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At a time when a woman is breastfeeding a child, the main task is to ensure maximum protection for her baby. This leaves an imprint of all restrictions on its diet. It is required to exclude many foods and beverages. But any mommy, probably, is not against the desire to have a tasty meal. Her body sometimes requires something of a sort, sweet, soft and tasty food. It is not difficult to guess that this is a cake. Is it possible for her to use it during this period? To answer this question, you should thoroughly understand this.
The harm of such a dessert
If we consider such concepts as cake and the female body, even without taking into account the period of breastfeeding, we should not forget that such food contains a sufficiently large number of calories. If you eat at least 100 g of this product, then the body will replenish with energy equal to 500 cal.Any woman watching her figure, such a quantity is more evidently not indifferent.
Undoubtedly, the cake contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, which are an excellent source of energy. But this is good only for those who lead an active lifestyle, play sports, are constantly exposed to physical exertion. It is easy to imagine what will happen to these carbohydrates in the body of a woman who moves very little, and is not at all friendly with physical culture and sports. They are simply transformed into fat. In response to the use of the cake, backed up by their rampant desire, except for the accumulated extra pounds, they will not get anything.
We should not forget that the cake still has poor saturation and can not replace a full meal. Having eaten a fairly decent piece of cake, no more than an hour later, there will be a feeling of hunger again.
Calorie - not the worst thing that a nursing mom can face. The increased demand for such products dictates the need to introduce into the recipe of various additional ingredients. It is a question of a different sort of baking powder, thickeners and the other substances improving tastes of similar production.All of them are used to ensure that such products are stored as long as possible.
Their composition may include various berries and fruits, including those from the category of citrus representatives. Now is the time to remember the baby (although you should never forget about him). All components of the cake can play the role of provocateurs, causing possible disruptions in the digestive tract. They can cause colic, in other words, situations in which the baby's stomach begins to hurt. A rational and sensible step would be to refrain from purchasing store sweet products of this nature.
Good replacement shop cake
If a nursing mom just got excited by the desire to eat a piece of cake, then it is not at all necessary to run headlong after him to the store. A better solution would be to make it yourself. Well, if a woman really wanted sweets, then you should not give them up. Nothing will be terrible if a nursing mom eats a small piece of cake. On the contrary, it will only benefit her.Realizing the motivation, she will receive positive emotions, which will certainly have a positive impact on the baby's well-being. In addition, such products will be much more useful than those purchased in the supermarket.
Delicious and safe cake recipe
- Baked Milk Cookies - 50 Stuff;
- granulated sugar - 1 cup;
- low-fat cottage cheese - 300 g;
- butter - 150 g;
- liquid cream - a small amount.
Cooking Frosting
This will require:
- butter - 50 g;
- sour cream with fat content of 15% - 100 g;
- two tablespoons of cream;
- two tablespoons of cocoa;
- sugar in the amount of four tablespoons.
Each cookie is dipped in cream and laid out on the foil. Butter should be softened, whipped with sugar and add cottage cheese. The resulting mass is smeared with cookies. From above it is covered with another cookie. The remaining cream is laid out on the surface in the form of a hill and again covered with cookies.
Cocoa is mixed with salt, sugar and cream. Oil is added to the resulting mixture, and it is heated over a fire until it becomes thick in consistency.The resulting glaze covers the top layer of the created “structure”. Cooked cake should be kept in the fridge for 12 hours.
Now you know that there will definitely be a positive answer to the question of whether a nursing mother can include various cakes in her diet. And it’s not at all necessary to give up your favorite sweets.
And it is also possible for a woman during this period to use other desserts in various variants. You can skip the prunes, dried apricots, walnuts and figs through a meat grinder. In this way, you can get a real vitamin "bomb". But the consumption of such a dessert should be approached with extreme caution. You need to start with a dessert spoon, while watching the condition of the baby. If nothing negative is observed, then consumption can be continued, gradually increasing the amount of food eaten.
I'll have to wait a bit
After the birth of a baby, expanding your diet, introducing new products into it, is not necessary immediately. It is better not to experiment, but wait until the baby is three months old. It is necessary to give the child's digestive system a little stronger.After birth, the baby has colic quite often, and so it is not worth loading it additionally. The enzymatic system of the baby is still being formed and it is still far from perfect.
In addition, one should never forget the sense of proportion. No matter how useful the product is, it will have a positive effect only if it is used moderately. After the baby is three months old, Mommy can be gently and gradually introduced sweets into her diet. Undoubtedly, preference should be given to home baking, and not store products. You should always remember that the health of her baby will depend on the nutrition of a nursing woman.
Video: Is it possible for a sweet nursing mom?
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