Can champignons be breastfed?

All mushrooms perfectly saturate and prolong this feeling for a long time due to the fact that they are absorbed for a long time. As part of enough protein, which helps to restore the body of a woman after the baby is born. Mushrooms are also low-calorie, they are eaten in order to get rid of extra pounds. Naturally, newly-made moms do not want to miss the opportunity to feast on delicious dishes. If you are wondering if champignons are allowed in the diet, the answer is "Yes." Let's take a closer look at all the nuances.

 Breastfeeding champignons

Composition of champignons

Mushrooms of this type are famous for their dietary qualities, per portion weighing 0.1 kg. accounts for about 26 Kcal. Despite this, it cannot be said that champignons are not good. On the contrary, they have a lot of mineral compounds and a rich vitamin complex.

Allocate content in a decent amount of zinc, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium.There is ascorbic acid in mushrooms, natural antioxidants tocopherol with retinol, vitamin D.

Raw materials are not deprived of group B vitamins, from which we isolate riboflavin, thiamine, folic acid (very important for women with HB). Substances of these groups are involved in blood-forming processes, the functioning of the heart muscle and the mother's brain.

It makes sense to mention the inclusion of amino acids, such as lysine with arginine, necessary for a woman to maintain blood pressure, increase metabolic processes, cleanse the cavity of internal organs from slags and toxicity.

The benefits of mushrooms in HB

  1. An interesting feature of mushrooms of this type lies in the fact that they do not absorb harmful substances from the environment. More precisely absorbed, but in minimal quantities, which is not the case with other "brothers". Plus, a properly cooked meal is completely absorbed in the mother's body and will not cause any consequences.
  2. The composition contains dietary fibers that free the body from heavy metal salts, radionuclides, and other poisons.Mushrooms are famous for their ability to increase metabolic processes, so that after childbirth you can decently lose weight.
  3. After cooking, the dish loses a large amount of moisture, which does not interfere with the further functioning of the female body. Salt does not accumulate in the tissues, there is no swelling and weight gain.
  4. The composition contains vitamins of group B, which improve the functioning of the nervous system of a woman. This is extremely important during breastfeeding, otherwise milk may disappear under constant stress.
  5. Mushrooms retain a feeling of satiety for about 5 hours, which is especially useful for those who want to lose weight. Mushrooms also improve brain activity by stimulating neurons.
  6. Incoming minerals are valuable for eye health, it is necessary for HB, because after pregnancy, vision may deteriorate sharply. Mushrooms cope with indigestion and constipation (lactating problem).
  7. Natural antioxidant substances prolong youth, this is important for women who have a girl. For uncertain reasons, after the birth of a daughter, the mother loses some of the beauty, the skin quickly fades.
  8. Another positive feature of this variety of mushrooms is that they can easily replace meat and fish dishes with any method of losing weight.Again, repeat that in one portion weighing 100 grams. about 27 calories.

Rules for the use of champignons with HB

 Rules for the use of champignons with HB

  1. You should not buy mushrooms that were collected along polluted trails. Also refuse consumption of champignons which grandmothers sell in the streets. They have not passed the control, so the security is worth doubt. Buy exclusively mushrooms in packs from the shelves of stores, they must be grown artificially (on plantations, farms, etc.).
  2. The product is introduced into the diet of women with HB only when the child is already five months old. Start your consumption with one properly cooked mushroom, gradually increasing the amount. If the baby reacts normally, you can increase the dosage.
  3. It should be understood that in infants the digestive system is partially formed, it will not be able to digest some elements from mushrooms. If a negative reaction occurs, contact a specialist.
  4. Do not eat fried mushrooms. But if you really want, allow yourself this dish once a month. On all other days, boil, steam, simmer the mushrooms. Marinated product is prohibited.
  5. If a child has already had a food allergy to certain foods consumed by you, you should refuse to take mushrooms.
  6. There are restrictions on the use of mushrooms, in particular, we are talking about people with problematic joints and bones. Also, they must be abandoned in case of difficulties in the work of the esophagus, pancreas.
  7. Dried mushrooms can not be eaten by moms in the lactation period, the same goes for frozen food. Per day is allowed to consume 50 grams. boiled or stewed champignons. Do not eat them more often a couple times a month.

Contraindications of fungi during lactation

 Contraindications champignons during breastfeeding

  1. It is strictly forbidden to include mushrooms in the daily diet of newly-grown moms when breastfeeding, if there are problems with the liver or gall bladder.
  2. If there are no health complaints, a small amount of champignons is allowed. Most doctors claim that it is better to eat mushrooms only when the baby is at least 4 months old.

Breastfeeding Mushroom Dishes

  1. Fish with mushrooms. Take 1 kg. fish fillets and rub it with your favorite spices on both sides.Sprinkle the product with lemon juice and place in a dish for further marinating. Meanwhile, chop 2 onions and chop 500 gr. champignons. Melt 50 g in the pan. cream and 30 ml. olive oil. Fry the mushrooms with onions until golden brown. Pour in 500 gr. sour cream. Tomit the products until the mixture thickens. Pour in the prepared fish sauce. Put the dish in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Decorate with greens.
  2. Mushroom soup. Chop 400 gr. champignon cubes of small size. Similarly, proceed with 4 pcs. large potatoes. Send the ingredients in a saucepan and pour 2 liters. purified water. As soon as the liquid boils, mix in your favorite spices and a couple of bay leaves. Boil the products for another 10-12 minutes. Grind 1 carrot on a coarse grater. Chop onions. Fry vegetables in a pan with butter. Send the products to the soup. Tom it some time. 5 minutes before readiness add 100 grams to the components. noodles. Decorate the soup with fresh herbs.
  3. Squash caviar with mushrooms. Clean 500 gr. zucchini and cut into strips. Shred 300 gr. mushroom plates. Fry the ingredients in a frying pan with 50 gr.butter. Separately, pass the finely chopped onion in vegetable oil. Chop 30 grams. fresh greens and mix 120 gr. sour cream. Powder your favorite spices. Pour the prepared sauce to the zucchini. Stir the composition and languish for a quarter of an hour on lazy fire. After cooling, you can enjoy.

If you decide to include mushrooms in the diet while breastfeeding, conduct the procedure with extreme caution. Watch the baby’s reaction carefully. If necessary, it is recommended to discuss all the details with a specialist.

Video: the benefits and harm of champignons

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