Is it possible to breastfeed fat?

Many women, lovers of fat, do not want to abandon it during lactation. This is not surprising, because such a seemingly simple product can bring enormous benefits to the human body. However, due to breastfeeding, fat cannot be absorbed in the body of an infant by acting with its mother's milk, because it is considered a heavy food. This raises the question of whether it is possible to consume it in such a delicate situation? Let's try to figure it out together.

 Breastfeeding fat

The benefits of fat

  1. Due to its nutritional value, the presented product is introduced into the menu to maintain strength and energy exchange. Salo satiates, prolongs the feeling of fullness for a long time. It has a lot of vitamins that are beneficial to humans. In particular, we are talking about tocopherol, retinol, vitamin D. They are important for maintaining the beauty and integrity of bones.
  2. Contained tocopherol (vitamin E) is responsible for the normal hormonal environment, and also reduces the performance of cholesterol plaques in the cavity of blood channels. It is a mistake to believe that the fat is fat, it does not harm the figure with a moderate intake. On the contrary, due to an increase in metabolic processes, calories are burned.
  3. The presented raw material has one excellent ability - to bind radionuclides and remove them from the body. It is useful for cancer prevention. Also, the product cleanses the organs of toxic substances, salts of heavy metals. There is arachidic acid in the product, an important component of the hematopoietic system and digestion.
  4. Fat is valued by nursing mothers due to the presence of vitamin D. This substance is essential for bone tissue to maintain integrity. Baby babies need vitamin D for the formation of the musculoskeletal system, prevention and treatment of rickets. According to statistics, more than 30% of children after birth face a deficiency of this vitamin. Receiving it will help receive fat, potatoes, oatmeal, fish oil, seafood.
  5. Many mistakenly believe that lard is a source of mass cholesterol.But in fact, there is less cholesterol in it than in the notorious butter. Moreover, at the dosed intake, the blood channels are cleared of harmful substances, the production of red blood cells will improve.

Rules for taking fat during lactation

  1. Experienced pediatricians do not advise mothers who gave birth less than six months ago to consume the product.
  2. The first reception is carried out with a small slice, combining it with bread. On this day, no other new products are introduced, so that you can react in time if the child's body has encountered side effects.
  3. In cases of detection of rash, redness, and swollen areas in children, this product is discontinued. The next attempt is carried out in a couple of months.
  4. If the child responded normally, you should continue to consume fat, gradually increasing the amount.
  5. It should be understood that during lactation, only salted lard without spices is allowed. You can not eat smoked food, as well as snacks with lots of spices.
  6. Do not buy lard from a dubious supplier. It is better to salting at home on their own,to ascertain the quality.
  7. If you are breastfeeding, doctors advise you to consume the fat of the pig, not the boar.

Choice of fat

  1. Buying is carried out in meat markets. Make sure that the selected product has a stamp. It says that the veterinary service carried out the check. If possible, examine the documents on the product.
  2. Do not buy fat with a grayish or yellowish tinge. It is old. Give preference to a piece of delicate pinkish color, which in its aroma resembles sweet milk.
  3. To make sure that you choose the pork product, try to pick meat in the area of ​​the skin. If it departs normally, then lard is pork.
  4. Particular attention is paid to the thickness of the piece, which should be in the range of 2.5-4 cm. Touch the fat. If it is of high quality, it will not slide.
  5. Evaluate the skin visually and to the touch, it is important to ensure that there is no bristle. It should be soft.

How to pickle fat yourself

 How to pickle fat yourself

  1. Such a product can be prepared in various ways. If salted fat dry way, it will be ready in about 3 weeks.But the shelf life of such a product will not exceed 1 month. Also fat can be harvested in brine.
  2. The process is quite time consuming, but the shelf life of the product is increased to 1 year. If you cook the product with boiling or hot salting, then all the harmful substances in fat are destroyed. As a result, you are not at risk of meeting with dangerous infections or poisoning. Animal meat is often subject to this.
  3. If you are breastfeeding, the option with boiled bacon is the most suitable and safe. Chop the product into slices no more than 3 cm thick. Prepare a decoction of onion peel. Put the fat in boiling water. Husk serves as a dye, nothing more.
  4. Add to the broth salt to taste, simmer the product for about 15-20 minutes. It is worth noting that the pickle should completely cover the pieces of fat. After that, rub the product with allspice and salt. Send the piece to the fridge. The shelf life of such fat is about six months.
  5. If you do not want to bother too much, you can go the easier way. Chop the bacon in small pieces, rub with spices and put in a plastic bag. Leave the product at room temperature for 12-15 hours.
  6. After that, transfer the product to the freezer for 2 days. Consider, the fat cooked in this way must be eaten in the first 4 weeks. It is important to know that the product is not recommended to rub garlic when you are breastfeeding your baby.

Possible harm to fat

  1. Do not forget that the animal composition has a lot of harmful qualities. It is important to understand that fat is not included in the list of useful products, both during breastfeeding and in a normal way of life. Remember, raw materials are high in calories.
  2. Only 100 grams. lard contains up to 800 Kcal. 70% of the product is just animal fat. If you abuse the fat, soon you will begin to actively gain weight. Pigs are unscrupulous animals, so they are most often affected by various parasites.
  3. Given all the unpleasant facts, it is worth noting that fat is best subjected to heat treatment. Such procedures will minimize the presence of pathogens. Fresh pinkish fat is most dangerous.
  4. If in large quantities often eat fat, diabetes can develop.This is due to the fact that animal fat impairs insulin production in the body. Also worth knowing that fresh suet has a small shelf life. Therefore, eating a product in this form can easily provoke poisoning.
  5. You should not worry ahead of time, the whole blow is taken directly by the newly-made mommy. Harmful substances in this case are not transmitted through breast milk. But if the poisoning occurs in severe form, the baby is also at serious risk.

Since fat is high in calories and nutritious, it should not be introduced into the menu of obese people. But with a small excess weight, the product will help to saturate the body with the missing substances.

Video: proper nutrition during breastfeeding

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