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The appearance in the life of a woman's baby makes its own adjustments to her usual lifestyle: the usual routine of the day is changing, habits, and adjustments are made to the diet. The first year a young mother practically does not belong to herself, but adapts to the needs of the baby. It clearly measures the “benefit” and “harm” of everything eaten and consumed as a drink. With regard to the latter, especially green tea, it does not even occur to think about any harm, because only its iron does not interpret its benefits. Year by year the number of his fans is growing steadily. Women actively drink it during the period of breastfeeding, and it does not occur to many that it can somehow harm them or the child. Meanwhile, there is a degree of risk.
Milk produced by a young mother consists of 90% of chemically active water.This specialized substance with high potential of hydrogen compounds is produced by a woman solely as an aid for the most complete digestion of the useful components of milk by the baby. Any additional liquid entering the milk has a certain effect on its quality, weakening or, on the contrary, accelerating the internal chemical components of water, acting at the molecular level. Variants of drinks and decoctions that have been able to improve both the quality of milk and its chemical indicators have been known for a long time. These include dried fruit compotes, anise decoction, tinctures of lemon balm, nettle, cumin, dill water, mineral water without gas, and ordinary table water. But for a woman who is accustomed to drinking a cup of green tea every morning, it is difficult to resist this temptation when feeding a baby. Yes, and I want diversity. How to be in this situation? We will understand in more detail.
Green tea: properties and indications
For tea, freshly picked tea leaves are doused with boiling water, and then dried to a state in which they will slightly decrease in size.Only then the raw material is subjected to twisting and fermentation. In the case of black tea, the processing of the leaves to obtain the final product will be long and will undergo a number of external changes during the drying process. Green tea provides for the superficial fermentation of tea leaves and the preservation of the "green" state of production. In other words, it retains a number of useful nutrients that are destroyed when it is received by a darker fellow.
In the process of unfinished processing, according to the report provided by Japanese researchers in the late 80s of the last century, they remained almost unchanged:
- Vitamins A, B, C. Individually and in combination with each other, they play a direct role in the formation and stabilization of vision, accelerate metabolic processes in cells and tissues, have an antitoxic effect, enhance immunity, prevent the negative effects of free radicals, which creates a barrier for the formation and development of cancer.
- Specialized substances that promote the synthesis of vitamin D in a period of high solar activity.And this in turn is an indisputable influence on the bone and muscular systems and the external state of the skin. This vitamin is responsible for the stabilization of the processes of digestion and the accumulation of energy by the internal resources of the body.
- Useful trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the body - copper, zinc, selenium, cadmium, fluorine, iodine. Also available in the composition of adapted compounds of tin and aluminum.
- Thein, which in its action is an analogue of caffeine. It is responsible for increasing the overall tone of the body, contributes to the concentration of attention and improves the processes of memorization.
- Tannins, contributing to the enhancement of regenerative processes with small internal wounds and expressions.
- Additional enzymatic groups: flavonoids, aphro- and aromadisiacs, which have a complex positive effect on human well-being: stabilize heart activity, impede the aging process, prolong life.
From a medical point of view, green tea is a direct indication for various diseases, such as:
- Diabetes mellitus: promotes the absorption of sugar by cells, removes excess from the body.
- Dystonia (VVD): stabilizes the work of blood vessels, regulates the randomness of nerve impulses.
- Pre-cancerous conditions: has a detoxic effect, is able to destroy a pathogenic cell and accelerate the withdrawal of its fragments from the body.
- Weakening of toxicosis in pregnant women: removes spastic manifestations and emetic urges, stabilizes increased immune responses.
- Allergies in the period of flowering plants: tea has an action aimed at reducing the immunological manifestations.
- Pressure disorder: it is indicated both in hypotension and in hypertension, as it is a regulator of blood pressure.
- Atherosclerotic changes of blood vessels: contributes to the breakdown and dissolution of atherosclerotic plaques, comprehensively reduces the level of cholesterol in the body.
- Urolithiasis: contributes to the dissolution of stones and their removal from the body, as well as prevents the formation of new stones in the pelvis of the kidneys.
Analyzing the data obtained, undoubtedly, the benefits of this drink are visible for a nursing mother, especially if you consider how much a woman gives a large amount of essential nutrients to breast milk,leaving almost nothing to yourself.
Green tea: the reverse side of the coin
Despite the obvious benefits of consuming green tea, its use is not shown to everyone, but especially during breastfeeding. What are the negative aspects of the consumption of this drink:
- The most important contraindication is a negative reaction to the components of tea in a child: the children's digestive system does not develop evenly and the ripening of enzymes rarely obeys a certain order. And, if at the moment the baby responded to the components of green tea with a diathesis rash, this does not mean that he will be allergic to tea in the future. Just at the moment his enzymatic set is not sufficient for the digestion of green tea substances. So far, its consumption should be postponed and repeated in a few weeks. If the reaction remains stable - you should consult with a pediatrician or a children's allergist.
- The presence in the green drink of the theory, which has an invigorating effect, may excessively encourage the unstable nervous systems of the baby.He will become restless, it will be difficult to fall asleep, the manifestation of colic may increase. If these phenomena are systematically observed after the mother receives green tea, then you should think about limiting or stopping its consumption to more than the adult age of the baby.
Does it increase lactation?
Many mothers mistakenly believe that green tea increases lactation, and begin to consume it vigorously, often with milk. This point of view is quite erroneous:
- Despite the fact that green tea has a water-holding property, the drink does not contain substances that stimulate lactation.
- The combination of milk and any tea drink can contribute to the formation of calculi in the renal pelvis, as it increases the rate of crystallization of milk salts and settles them on the walls of the renal pelvis. In this regard, if the mother had a history of urolithiasis, this combination would be absolutely contraindicated for her.
How to drink green tea nursing mother
As can be seen from the materials of the article, there are no weighty contraindications to the use of green tea, and, in addition, from a separate point of view, it is even indicated for the use of a nursing mother.In this regard, well-known Russian proverbs always come to the rescue: “All is well that in moderation” and “Try on seven times - one cut off,” and, therefore, you can drink green tea, but with some precautions:
- Green tea consumption should not exceed 3 small mugs per day. Milk should not be added, since it has no beneficial effect, and, moreover, it undergoes serious destruction in combination with tea.
- For brewing and consumption, one should prefer the large-leaf loose variant, tea bags should be avoided, as in the process of its manufacture, the rejected raw material left over from real tea is often used, as well as often with the addition of chemicals to preserve the product, which can negatively affect state of the child.
- Tea should be brewed in ceramic or porcelain dishes, as in plastic teapots tea loses its taste and can react with plastic.
- For brewing, use filtered water, and to preserve the nutrients in tea, brew it with slightly cooled boiling water.
- Brewing technology: first pour tea with boiling water for half a minute, then this water needs to be drained and immediately pour tea again with it, thus mixing the contents for more useful further infusion.
- The consumption of tea with additives and flavors is excluded, as they can be a source of allergy in the baby. Also, do not add excessive amounts of sugar - you can cause inflammation of the pancreas in a baby.
- Consumption of stale tea is excluded, in particular, if the tea leaves stayed for more than a day.
- Adding additional products to tea, especially boiling and honey, should be gradual, it is advisable to do this in the morning in order to timely track the development of the pathological reaction in the baby and show it to the doctor.
Green tea is a product not only useful, but partly necessary to be consumed by the expectant mother. Observing the simple rules of its consumption during the breastfeeding period, the young mother will receive a lot of positive emotions and reward them to her baby, by passing him her mood through milk.
Video: that you can drink nursing mom
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