Is it possible to feed a cat only dry food?

The appearance of a furry pet in the house is always a big responsibility. You must follow the rules of maintenance, select the appropriate diet and follow the schedule of vaccinations. We are interested in the second option, namely, is it permissible to give a pet exclusively granulated purchased feed. Some owners practice this dubious practice as mixed feeding of a cat. It consists in the alternation of natural homemade food and purchased formulations. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, we will study the aspects in order.

 Is it possible to feed a cat only dry food

Feeding according to the individual characteristics of the animal

Experts say that feeding cats with cheap feeds is tantamount to constant consumption of fast food by humans. The diet will lack of nutrients. But this applies exclusively to cheap products.If you decide to choose food for the animal so that it does not cause harm, then be guided by the following aspects.

  1. Kitty. Kittens are allowed to give exclusively purchased food without adding natural food. This is the opinion of veterinarians and it is one. It is important to choose suitable feeds designed for babies. It should be classified as a holistic or super premium class. Kitten food is fed to animals until they reach 6-9 months. Such nutrition is indicated by the mark "junior".
  2. Sterilized animal. Cats or cats that have recently undergone castration (sterilization) should be given special food with an appropriate mark. After the operation, it is important to protect the urinary system of the animal, as well as to stabilize the hormones. Ordinary food will not be able to do this, you need food for neutered cats or sterilized cats. He will not allow your pet to gain weight quickly (the problem of all animals subjected to such an operation).
  3. Elderly pet. Over the course of the life cycle, the body stops working in the same combat readiness, all metabolic processes are disturbed.Also, the cat shows less activity, which directly affects health. If you do not make a diet based on age, the animal will begin to gain weight and grow fat. To exclude health complications and relieve stress on the kidneys, you need to purchase feed for elderly pets. You can pre-consult a veterinarian or review available feed with the prefix "Signor".
  4. Pregnant cat People who want to breed kittens are required to familiarize themselves with the subtleties of feeding the cat in position. As soon as she becomes pregnant, the diet should be changed immediately. In feeding, certain mineral compounds and vitamins should prevail. Some transfer the expectant mother to such food shortly before the alleged conception. It is important that the new feed be the same brand. If you are now feeding the kennel "Royal Canin", then in the future the transfer is made to "Royal Canin for pregnant women."
  5. Feeding cat Since the newly appeared mother is now responsible for the health of her kittens, her diet should be strengthened. We are talking about the content in food of valuable substances that are suitable for kids and allow them to be formed in accordance with age.Ordinary food here will not cope, but the composition of the purchase is perfect. If within the same brand you could not find a suitable option, gradually make the transfer of the pet to the series from another manufacturer. It is important that the feed be categorized as super-premium or holistic.

You should know that the basis of the basics when choosing a diet for your pet is the age of the animal. It is forbidden to feed elderly pets with food intended for small kittens. All this will lead to a strong violation of metabolic processes and, as a consequence, deterioration of health. Also, any transition from feed to feed or from natural food to purchased composition should be carried out smoothly, over a period of 2-5 weeks.

Is it allowed to combine regular food with purchased feed

 Feed the cat dry food and natural food

  1. This is a rather dubious technique that owners of animals without experience. Mixed type of food does not benefit at all, but on the contrary, prevents the body from functioning correctly. All experts in the field of veterinary medicine urge the owners not to make such mistakes, because cats are usually responsible for this.They have a rash on the skin, hair falls out.
  2. More serious pathologies may also arise in the form of metabolic disorders. It is difficult to say for sure that in the natural nutrition contains useful, unless the owner did not spend a lot of time and food on the preparation of the diet and cooking. Adding to such food a complete, balanced feed, the intestinal microflora is disturbed. This leads not only to problems with digestion, but also to disruption of the liver.
  3. With improper nutrition, most often in felines develop urolithiasis. This disease is one of the most common. It should be noted that if the pet is given dry food mixed with meat, then the animal will soon have a disturbed balance of calcium and phosphorus. The result is the formation of stones in the urinary system.
  4. Consider, on the background of malnutrition develop diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The problem is that in the processing of dry food or natural cats have completely different enzymes. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for the body to synthesize different products at the same time. Because of the overload, the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed.In a short time the development of serious pathologies is inevitable.

What you should know about industrial feed

 What you should know about industrial cat food

  1. As soon as you decide to choose food of industrial production, you should learn about some subtleties. This is what manufacturers often hold back. As a result, cats are faced with this and independently suffer all the troubles. Therefore, you need to know about some subtleties.
  2. Classic food is allowed to constantly give the animal if it is completely healthy. It is strictly forbidden to feed the cat with a dry composition if it has any pathology. As a result, the pet's health will only worsen. In this state, the cat must be taken for examination.
  3. Only after that the veterinarian should make an appropriate diet. As a result, the cat will need to be given natural food or a special medical food. Do not forget that the dry composition of animals often develop allergies. Some manufacturers replace high-quality meat with offal in order to increase production.
  4. This composition is most often found in the feed economy and middle classes.Such products are most often subjected to a large number of food and flavorings, dyes, flavors and other components. As a result, the animal develops an allergic reaction.

There are many myths about how harmful purchased compositions. However, this applies exclusively to cheap feeds like Whiskas, Kitecat and other economy products.

Video: how to feed the cats

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