Can I drink tea right after eating?

There are many theories about when to drink liquids after meals. Some "minds" insist that gastric juice needs to be diluted with tea. But this is a fundamentally wrong theory, you should not take drinks in the process of food consumption. Otherwise, you will encounter severe problems of the gastrointestinal tract, weight, poor digestibility of food in the future, even gastritis. Let's talk about everything in more detail and highlight the main aspects.

 Can I drink tea right after eating

Are fluids allowed after the meal?

No no and one more time no. If you dilute the gastric juice with water, not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the kidney pancreas with the liver suffers. The last three organs will have to work out 2-4 times more enzymes that are responsible for the digestibility of food.

If the kidneys with the liver and pancreas do not cope with the task and do not overcome the burden on them, food will remain to rot in the esophagus.They will form toxins, which instantly suck in the mucous membranes and spread throughout the bloodstream.

This is especially true for soft drinks, which have an enormous load on the stomach and the entire digestive tract. For this reason, often after taking cold tea or water immediately after the meal, there is heaviness, flatulence, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms. Food rots, gastritis develops.

It is important to promptly eliminate the habit of drinking liquids immediately after a meal. This is food hygiene, which must be observed. Learn to consume liquids before meals or after a certain period after it. But not during or immediately after.

Subtleties of fluid intake

  1. If you take the liquid 45-60 minutes before the oncoming meal, there is no danger. On the contrary, you will lose extra pounds, improve metabolic processes, clear the intestinal tract from stagnation, heal the stomach, speed up digestion in the future, reduce hunger, eat several times less.
  2. It is necessary to take the liquid, as mentioned above, strictly for 45-60 minutes before the next meal. If you are going to saturate the body with other drinks, such as fresh juice, smoothies or a cocktail, these manipulations are carried out 1 hour and 20 minutes before a meal.
  3. With regard to the period of consumption of tea after a meal, it all depends on the composition of the meal. But you must wait at least 1.5 hours (fruits, vegetables) or 2-3 hours (meat, fish, side dishes, potatoes, etc.). If you feel intense thirst, rinse your mouth, but do not swallow water / tea.
  4. Important attention is paid to the temperature of the drink consumed before meals. Tea / water should be at room temperature, but not cooled. Soft drinks adversely affect the digestive tract.
  5. If the food is too heavy, then you need to wait a few hours, only after consuming tea of ​​any temperature. Of course, it is desirable to give preference to drinks not with a “spark”.

What happens when tea is mixed with food

 What happens when tea is mixed with food

  1. As you already understood, after the meal you should not drink tea. No need to think that nothing serious happens in the body. Unfortunately, everything is not as simple as it may seem at first glance.The problem is that food reacts with tannins that come with tea.
  2. As a result of the process, the products cease to be quickly absorbed by the body. Because of this feature, protein is practically not synthesized. As many know, it is from protein that new cells are built in the body. Also, do not overlook the fact that after a meal during tea drinking, the oral cavity becomes numb.
  3. Exactly the same reaction occurs with the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. It suffers because of a sharp change (increase) in the density of the surface. As a result, the mucous membrane is less secreted by the sacrificial mucus. Also, the body loses its resistance to the penetration of pathogenic microbes.
  4. As a result, the sacrificial mucus, along with the protein from food, ends up in the gastrointestinal tract. Together, these enzymes are precipitated by binders. Because of this, the formation of a special film. It begins to stick to the walls of organs that are involved in digestive activity.
  5. As a result, those same digestive organs become insensitive to food.Because of this process, intestinal peristalsis is significantly slowed down. Similar processes are fraught with constipation. Fecal masses simply can not move through the intestines.
  6. In addition, you should know that in the composition of tea there is tannin. This enzyme begins to interact with iron and protein, which were contained in the eaten foods. In aggregate, all substances harden. This is still not all, why you should not drink tea immediately after the meal.
  7. Digestion of food is much slower due to the fact that tea enters the stomach. The problem is that the fluid dilutes the concentration of gastric juice. Do not forget that the more solid products should be carefully chewed. Thus, you greatly facilitate the absorption of food by the stomach.
  8. Many may wonder, how is the famous Chinese tea ceremony held? The bottom line is that such a procedure does not apply to the classic meal. In China, the tea ceremony rather acts as a religious rite. From here it is already possible to draw certain conclusions about the consumption of tea after a meal.

Tea is forbidden to drink if you have a strong feeling of hunger. Because of this drink and its special composition, the gastrointestinal tract suffers greatly. Also, the intake of hot drinks and meals should be strictly separated by time. If you follow all the rules, you will not have any health problems. In addition, you can fully enjoy tea without consequences.

Video: Is it possible immediately after a meal to drink water, tea, coffee?

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