Can pine nuts be breastfed?

The goal of any mother is to do everything possible so that her baby grows up active and healthy. Children of the first year of life need special care and attention. Therefore, any lactating woman tries to make her own diet varied and rich in vitamins. After all, a balanced menu will enrich the mother's milk and create favorable conditions for the full development of the baby.

 Pine nuts when breastfeeding

It is for this reason that most nursing pay close attention to this group of natural products, like nuts. After all, these gifts of nature are considered a real fount of useful substances. The seeds of cedar pine, a tree that is widely distributed in Siberia, are especially attractive in this respect.The seeds of this wild type are nutritious and have excellent taste. And how they are useful for breastfeeding - we will tell in this article.

Nutritional value

Any food product is evaluated by chemical composition and its ability to exert one or another influence on the human body. But when it comes to feeding a nursing mother, the possible impact of the product on the little man is of paramount importance. Pine nuts are very high in calories. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates are the main components that provide an energy indicator, and they are in excess contained in the composition of small nuclei. But, despite the relatively high caloric content of forest gifts, and it is 673 kcal per 100 grams of product, they lack cholesterol.

In addition to the basic elements already mentioned, the cedar kernels include ash, water, salts of sodium, potassium, and other minerals. Moreover, the proportion of potassium prevails over the other components.

In addition to mineral elements, in pine nuts a lot of other, not less useful substances. Among them:

  • glucose;
  • starch;
  • lecithin;
  • cellulose;
  • fructose;
  • dextrins (unstable organic compounds included in the group of polysaccharides);
  • large vitamin complex.

Interesting fact! Only one hundred grams of cedar kernels can satisfy the daily need of an adult for such important for normal functioning substances as cobalt, copper, manganese and zinc. A daily rate of protein can replenish 30 grams of natural product.

Positive aspects of cedar kernels

The excellent capabilities of pine seeds have been known since time immemorial. Their composition, as if on purpose, is selected so that the human body receives the maximum benefit. If you eat nuts in a small amount, but regularly, the body will receive significant support. Little nuts can:

  • improve brain activity;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • increase the body's resistance to disease by strengthening the immune system;
  • activate metabolic processes;
  • stimulate hormonal functions;
  • to adjust the digestive processes.

All of these properties together will provide the body of a small child and his mother invaluable help.

Beneficial effect on lactation

It is clear that cedar nuts are capable of much.They also have a tremendous impact on the body of a nursing woman. That set of components, which is described above, is aimed at supporting youth and beauty, which is very important for every woman. Still, the most important quality is the nutritional value. Due to the harmonious combination of nuts, vitamins and mineral elements in the composition, it is possible to balance such a nutritious diet of a woman, which will allow her to recover quickly after childbirth. Moreover, each component of the composition is endowed with its own distinctive characteristics.

 The beneficial effect of pine nuts on lactation

  1. Arginine is one of the amino acids that promotes the normal course of metabolic processes at the cellular level. Of course, this ability has a positive effect on the development of the infant.
  2. Ascorbic acid, more familiar as vitamin "C". Surprisingly, in the cedar kernels of this vitamin component is much more than even in the black currant, which is considered the champion in the content of askorbinki. This element works to strengthen the immunity of the baby.
  3. Retinol (vitamin A) performs its task - it is responsible for the growth of the little man and his full development.
  4. Vitamin B1 (thiamine chloride) is also not inactive.It performs several important functions at once: supports the cardiovascular activity and the endocrine system, has a beneficial effect on the nervous sphere and regulates cellular metabolism.
  5. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a great antioxidant. It is quite a lot in cedar kernels, which is very good for the female body. After all, pregnancy and childbirth do not pass without leaving a trace for a nursing mom, they drain her resources. And this wonderful vitamin is able to regain lost beauty, improving skin condition. It also promotes the healing of small wounds and microcracks.
  6. Iron in pine seeds is also not a random component. It is easily and fairly quickly absorbed by the body, which helps to cope with postpartum anemia.

This is only part of the properties that pine nuts are capable of providing. But for all their usefulness to abuse such a high-calorie product should not be, because it can lead to negative consequences.

And one more very important point that the nursing mummies very much care about. There is a widespread belief that nuts stimulate lactation. This statement has no evidence yet.But the fact that cedar pine seeds increase the nutritional value of mother's milk is a long-proven fact.

Negative consequences

Usually all the negative aspects of the products associated with their misuse. Since pine nuts are a very high-calorie product, their presence in my mother's diet can cause unpleasant manifestations in the baby. These conditions include:

 Harm of pine nuts when breastfeeding

  1. Allergy in its various manifestations: it can be itching, skin rash, redness of individual parts of the baby’s body and other reactions.
  2. Intestinal disorders in infants often manifest themselves in the form of intestinal colic, constipation and diarrhea, swelling of the tummy.

The first side signs can be seen already five hours after feeding, but sometimes this period is extended to several days. This is due to the specific feature of all allergens accumulate in the body to a critical concentration.

How to eat nuts

With the introduction of any product in your diet, the mother must focus on the state of the baby and his age.

Nuts are allowed to eat only three months after birth. It is strictly forbidden to do this earlier. You need to start with a minimum portion: for the first time you can try to eat two or three grains. If the baby tolerates well the expansion of the mother's diet, the dose can be gradually increased to 30 grams. This is the maximum amount of nuts that a nursing mom can afford per day.

Recipes for improving the quality of milk.

In folk medicine, nuts of any kind are widely used to achieve different goals, including to improve the nutritional value of breast milk. The main compilers of unique recipes are the indigenous people of the regions where these cultures grow. The two products proposed here will help improve the quality of milk, which will be useful for an infant.

  1. A nutritious infusion is prepared in the following sequence: boil 0.3 liters of milk, then add chopped nuts (2 tbsp) into it and leave to infuse for 3 hours. It is recommended to drink a nursing mother in small portions (no more than 3 sips) up to six times a day.For the preparation of the nutrient mixture is recommended to use a thermos.
  2. This tool is prepared by mixing honey (1 liter) and crushed nuts (1 liter. Art.). To improve the quality of breast milk, a woman should take the prepared composition no more than 3 times in a teaspoon.

Summing up, we should once again recall the truth, which says that everything useful should be used in moderation. Nuts are a very peculiar product. If we neglect the sense of proportion, cedar kernels can cause great trouble to the mother herself and cause harm to the baby's health.

Video: the beneficial properties of pine nuts

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