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Bathing is a rather pleasant, and, at the same time, a useful exercise, which is carried out not only to cleanse the skin, but also to change the psycho-emotional mood. After all, water has a positive effect on the body: cold - gives vigor, and warm - helps to relax. But when it comes to a pregnant woman, it is not known how the bath will affect her current situation. In order not to make mistakes, you must read this article.
The benefits of taking a bath
Everyone who has taken a bath knows firsthand that this routine-looking exercise has a positive effect on physical and emotional health. This procedure is carried out after a hard day when the body requires relaxation, and psycho-emotional health needs to be relaxed. With the help of this simple occupation, a person can recuperate and relax.
But the usefulness of this procedure does not end there. When a hot bath is taken, the pores of the skin of a person are opened, which helps to flush toxins from the body. In addition to cleansing the skin, blood circulation improves. The skin becomes moisturized and velvety. Muscles relax and the body comes to tone.
With this procedure, a woman is much easier to cope with depression, which inevitably catches up after childbirth, as well as after emotional turmoil.
Many doctors claim that young mothers can take a bath, but the time spent in the bathroom and the water temperature are of great importance.
Should you take a bath while breastfeeding
Opinions of experts about taking a bath during the feeding period were divided. Those who follow the ancient traditions, and prefers natural childbirth, believes that there is nothing wrong with taking baths immediately after childbirth. But doctors do not differ in such simplicity of judgment and approach this issue very carefully. Gynecologists do not advise doing this after delivery for 40-60 days.And this is in no way affected by the way the baby was born, naturally or with a caesarean section.
The reason for this is that the birth canal, which was expanded during childbirth, is not restored very quickly. And so the likelihood of getting there harmful bacteria increases. The fears are understandable, especially since the quality of current tap water leaves much to be desired. Bathing becomes a risk, because various microorganisms can penetrate into the female genital organs. Moreover, the uterus may still bleed, and this, in turn, can lead to inflammatory processes and complications that affect women's reproductive health.
Fact! Only after 40-60 days a woman can take baths. Because during this time, the cervix is fully restored and narrowed, and also begins to perform its main protective function.
It is dangerous to spend time in the bath for another reason. During breastfeeding, a woman may have cracks with tears. And through these wounds can also get bacteria that can harm the young mother.
How to take a bath during lactation
The ideal water temperature when taking a bath during breastfeeding is 37 degrees. This temperature is the most comfortable, as it is equal to the temperature of the human body. Reception time should not exceed 15-20 minutes. But at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the woman’s breasts were always above the water level.
But in this process there are exceptions. Bathing techniques are contraindicated for women diagnosed with hyperlactation. Hot water expands blood vessels, which leads to even more milk production. A large amount of milk baby can not drink. Moreover, the process of feeding, and even expressing milk, also leads to an increase in the level of milk. The consequence of the above can be lactostasis, or even worse, mastitis. And there is no longer do without treatment.
And when a woman suffers from a low level of milk production, hot bathing, on the contrary, will positively affect a woman’s health. Bathtubs with cool water will allow you to tune in to active spending time, as they will help to cheer up. But during lactation you should not sit in the water for more than 8-10 minutes.After all, the vessels are greatly narrowed, which can also lead to the troubled removal of milk from the body, and as a result, to lactostasis.
So that the usual reception of a hot or cool bath doesn’t bring harm to a woman, you should be very careful about your own feelings and recommendations of a specialist. Because not adhering to some, even small councils, can eventually lead to diseases that require serious treatment.
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