Is it possible to drink hips when breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is one of the most crucial periods in the life of two people - a young mother and her baby. At this time, the baby is just beginning to get acquainted with the outside world, in which he came, to know his diversity, learns to perceive his subtleties. Substances received by the child in the process of consumption of breast milk, are involved in the formation and improvement of nerve impulses, which, in turn, directly affect the formation of the nervous system as a whole.

 Rosehip breastfeeding

Any, even the most insignificant disease in the period of infancy can significantly slow down the further development of the whole organism of a baby and lead to a number of difficultly avoidable negative consequences. That is why nursing mothers carefully weigh their every action and check out the benefits of each gram of food eaten.After all, sometimes even the most useful at first glance products can cause serious allergies in the baby body. But nutrients are needed for both mother and baby! In addition, it is important to gradually accustom the child to new and new products. Not the last role in this matter is played by the correct processing of the product, which allows to neutralize or suppress the action of possible allergens.

One of the seemingly controversial, but at the same time very useful products for mother and baby, is wild rose.

What is dog rose

Rosehip - a perennial plant of the genus pink, family of flowering. It is also called “the wild rose” because, due to its unpretentiousness, it is able to grow everywhere and adapt to the capricious realities of any climate. The name he owes to his stalk, over the entire surface of which grow small prickly growths - thorns. However, a person appreciated a wild rose not for its fragrance, exuded by its flowers, and not even for its unpretentiousness, but for the beneficial properties of the fruit - small almond-shaped orange or orange-red berries that appear in late summer - early fall.

On the usefulness of the hips rose legends. Even the great Cleopatra necessarily ate some berries for the morning meal, because as rosehip, as an excellent aphrodisiac, it gives the body the vitality and strength necessary for further accomplishments.


100 grams of dried fruit contains a whole arsenal of useful vitamins and minerals:

  1. Iron (prevention of anemia, obstruction of anemia).
  2. Tannins (have a healing effect, strengthen blood vessels, are involved in the production of serotonin).
  3. Oil lemongrass (relieve bronchospasm, improve mood).
  4. Citric and malic acids (directly involved in metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system, help to absorb iron).
  5. Potassium compounds (participation in the regulation of cardiovascular activity).
  6. Groups of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus (are involved in the formation of the musculoskeletal mass and the regulation of its activity).

In addition to minerals, wild rose is rich in the presence of vitamin complexes:

  1. A and E - participate in the formation of vision and the formation of visual processes.
  2. B and K - play a role in the construction and regulation of the cardiovascular system.
  3. C, D, PP, folic acid - provide high-quality work of internal organs in the production of essential hormones and enzymes, improve immunity. These are useful antioxidants.

Rose hip and breastfeeding

A rose hips pantry can provide the child with nutrients and help him grow into a strong and healthy person - this fact is indisputable to deny. But, nevertheless, it still begs the question - is it worth it to use the hips when breastfeeding?

 Rose hip and breastfeeding

Rosehip has a good bronchodilator effect on the body - for this purpose its use is reasonable for colds and for general immunity strengthening. However, in addition to the positive properties, you need to consider the negative impact:

  1. Substances contained in the berries have a strong diuretic effect - getting into the baby’s body through the mother’s milk - they can lead to dehydration, therefore it is necessary if for some reason the mother is forced to take herbal tea or does it for preventive purposes - to constantly feed the baby .
  2. Some components of wild rose, like many other rose flowers,able to cause a serious allergic reaction, which means that if a mother or someone in her own child was allergic to these substances, it is better to wait with the broth of the rosehip until the end of breastfeeding.

If there is no allergy, the use of wild rose during lactation can be quite acceptable if it is reasonable to approach its preparation. After all, along with the properties that increase immunity, rosehip increases the amount of milk produced by a woman, and this is already a weighty argument in his favor.

How to take rose hips when breastfeeding

Rosehip berries are best taken in the form of tinctures or decoctions. Rosehip when brewing does not lose its beneficial properties. Together with useful components, the broth is also supplemented with the necessary moisture.

To prepare the tincture, we need:

  • Liter capacity;
  • 100 - 200 grams of finely ground dried rose hips.

In the boiling water we throw the fine-grained fruits and boil over low heat for 5 - 10 minutes. It is important to understand that when cooking, which implies a stable effect of high temperatures, a huge part of the vitamins is destroyed, so it is advisable to prepare the tincture of the same composition:

Boiling water is poured into a thermos and then ground berries are laid. The composition is left overnight, and then taken 1 glass for half an hour before the intended feeding.

Tinctures and decoctions of a nursing mother are not contraindicated, but you should not give them directly to a nursing baby until they reach six months. Then you can supplement the already well-known children's tea in small portions and watch how the digestive tract perceives this product.

Video: what and how much to drink while breastfeeding

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