Is it possible to rolls with breastfeeding?

Each of us has special preferences in food - some like pizza, others lean on sweets, and still others cannot live without fast food. For many, food is not just food. Favorite food is a way to relax, have fun, have a good time, and sometimes even relieve stress. Unfortunately, not always favorite treats remain useful. This is especially acute during pregnancy and lactation. At this time, a woman should strictly monitor her diet, because the health of the little man depends on what she eats. Today we will talk about rolls - what constitutes this dish, what danger carries to a nursing mother, and also find out whether rolls are permissible during lactation.

 Breastfeeding Rolls

Rolls are a classic dish in Japanese cuisine, which today has ceased to be exotic for Russians.In fact, these are small rice rolls that turn into nori - seaweed. Rice is prepared in a special dressing. Inside the roll wrapped stuffing - vegetables, seasonings, seafood. Next roll cut into 6-8 parts and served in one portion. Rolls are so fond of the Russians that they have become incredibly popular and in demand. According to statistics, pizza and rolls are the most frequent positions in food delivery services. But is it acceptable to take this habitual dish when breastfeeding?

Is it possible to eat rolls of a nursing mother?

In fact, all the ingredients of rolls are useful products that contain a lot of valuable and necessary substances. This is especially true for a woman’s body depleted by pregnancy, childbirth and lactation. However, this product can be very dangerous if prepared from stale fish. The fact is that only raw fish is used in the preparation of rolls. But, as a rule, it is very capricious - it quickly goes out, it requires certain conditions of storage and preparation. Even in sanitary norms it is indicated that in the place where the rolls are prepared there must be a certain air temperature.That is, so that the fish does not deteriorate, it is cooked in a cool room.

Unfortunately, some varieties of fish for rolls come to the country from afar, transportation conditions are not always respected. Often the fish is frozen and thawed several times. From this product is spoiled and already gets on the table in stale. This is very dangerous for the future mom and baby. Rotten fish can lead to food poisoning - diarrhea, intestinal colic, and even high fever. It is very dangerous for both mother and baby, whom she nurses. In addition, the larvae of parasites can appear in the spoiled meat, which can later successfully settle in the female intestine. This leads to even greater depletion and loss of vitamins. Therefore, breastfeeding rolls are permitted only if you are confident in their quality. You need to order the dish in the proven places, and it is better to cook them yourself.

Another caveat to consuming Japanese food is hot sauces and spices. Ginger, soy sauce and wasabi have a powerful spicy taste that can affect the composition and taste of breast milk.In some cases, the baby refuses to breast, if the milk changes its taste shades. In addition, some ingredients can cause fermentation in the intestines, such as mayonnaise. If the baby is small, try rolls with breastfeeding in small portions, carefully monitor the reaction of the baby. If his chair has changed or a rash appears on his skin, delicacy should be discarded. If there is no reaction, feel free to increase the portion of your favorite dish.

Useful properties of rolls during breastfeeding

We have already found out that a nursing mom can eat rolls if they are fresh and the baby is not allergic to the ingredients of this Japanese dish. But how valuable are rice rolls?

 Useful properties of rolls during breastfeeding

  1. Fig. It is one of the safest products, which does not cause allergies, contains minerals and vitamins, absorbs various toxins and slags in the intestines. And rice perfectly removes excess fluid from the body, helps the mother to recover faster. Rice is a source of fast carbohydrates that give a woman energy, even if a young mommy is mentally and physically tired.
  2. A fish. In any form, fish and seafood contain omega-3 fatty acids, which favorably affect the appearance of a woman, improve the condition of her skin, protect her hair from falling out, and her nails from excessive brittleness. And fish is phosphorus for the formation of a strong skeleton of a baby. Regular consumption of fish products ensures normal growth of the child, good weight gain, etc.
  3. Seaweed. In their composition a lot of iodine, which has a positive effect on the well-being of women. Iodine deficiency is manifested by dizziness, loss of concentration, decreased performance, constant drowsiness and apathy. In addition, algae are rich in vitamin B12, it has a great effect on the state of the nervous system - it perfectly soothes a woman, relieves stress, reduces the risk of postpartum depression, etc.
  4. Soy sauce. The product contains a lot of phytoestrogens, which normalize the hormones of a woman after childbirth. Spice contains many useful substances, and even soy sauce is able to decorate the taste of even the simplest rolls, which gives a savory taste to familiar dishes.
  5. Wasabi This is a spicy and spicy seasoning that has a positive effect on the digestive tract, kills germs and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Ginger - It is a powerful immunomodulator that protects a woman’s body from colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period, when ARVI is raging around.

In fact, if the fish in the rolls is fresh, all the products are very useful and valuable for any organism, especially those weakened by lactation. No wonder Japanese cuisine is considered one of the most healthy and balanced.

How to make rolls yourself?

To be sure of the benefits and freshness of each ingredient, you can try to make the rolls yourself at home. Of course, you will not be able to get a professional dish, especially right away, because for this you need to know many subtleties and nuances. But we will try to make an approximate delicacy.

 How to cook rolls yourself

  1. First you need to cook rice, but it is not prepared using standard technology. Long grain rice should be washed and filled with water in a ratio of 1: 1.5. In the water, add a piece of alga kombu, but get it before the water begins to boil. When the water boils, cover the lid tightly and leave the rice to boil over low heat for no more than 20 minutes, during which time all the water will evaporate.After 20 minutes, turn off the fire, but leave the rice to simmer for a couple of 10 more minutes. In the meantime, prepare the sauce - in 50 ml of rice vinegar should dissolve half a teaspoon of salt and half a tablespoon of sugar. On sale you can find ready-made rice dressing. Pour hot rice with the prepared solution - the main ingredient is ready.
  2. The mat should be wrapped with cling film, cut into nori, lay out the rice at room temperature in an even layer of 1 cm. To keep the rice from sticking to your fingers, moisten hands with water.
  3. In the form of a filling we spread cucumber, distribute a couple of tablespoons of cheese, put a feather of green onions.
  4. Fish need to be stoned and cut into thin layers. It can be trout, salmon, salmon or any other red fish.
  5. Further, everything is neatly wrapped. The finished roll is cut into a convenient number of pieces, about 6-8 pieces. This is done with a sharp knife, otherwise you can spoil the look of the dish.

Rolls decorate with sesame or tobiko caviar. Served with spicy wasabi sauce, soy sauce and pickled ginger. If you are afraid to consume raw fish during lactation, you can not add it, but use only mayonnaise, cucumber and avocado as a filling.

Rolls are a classic dish, without which some modern Russians literally cannot imagine their life. This is really useful and tasty delicacy, which you should not refuse while feeding your baby with breast milk. The main thing is to be confident in its quality!

Video: proper nutrition during breastfeeding

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