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The most attractive of the diverse range of dairy products for nursing mothers is baked milk. Nutritionists strongly recommend it to women at all stages of pregnancy and after childbirth to improve the quality of breast milk. And there is an explanation for such popularity: the product has a unique taste and is very useful in all respects.
At the same time, the high calorie content of baked milk makes it necessary to take precautions when introducing it into the diet of a woman breastfeeding a baby. Such a nutrient-rich product can cause intestinal upset in an infant and cause an allergic reaction. We will try to understand in detail all the nuances of the diet, where baked milk is not the last place.
Composition and use
Milk is useful in itself. It is recommended to use at any age. Therefore, for a weakened childbirth of the female body, this natural product is of great value. One has only to look at the composition to see this. After all, the melted milk has everything you need to replenish the potential of the body of a nursing mother and ensure the normal growth of the baby. Among the important components are:
- Calcium - this element is responsible for the growth and strength of bone tissue.
- Phosphorus is needed for the formation of the muscles of the child and his intellectual development.
- Iron is necessary for the smooth operation of the cardiovascular system and the transport of oxygen to the tissues.
- Vitamin "D" is also very necessary for a growing body, because without it, the skeleton and muscles will not be strong, and the child will show signs of rickets.
By the way, the content of vitamin “D” is very high in baked milk. Therefore, it is a very useful product for the baby.
Baked milk in the menu of nursing mothers
As the fat content of the final product increases, so does the concentration of allergens. It may be lactose and casein, to which some women have an increased sensitivity. Even in the case when the mother tolerates this component well, but the child’s father’s body does not accept it, it is necessary to introduce such milk into the mother’s menu with extreme caution.
When can I enter into the diet?
In the first three months of breastfeeding, Mom should strictly adhere to a number of dietary restrictions. Therefore, until the baby is three months old, there can be no talk about food diversity. But after this period it is allowed to gradually add the baked milk to food.
Should begin with a few spoons, while it is imperative to monitor the condition of the baby, his skin and the nature of the chair. If deviations are not noticed, you can continue to increase the presence of high-calorie milk product in the diet of a nursing woman. But do not abuse. A glass of milk a day is enough to meet the needs of the little one and his mother.
Possible risks
As already noted, too saturated dairy product can provoke an allergy in an infant. Sometimes the body's rejection of baked milk is manifested by nausea and diarrhea. But only a doctor can pinpoint the culprit of the intestinal problem. Therefore, about any change in the condition of the baby, the mother should inform the doctors. Another negative feature is the high caloric content of milk that is dangerous for women suffering from obesity.
Useful recommendations
To extract the real benefits of any product - you need to follow the rules of its use. Therefore, when it is introduced into its diet, the nursing mother must strictly follow the following recommendations:
- Do not exceed the daily norm of the product.
- Start using melted milk gradually, assessing the child's reaction to a new product.
- If any negative effect occurs, you will have to stop taking it until the truth ascertains the reason for the change in the state of the infant.
Mom should remember that baked milk, despite its high useful qualities, is much more dangerous than a whole product.
A nursing woman should make up her diet correctly. When selecting products, it is necessary to evaluate not only their useful properties, but also the potential risk. If this rather difficult question is difficult for a woman to figure out on her own, she can always ask for help from a pediatrician who is observing the baby. The specialist will explain all the incomprehensible points concerning the baked milk.
Video: how to make melted milk at home
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