Can you eat and eat raw eggs?

Chicken eggs occupy a leading position in the list of useful products, and this is not surprising. In the composition in large quantities there is pure protein, which is responsible for the functioning of all the most important systems and organs of a person. Eggs are also rich in amino acids that cannot be produced offline. Partly because of the usefulness of the food product, many wonder if eggs are allowed to be consumed in their raw form. After all, in addition to valuable substances, they also present E. coli, which can aggravate the state of health.

 Is it possible to drink and eat raw eggs

Egg composition

In the composition of the formed chicken eggs the mass of the most valuable substances that have a direct impact on the human body. Immediately it should be said that protein compounds are given more than 13% of the total volume of the chemical list of substances.The egg itself is 85% water, which is also needed by man.

Ovumucine, ovalbumin, lysozyme, and conalbumin, which is famous for its antibacterial effect, are present in the composition of proteins. There is little carbohydrate in eggs, only 0.7%, and even less fat - 0.3%.

Valuable is the yolk, but it is fat due to the accumulation of acids (monounsaturated fatty). Among them are oleic, linoleic, palmitic and others. Also in the yolk there are carbohydrates, protein, a lot of cholesterol, clogging vessels.

Naturally, for the full development of the embryo in the egg should contain all mineral compounds and vitamins. Among the latter are tocopherol, retinol, thiamine, niacin, folacin, pantothenic and folic acids, riboflavin.

Agree, an impressive chemical list of compounds. If we consider the action of all components in the complex, of course, a raw egg will benefit human health with proper consumption. However, it should be understood that the store products are not of high quality, so we are talking exclusively about homemade eggs.

Calorie content

Under the calorie means the energy value, nutritional value of the product. This indicator depends on how much BJU is present in the composition. In this case, most of the volume is occupied by proteins, followed by carbohydrates and fats.

For each person, the daily need for calories is strictly individual, it is determined by the rhythm of life, proper nutrition, as well as other characteristics, up to and including the presence or absence of chronic illnesses. Usually a man needs more calories (2500) than a woman (2000).

By consuming food that will cover the specified amount, a person will be able to lead a full-fledged lifestyle. His nervous system and heart muscle will be in good shape, energy metabolism is maintained at the proper level, there is no imbalance and the risk of gaining excessive body weight.

Due to its low calorie content, an egg is included in the list of foods allowed for consumption on a diet. The yolk concentrates all nutritional value, its caloric content is 73 units. Protein due to the accumulation of water does not give extra calories. Therefore, eggs can be used without fear of spoiling the shape.

Egg selection

In order to determine the quality of the presented product, large hypermarkets are equipped with an ovoscope, which allows the buyer to check eggs before purchasing. The device is aimed at the lumen, which determines how old the egg is. But if there is no adaptation, it is necessary to act differently.

  1. The egg must be heavy, it speaks of its freshness. Light weight product, most likely, long enough lies on the shelves.
  2. It is worth paying attention to the labeling. Class D - dietary product, stored up to a week. Class C - table egg, you can keep up to 3 weeks.
  3. The size directly depends on what breed of chicken. This does not mean the quality of the product. Small eggs can be much better and fresher.
  4. You should not get an egg that has a sticky structure on the surface. This suggests that in the process of transportation did not comply with certain rules of transportation.
  5. Ideal if you are going to consume eggs in raw form, buy them from friends who contain chickens. Home products are a guarantee that birds are properly cared for and fed appropriately.

The benefits of raw eggs

 The benefits of raw eggs

  1. Fresh eggs are useful if consumed on an empty stomach. Raw materials have a positive effect on the activity of the digestive organs. Also decreases the acidity of the stomach.
  2. Raw eggs have a positive effect on the vocal cords. Components perfectly lubricate the larynx mucosa. Also, the product improves eyesight and protects the eyes from various diseases.

Is it allowed to drink raw eggs?

Many people are perplexed by the very posing of the question and who decides to use a raw, thermally unprocessed product. However, the category of people involved in weightlifting, pure protein is simply necessary. It is not always possible to extract it from preparations of directional action, as a result of which it becomes necessary to take eggs.

The answer is yes, you can drink them. From such a meal a person will receive tremendous benefits, namely:

  • energy reserve increases;
  • carbohydrate metabolism improves;
  • growing muscle mass;
  • protein deficiency is replenished;
  • improves the activity of the visual system;
  • bones strengthen teeth;
  • supported the work of the thyroid gland.

The value of the product is unconditional, but all this is possible only by eating fresh, homemade eggs.

Is it allowed to eat raw eggs

  1. We should not exclude the fact that most people live in large cities. This raises the problem of where to find a fresh and high-quality product. Therefore, most people still want to buy the most natural food and not be afraid for its composition. Therefore, it is worth knowing why it is dangerous to eat raw eggs.
  2. It is important to understand that the raw materials that are supplied to the shelves of shops and supermarkets are not grown in villages and villages. Therefore, raw eggs are a source of dangerous infection in the form of salmonellosis. This is an acute disease that affects the intestines. Pathology is accompanied by severe diarrhea and vomiting.
  3. In addition, there is a strong weakness, high fever and headache. Salmonellosis often provokes muscle cramps in the limbs. A raw product can also lead to biotin hypovitaminosis. This is caused by avidin. The substance gets into the intestines and prevents vitamin B7 from being absorbed.
  4. Because of this pathology, nails, hair and skin begin to suffer very much. Also, raw eggs are strictly contraindicated for people who do not tolerate ovomucoid protein. The substance provokes the development of an allergic reaction.Even if you don’t know if you have a similar pathology, you can go to the hospital by eating a raw egg.

Rules for eating raw eggs

 Rules for eating raw eggs

  1. If you still make decisions and want to get the most out of the raw product, you should consider some rules. Obligatory purchase only rural products.
  2. Wash eggs in warm water before use. The procedure is even better with soap and water, so you do not catch an infection that may be on the shell.
  3. Pierce the egg from two opposite sides with a toothpick or needle. Shake well to form a homogeneous mass.
  4. Alternatively, the egg can be broken into a cup, add white bread and salt. Stir and eat with a spoon. Also, raw materials can be eaten with sugar, but without bread. Beat the whole thoroughly.
  5. Often, a raw egg is added to a mug of dark beer. To taste can add a small amount of salt. A similar method is often used for weight gain. Sometimes another 30 gr. homemade sour cream.
  6. Raw eggs are allowed to consume 1 time per day. The procedure is best done on an empty stomach in the early morning.Thus, your body will have time to replenish biotin. Be sure to follow this regime and get high-quality and fresh raw materials.

Raw eggs can be consumed if their quality and freshness is checked. You should not risk your own health and eat a product purchased in a supermarket. Otherwise, the risk of becoming infected with salmonella increases significantly. Take extra care and follow simple guidelines.

Video: Is it possible to drink raw eggs for muscle growth?

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When I was little, I also had a grandmother. And she often fed me raw eggs. Hot, right from under the chicken. A pinch of salt was stirred by a match and ... An unforgettable taste. That was half a century ago.Now I do not risk. Around solid chemistry, poor sanitation and GMOs

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