Is it possible to muesli during breastfeeding?

Muesli - an integral part of the diet of a person who adheres to the rules of healthy eating. Such a great popularity of this product due to its rich composition. The fact is that muesli contains many useful components that help the whole body function normally. Women who breastfeed their children often worry about whether they can eat muesli, because many products can cause an allergy in a baby during this period.

 Muesli during breastfeeding

What are muesli?

On the shelves of shops today you can find a large number of different muesli. They may differ in composition as well as in shelf life, the presence of preservatives and the method of processing.

According to the type of heat treatment, muesli can be raw and baked. Raw muesli is not processed at all.They consist, as a rule, of various cereals, dried fruits and nuts. Baked muesli is prepared in a slightly different way. First, cereals of various varieties are mixed together, then they add natural juice or honey, and then baked. Some types are prepared with the addition of vegetable oil.

An important point during baking muesli is the observance of cooking technology. They must be baked necessarily at a low temperature, the only way to preserve all their useful properties. As a rule, muesli is baked in a special oven, which gives them a special taste.

What is part of muesli?

The basis of the product is always flakes made from various cereals. Typically, oats, rice, wheat and barley are used for muesli. In addition, nuts and dried fruits are often added to the cereal mixture. Before you use muesli, they are usually poured with something liquid: milk, kefir, juice and even water.

Muesli - ideal for drinking in the morning. Due to the increased nutritional value, they relieve hunger and give strength and energy for the day ahead.The product contains many useful components:

  • many vitamins;
  • complex carbohydrates for long saturation;
  • minerals;
  • essential amino acids.

Complex carbohydrates are called “slow” in a different way, because they decompose into components for a long time, which provides the body with energy for the whole day. It is worth noting that thoughts have a positive effect on the process of staying milk.

What is not desirable for the composition of muesli?

Breastfeeding time forces young mothers to be very demanding on food choices. This is necessary first of all in order not to harm the baby, because in the first six months his digestive system is not particularly resistant to unusual foods. Some components can cause allergic reactions and even digestive disorders in a child. For this reason, women need to carefully select products, including muesli.

To avoid any unpleasant consequences, you need to choose muesli, in which there are no following components:

  • cornflakes;
  • preservatives;
  • nuts;
  • flavors;
  • honey;
  • Sahara;
  • dried fruits.

Special attention should be paid to the presence of preservatives and flavors in the products. The fact is that these substances can have a negative effect on the baby’s body, damaging its internal organs. It is preservatives that can cause the development of many serious diseases. In addition, preservatives and flavors can harm and most mom.

Honey is a very useful product containing a large amount of substances necessary for the body. However, it can also cause very strong allergies. Therefore, in the period of breastfeeding is not recommended to use it. The same applies to sugar.

Dried fruits and corn flakes can trigger allergies and digestive disorders. For example, raisins can cause fermentation in the stomach, which will negatively affect the quality of breast milk.

Nuts are also very useful and contain many nutrients, however, they are also strong allergens. In addition, can cause obstruction in the intestine. Constipation is extremely undesirable for women during breastfeeding. In addition, it is very important that the intestines work properly at such an important time for a woman.

In the shops you can find roasted muesli. This product, of course, has a more pronounced taste, making it more popular among buyers. However, it is worth noting that such muesli was subjected to heat treatment, so that they no longer contain the amount of vitamins and nutrients, which was originally. In addition, roasted muesli contain a greater amount of fat, which is not useful for any organism.

At first, women breastfed are advised to use only cereal muesli, which has not been heat-treated. Over time, you can gradually add fruit that does not provoke allergies in a child.

What is useful in muesli?

Muesli have many useful characteristics, thanks to which they are recommended for use by young mothers:

 What is useful in muesli

  1. Cereal mixtures have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  2. Cereals, which are part of the muesli, can strengthen nails and teeth. In addition, they can be useful for osteoporosis.
  3. Vitamins of group B perfectly influence the nervous system.
  4. Muesli saturates the body for a long time, although it has a low calorie content.This product can be used during the diet period.
  5. Muesli has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels.
  6. Muesli helps to strengthen the immune system.

Introduce muesli in the diet of a young mother should be gradually. In the first month after the baby is born, muesli is forbidden. Then you can eat a small portion of 50 grams of muesli. The next two days, you need to monitor the health of the child. If everything is in order, then you can continue to use muesli in small portions on the water. If the baby has problems with digestion, you should abandon this product.

Video: How to Make Muesli Bars

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