Can cinnamon be breastfed?

With the advent of the baby in the world a woman seeks to give him all the best. In fact, the newborn does not need material benefits. He needs his mother's love, care, and an inexhaustible source of nutrients in a nourishing diet. Nature has thought everything over to the smallest detail, and this is confirmed by scientific research that nothing has been invented any better than mother's milk. It is not an easy task for a woman to filter out of the many familiar foods those that have nutritional value for the baby and do not carry a possible health hazard. During the period of lactation it is necessary to subject each food ingredient to be analyzed in detail. Even such insignificant, seemingly, components as spices and seasonings, spices can cast doubt on the cooked culinary delicacy.

 Cinnamon when breastfeeding

Everyone has a jar of cinnamon on the shelf with spices in order to figure out whether to add it to their favorite family baked goods, it is necessary to carefully study its composition and benefits for the body, and even more importantly - to get acquainted with contraindications and possible side effects.

Chemical composition of cinnamon

Cinnamon - dry bark of the cinnamon tree. It is saturated with essential oils, resins and tannins.


  • Proteins fats carbohydrates.
  • Alimentary fiber.
  • Macronutrients (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium).
  • Trace elements (iron, zinc, manganese, selenium, copper).
  • Fructose, sucrose, glucose.
  • Replaceable and essential amino acids.
  • Phytosterols.
  • Fatty acids (omega6, omega3, linoleic, oleic, stearic, palmitic, margarine ...).

Rich vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9), A, RE, E, alpha carotene, beta carotene, licopid, gamma tocopherol, ascorbic acid, K, PP, NE, betaine.

The composition is unique and rich in substances useful for the development of the newborn. With a reasonable approach and moderate consumption of cinnamon can bring many benefits to the woman and her child.

What is the use of cinnamon for a nursing woman

  1. It is effective in restoring volumes after a long period of gestation. Helps to cope with overweight.
  2. Strengthens the immune system. It has antiseptic properties. Helps the body to withstand attacks of viruses, infections and fungi.
  3. Improves the digestive system. Restores and strengthens the gastric walls.
  4. It improves blood circulation. Lowers blood glucose.
  5. Helps speed up the healing process for respiratory diseases caused by a cold. It is used in traditional medicine as an effective expectorant.
  6. Is a source of good mood. Helps to fight a sad, depressed state.
  7. Eliminates the processes of decay of products of animal origin. Prevents toxic poisoning.

What is the danger?

Any new product introduced into the diet of a woman during the breastfeeding period requires careful use. Starting to eat it is necessary with minimal doses. During this period, it is worth more closely to observe the state of the child and his reaction to the innovation.Excessive consumption of cinnamon can lead to:

  • Irritation of the stomach wall.
  • Negative effects on the liver and kidneys.
  • To strong contractions of the uterus.
  • Allergic reaction in the children's body.
  • Headache. In the composition of cinnamon present "coumarin".
  • The aggravation of existing problems with the nervous system.

Bleeding The ability to thin the blood, makes the product dangerous for stomach ulcers, open wounds.

How to use cinnamon, so as not to harm the child?

To avoid allergic redness, rash, itching and nervousness of the infant, the following rules should be followed:

 How to use cinnamon when breastfeeding

  1. It is allowed to introduce spice into dishes used by a nursing woman not earlier than 4 months after the birth of the child.
  2. The first samples of adding cinnamon should begin in the morning, making small amounts of tea or kefir. This will allow in the second half of the day to understand how the children's organism will react.
  3. If you have problems with digestion or the first signs of allergic reactions, cinnamon should be excluded from the mother's food and immediately contact a pediatrician.
  4. In order not to provoke the appearance of failures in the body of infants, it is recommended to add cinnamon to the diet no more than 3 times a week. Twice with tea or kefir and once in baking.

By adhering to these tips, you can use the useful composition of the product for the benefit of the mother and child.

Cinnamon Recipe to Improve Lactation

All thoughts of a caring mother about how to prolong the breastfeeding period as long as possible. How to improve the quality of milk so that the baby can get enough without adding additional foods. Hot tea, of course, contributes to the flow of milk, but the quantity and quality are two different things. In order to enrich the composition with beneficial substances that contribute to the full development of the infant, it is enough to include the following drink in the woman’s diet:

  1. Cinnamon (1 tsp.), Pour into a deep container, make milk (1 tbsp. L.), Mix until smooth.
  2. Walnuts (10 pcs.) Crushed, mixed with milk (200 ml.) And boiled on a stove over moderate heat (20 min.), The container is periodically set aside to prevent boiling.
  3. A slurry of cinnamon and milk, sugar (2 tsp), is introduced into a milky-nut mixture and cooked (5 minutes).

Cinnamon blends in well with buns and other pastries.A sweets-limited woman can afford to feast on such a pastry. But again, it is important not to forget about the detrimental effect of flour products on the figure. In small quantities the consumption of baked goods with cinnamon in the composition contributes to the development of the hormone of joy. This is a source of good mood, which is so useful for mother and baby.

Video: beneficial properties and harm of cinnamon

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