Can red caviar be breastfed?

Most of all, mother cares about the health of her baby. It is her responsibility for the growth and development of the child. First of all, the composition of breast milk, or rather the diet of his mother, has an effect on the health of the infant. Through milk, the baby receives a list of important vitamins required for mental development and the formation of a strong immune system. Any violation of the rules of nutrition and its qualitative composition will instantly affect the health of the crumbs. Therefore, all mothers tend to be attentive to this issue, avoiding unsafe food. If mom manages to balance the nutrition with nourishing and healthy products, then the crumb will please her with excellent health.

 Red caviar when breastfeeding

Often an exciting nursing mom question - is it possible to eat red caviar during breastfeeding? Let's try to figure it out.

Red caviar - what is useful?

Seafood has a mass of predominant qualities.Red caviar, in addition to useful properties, has a special, unique taste. Many women feed their baby with breast milk for more than a year. It’s quite difficult to deny yourself a seafood delicacy all this time. What could be the consequences if a nursing mother eats red caviar? In order to understand this situation it is necessary to study the composition well and find out how useful a product can be?

  1. Red caviar is rich primarily with iodine and phosphorus. It also contains potassium and folic acid, vitamin A. This is only part of the beneficial elements, and they all have a positive effect on the viability of the internal organs of people. Therefore, it can be argued that eating this seafood has a beneficial effect on both mother and child. Vitamin A, entering the body of a child, causes the activation of the mental activity of the baby. Folic acid, by virtue of its irreplaceable qualities, is prescribed to all pregnant women for the safe bearing of a healthy fetus.
  2. Regular consumption of fish roe prevents thrombosis and prevents the development of vascular and heart diseases. This fact is important nursing mother and her baby.
  3. Nutrient and healing substances contained in caviar, significantly improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize digestion.
  4. Promotes good blood circulation and removes harmful toxins.
  5. Natural protein has a rejuvenating effect, preventing the aging process of the skin.
  6. A number of the above positive qualities allow us to conclude about the clear benefits for a nursing mother, and recommend this product for use. But be sure to supplement this list with another favorable sign: red caviar is actively used in complex therapy for the prevention of anemia.
  7. It is very important for nursing mothers to control hemoglobin content. The lack of iron causes weakness, lethargy, fatigue of mother and her baby. Mom spends about a thousand calories on the baby’s feeding process. Red caviar is able to restore these losses, having a high energy value. The growing organism of the karapuz also requires more and more energy in the period of active development. Therefore, we can talk about the indisputable benefits of red caviar for wet-fed. But it will be fair to mention the available contraindications of this product.

Spawn damage

If you are prone to allergic reactions, that is, red caviar should be with caution. This is explained by the fact that all seafood is contraindicated for people with individual tolerance to the constituent fish. It is impossible to foresee the development of allergy in a child; therefore, one should be prudent parents. Pediatricians urge to refuse to include fish caviar in the diet of a nursing mother. Only six months after delivery, will it be possible to return to this treat.

 Harm of red caviar when breastfeeding

But not only the allergic reaction is dangerous for the crumbs, but also the specific salty taste of breast milk, which is observed after eating red caviar. The baby refuses to breast because of unpleasant taste. For the same reasons, it is not allowed to eat fish eggs if a mixed feeding method is used.

Red caviar and contraindications

Due to the presence of factors unfavorable to the organism, pediatricians do not recommend eating caviar even in small quantities. And it is better to completely abandon its use in the first half of the life of the toddler. It is strictly unacceptable to eat caviar if you have the following diseases:

  • Increased swelling.
  • Renal failure.
  • Coronary heart disease.

In order to avoid negative consequences, enter it into the diet of a nursing mother better in small portions. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the baby. In case of allergic manifestations, immediately consult a pediatrician and take action. If the baby tolerates seafood well, then you can eat a couple of teaspoons weekly and the body will get all the nutritional value in full.

Based on this, we can conclude that caviar can be introduced into the diet only in the second half of the child’s life. At the same time, one should not eat excessively and forget about the possible consequences of allergies for a child.

How to choose

To select a quality product, consider the following guidelines:

 How to choose caviar

  1. Acquire red caviar at specialized sales points that can provide the necessary temperature conditions for storage.
  2. Quality product packaged in glass or tin containers. Sale in a plastic bag or plastic box indicates a poor-quality product.
  3. Be sure to have a final expiration date, embossed on the bottom of the jar.
  4. Check for clear labeling with the manufacturer, its address and contact details.
  5. Carefully read the composition. The content of preservatives and additives is unacceptable.
  6. Oil grease drip on the bank indicate a violation of the integrity of the tank. This product should not be bought.
  7. Do not buy a cheap product. Red caviar belongs to the delicacies, and its quality representative has a significant cost.

Never use a product if there are doubts about its quality and freshness. The consequences can be unpredictable for the child and his mother.

Storing red caviar

Red caviar will not lose its nutritional properties within seven days, but only if the rules of storage are observed.

  1. The first thing that is recommended to perform - is to shift the eggs in a small glass jar. The can is prone to oxidation, which adversely affects the quality of the product.
  2. Store red caviar only in the refrigerator, tightly closing the lid of the jar.
  3. As the nursing mother will soon be able to eat not a lot of this seafood delicacy, then it is better to treat the rest of the family with the remaining volume of the product. Allow long-term storage of caviar in the refrigerator is prohibited - poisoning with seafood is very dangerous for life.

After examining the composition of a unique seafood, we can conclude that it has significant value for the human body. But still, mothers who breastfeed, it is better to abandon the use of the product during the first half of the baby's life. Introduce red caviar into your diet with extreme caution, in small portions. Do not consume the product if you doubt its quality. Keeping the baby healthy is the most important task in mom's life!

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