Is it possible to drink vodka with diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by a violation of insulin production, resulting in deterioration of the work of many of the most important systems and organs of a person. Usually, the hormone produced is produced by the pancreas, it is responsible for the concentration of glucose in the blood and its absorption by the cells. In a patient with the present disease, metabolic processes are slow, therefore a person limits himself in food and some beverages, including alcohol. Since the body can not completely get rid of toxins, alcohol can play a cruel joke with you. But, about everything in turn.

 Is it possible to drink vodka with diabetes?

The influence of alcohol on the state of diabetic

  1. It has already been mentioned that the metabolic processes in the body of a diabetic slow down considerably. What is logical for the disease of such a plan. This, in turn, leads to a worsened elimination of toxic substances and ethyl alcohol from the body.
  2. In a person with diabetes, intoxication occurs faster, and poisoning may occur. In especially difficult situations, the use of alcohol of this type is fatal. However, this is observed in avid vodka lovers, so the average person does not always apply.
  3. When a person takes medication, aimed at lowering the concentration of glucose in the blood, the situation only becomes more complicated, the liver gets a tremendous (double-triple) load.
  4. Specialists investigating the disease, focus on other hazards from alcohol. Virtually all alcoholic beverages are famous for their property of lowering blood sugar accumulation. This becomes possible due to the blocking of glycogen release, it is needed to feed the cells and tissues.
  5. When the breakdown of saccharides occurs at a rapid pace, there is a risk of developing a hypoglycemic crisis or coma. Partly for this reason, all experts prohibit drinking alcohol to avoid serious consequences. Some patients do not hold their opinions and worsen their own health.
  6. You also can not exclude how negative vodka affects the central nervous system. Diabetes refers to the chronic pathologies of the endocrine system. Intoxication occurs much faster, the patient begins to suffer from hypoglycemia. A sharp decline in sugar is accompanied by dizziness and loss of consciousness, impaired coordination, swaying, confusion and difficulty with speech.
  7. Many of the above symptoms can easily be confused with the usual intoxication, so the patient does not attach much importance to them. A person does not undertake actions that could stop an incipient attack. There is a serious danger to life.
  8. In such cases, medical assistance is resorted to only with loss of consciousness. Hospitalization required. From the foregoing, it can be concluded that intoxication in combination with impaired CNS activity and hypoglycemia is a hellish mixture for a diabetic. It is worth thinking three times before leaning against a glass of vodka.

Diabetes vodka

  1. It should be understood that vodka refers to strong alcoholic beverages with a minimum amount of carbohydrates.Cognac, whiskey, gin and other drinks of high strength belong to the same type. Vodka differs from other compounds in that there is no sugar in it. Therefore, patients with diabetes should not consume a similar drink.
  2. The problem is that when consumed vodka, it greatly reduces the level of glucose in the body. Consequences for the patient can result in a hypoglycemic coma. To prevent this from happening, it is strongly recommended to give preference to alcoholic beverages with a minimum content of ethyl alcohol.
  3. If you want to relax through a strong drink, you should give preference to whiskey or brandy. Such products contain a small amount of sugar. This will help avoid the risk of hypoglycemia. In rare cases, it is allowed to consume dry wine or quality beer.
  4. In reasonable quantities, you rarely can afford to drink red and white wines. As for beer, it is better to choose unfiltered light. In such a drink is present the smallest percentage of chemical additives. The absence of harmful substances will not adversely affect the activity of the liver.

Cases in which vodka is prohibited

  1. Specialists are forbidden to drink alcohol to patients with an established diagnosis, vodka is not included in the list of exceptions. However, if a person decides to drink a little at dinner or when meeting friends, he must follow the recommendations listed below without fail.
  2. There are also cases that do not indulge the desire of a person to drink. The category of prohibitions includes citizens who have a history of dependence on the use of alcohol. You can not drink alcohol with atherosclerosis, acute pancreatitis, angina and other diseases of the heart muscle, as well as diabetic foot.
  3. Vodka is strictly contraindicated for women with diabetes and waiting for a child. If you follow the average data, it is women who are more prone to alcohol dependence and are at risk.

How to drink vodka

  1. You shouldn’t risk your own health once again, so you should consult with your doctor before the event. Each person may have individual contraindications.The specialist may decide that a slight deviation from the rules is possible. Be sure to follow all the instructions of the doctor and the rate of alcohol consumption.
  2. Do not forget that vodka does not contain carbohydrates, so as a snack, choose foods with a high content of such a substance. Among such products should be made dishes from potatoes, pastries, rice, pasta and cereals. Eating sweets is not worth it. But still with you have a couple of chocolates necessary.
  3. If a seizure occurs, these products will simply help to save you. It is highly recommended to carry a blood glucose meter with you. You should always control the level of glucose in the body. After taking alcohol, blood sugar should be measured after 2 hours. An attack of hypoglycemia may occur after the breakdown of ethanol.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to drink vodka or any other alcoholic drink alone. There should always be people nearby who can help you. A company must have at least one sober person. This will help to immediately contact the ambulance if something happens.

If you adhere to the opinion of experts who have studied the disease like diabetes mellitus, then it is not recommended to consume any type of alcohol in your case. However, if for certain reasons it was decided to drink vodka, follow the recommendations carefully. But first, exclude all contraindications that impose a ban on alcohol.

Video: Can a diabetic drink alcoholic beverages?

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