Can I dye my eyebrows with hair dye?

Representatives of the weaker sex always pursued beauty, resorting to various methods. Unfortunately, not all means were completely safe. Some formulations seriously injured health. So it was only in the distant times. In the modern world, medicine and cosmetology have made great strides forward. Sometimes girls have hair color and they have a question, is it possible to have eyebrows dyed? Understand everything in order.

 Is it possible to paint eyebrows with hair dye

Why it is forbidden to paint eyebrows paint

Experts strongly recommend that in no case resort to a similar procedure. To understand how dangerous it is, you should read some recommendations. Do not neglect such rules if your health is dear to you.

  1. Do not forget that the skin around the eyes has a rather delicate, thin and sensitive structure.While dyeing the eyebrows, you can easily earn a serious burn. Such consequences are quite difficult and long to eliminate.
  2. Separately, it should be noted that the structure of hair on the head and eyebrows is significantly different. In the latter case, the paint simply will not fall as it should. If you have dark eyebrows, you risk not getting the shade that you expect.
  3. There is a high probability that the harmful chemical composition can get on the mucous membrane of the eye. Dyed hair may also peel off. As a result, severe mucosal irritation will occur. In this case, it is unlikely to be able to manage without medical assistance.
  4. That is why you should not risk your own health because of such trifles. Otherwise, you risk facing quite serious troubles. It is highly recommended to consider a host of other safer brow coloring methods. If necessary, you can contact a beauty salon to a professional.

Than you can paint eyebrows and eyelashes

  1. To bring eyelashes and eyebrows in order it is recommended to use special formulations of directional action.This way you can safely color the hairs without any difficulty.
  2. It is strongly recommended to trust the coloring of the hairs on the face to a proven master. If you lack experience and skill, you can hurt yourself. Do not skimp on the procedure and use professional services.
  3. It is worth it to look at the special certificate of the master, which provides such services. If you decide to carry out the dyeing procedure yourself, you should carefully study the instructions and prepare all the necessary things that may be required.
  4. Give preference to paints with a more gentle composition. It must contain natural dyes. Often in their role acts Basma or henna. Do not spare money for such a tool. Cheap paint can be worse than hair product.
  5. Carefully read the specifics of the paint and possible side effects. Test the composition on the skin in advance. Make sure there is no allergic reaction. To test the paint should be distributed on the wrist.
  6. If you have not found any redness, burning or itching, you can continue the procedure. Also an important factor is the choice of color.Carefully read this and select the appropriate.

Dyeing process

  1. Thoroughly clean the skin of the face before proceeding with the procedure. Do not forget to collect strands with an elastic band or barrette, they should not prevent you. Use a special cape to the composition will not get anywhere else.
  2. Always wear protective gloves. Mix the ingredients according to the instructions. Before dyeing it is important to remove all unnecessary hairs. Adjust the shape of the eyebrows immediately. When dyeing, special attention should be paid to light hairs that are barely noticeable.
  3. If this is not done, they will grow further, spoiling the overall shape of the eyebrows. As a result, the correction will be difficult. Before applying the paint, the skin around the hairs should be abundantly smeared with a greasy cream. This way you protect the composition of the eyes.
  4. Spread the paint as much as possible. In the course of such manipulations as a result you will get a rich and deeper color. Leave the product on the hairs for a while. Follow the instructions, it will be all indicated. After that, remove the paint with a cotton pad soaked in cream.

Now you know that it is forbidden to dye regular eyebrow dye. To do this, you should purchase a special composition and carry out the procedure yourself. Follow all precautions. If you do not want to bother, contact the master.

Video: what happens if you dye your eyebrows with hair dye?

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