribute to an increase in the fat content of breast milk. The diet of the nursing mother does not affect the content of fat in it. The percentage of fat in milk varies at the instinctive level of the female body. It depends on the current needs of the baby and is in the range of 3.5-4%. Products consumed by a woman in no way affect these indicators.
Use of halvah by a nursing woman:
- improve mood and helps out of depression;
- improves lactation;
- helps fight fatigue and helps to restore the body;
- contributes to the stabilization of digestive processes;
- improves blood circulation;
- normalizes the nervous system;
- helps to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
Halva Breastfeeding
According to a specialist from breastfeeding Natalia Razakhatskaya, halvah should be considered a product that is beneficial. However, it is high in calories, so it does not need to be abused.
In order to benefit from halva, not harm, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- Watch the baby’s reaction. The first use should be minimal. It is necessary to eat a small amount of halva, not more than 30 g, and during the day to observe the reaction of the child. This will help to understand whether mother should diversify the diet with this dessert during breastfeeding. If the baby doesn’t worry during the 24-hour period and doesn’t have any skin reactions, then you can continue to use halvah, otherwise you will have to refuse yourself in the oriental delicacy. You can repeat the experiment in 1-2 months.
- Do not abuse. The role plays an important rule - "everything is good, that in moderation." For a product to be beneficial, it should be eaten in moderation, however useful it may be. If a nursing mother eats a little halva every day, it will not bring anything but good.However, a large amount of product, eaten once, can cause an individual reaction not only in the baby, but also in the woman herself.
- Use only high-quality halva. Undoubtedly, the product must be fresh to benefit. But the main requirement is its naturalness. For this you need to familiarize yourself with the composition. If it contains foreign components, in addition to the protein mass, molasses and soap root, this halvah should not be bought. It is they who can cause side effects from its use.
Attention! Allergy is an individual reaction of the body of a particular person to a particular product. There is even a reaction to a substance that is not considered an allergen. The intensity of the manifestation of individual intolerance depends on many factors.
Halva from sesame, pistachio, sunflower seeds when breastfeeding will bring only benefit in limited quantities. The presence of dessert in the diet of young mothers will contribute to a good mood and enrich the body with useful substances. If the child does not have individual reactions, then it can be included in the diet of a nursing woman.If the baby somehow reacts to the use of halvah by the mother, then it is necessary to exclude her for a while.
Video: Is it possible for a sweet nursing mom?
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