Can corn sticks be breastfed?

After the baby is born, each young mother is awaited by the breastfeeding process. And this process can not be called easy, as the nurse needs to monitor their diet and refuse many goodies. And the reason for this is that the health of the child depends on the food used by the mother. For example, a large number of consumed sweets can pull the baby diathesis.

 Corn sticks when breastfeeding

Corn sticks are a favorite delicacy of not only many children, but also adults, including young mothers. But due to the fact that the exact composition of this product is still unknown, mothers are afraid to use it.

But from what did these fears grow? The root cause of this was that the main composition of corn sticks is corn flour, and it contains a small amount of gluten,which is an allergen not only for adults, but also, especially for children. For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that this flour has its advantages. Therefore, like corn porridge, products made from such flour are allowed and even recommended for the first feeding of the baby.

To find out whether it is possible to use corn sticks during the feeding period, this article will help.

Corn sticks in the period of GW: the composition of the product and expert opinion

It is quite difficult to understand whether it is possible to use these sweets during lactation. But even experts can not give an unequivocal answer to the question. The reason for this is that various additional additives in the treat can not be traced. But, if we talk about the main component, that is, corn, it can lead to bloating in both an adult and a child. Your baby may have colic.

But, if you still understand the composition, then corn flour is not its main component. There are the following components of the composition:

  1. Boiled and shelled corn. As already noted, the flour from these grains can cause allergic reactions, and the grains directly lead to intestinal disorders.
  2. In order to save on components, chemical analogs are used as flavoring and sweetening agents.
  3. Protein of plant origin, the presence of which in food can lead to diathesis in the newborn.

The composition of this product is not so rich, but still, corn sweets contain a lot of carbohydrates and sugars. But while the sticks do not have dietary fiber, which can cause further constipation.

Therefore, we can conclude that corn sticks are not a very useful product, especially when it comes to a nursing woman. The reasons for this are clear, because manufacturers, saving on the composition, can add cheap analogues of chemical origin, which, in turn, can adversely affect the health of both. The benefits of this product is also not observed, an exception may be the addition of vitamins there.


Benefit from this product can be extracted only if it is made from corn flour. As noted, this component has a positive effect on the body. But artificial sweeteners and flavors can spoil this sweetness and even make it undesirable to use.Because in some people, these components can cause a severe form of allergy, which is expressed by rashes, suffocation.

 The benefits of corn sticks when breastfeeding

It is worth noting that everything that a woman consumed with milk enters the body of a child, which can affect his condition. If a woman wanted sweet, then she should be wary of similar products. You can start with oatmeal or galetny cookies. And even better if they are prepared at home with their own hands. And it is recommended to leave the process of consumption at a time after feeding to prevent components from entering the children's body.


To avoid an unexpected reaction, it is better to completely exclude corn sticks from the diet of a nursing mother. Especially if the mother's body is quite sensitive. Even if the manufacturer adds natural sugar to the product, and not its analogue, this does not completely exclude the possible allergic reaction of the baby. After all, the child's body can respond to this component in different ways, especially if it goes in combination with others.

Natural flavoring may also cause allergic reactions. Indeed, in their role, mainly, are the juices of berries and fruits.And citrus and red berries in infants are strictly prohibited.

How to use

Corn sticks are not really harmful product, despite the individual components. Together they make the product quite usable. But during the period of GW, pediatricians do not recommend it to be included in the diet. And it does not matter what flavors and sweeteners the manufacturer uses. After all, natural ingredients in most cases can cause allergies, and synthetic - will lead to intestinal disorders.

But, if, after all, the desire above rational arguments, then preference is given to a natural product, without salt and sugar, flavors and other additives. Although the search for such a product can take a long time.

If, however, you have acquired sweet corn sticks, it is worth maintaining time in their use. They can be eaten only after feeding has occurred. And the milk, which was formed in the first 2-3 hours after that, is better to be drained to avoid trouble. To check the reaction of the baby, for a start, you can eat only 5-6 pieces. After two days of tracking, the amount can be increased, but this is on condition that the child feels good.

It is strictly forbidden to eat the whole pack at a time.No one can guarantee that everything will go well and that the child’s health will not be jeopardized. A dose of 10 sticks — twice a week — can be the norm for a nursing mother. At the same time it is better to keep an open pack in a hermetically sealed container.

Video: Is it possible for a sweet nursing mom?

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