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Sour-milk drinks are quite useful, all supporters of a healthy diet know about it. Often during lactation, women are asked about the possibility or impossibility of consuming yoghurt with HB. Of course, yogurt is allowed. Moreover, he will bring enormous benefits to mommy and her child. The composition contains bifidobacteria, normalizing the activity of the digestive system. But let's analyze step by step, what does this sour-milk drink contain in itself?
Yogurt benefits
- If a child does not have an individual lactose intolerance, it is useful to use natural yoghurts during lactation in order to improve the quality and quantity of milk. It is better to make blanks by yourself by purchasing a special device (yogurt maker).
- The main value of this product is the content of calcium, which is responsible for the compaction of bones, teeth, nails.Also, this mineral substance, in combination with copper, improves the functioning of the heart and prevents the deviations in the work of the main muscle.
- Calcium will flow to the baby through milk, thereby improving the formation of its musculoskeletal system. If the mother in the body will experience calcium deficiency, the teeth will begin to crumble, and the nails will exfoliate.
- It is valuable to eat a fermented milk product in order to stabilize the activity of the central nervous system of the mother and infant. The baby will sleep more and be less capricious, and the mother, in turn, will get rid of anxiety, insomnia, the effects of stress and apathy.
- But the greatest benefit lies in the effect on the esophagus. Due to beneficial bacteria, the activity of the digestive system is normalized, bloating, constipation, and heartburn disappear. Yoghurt is eaten to increase metabolism, purify from toxins and slagging. The baby will have no colic, bloating, gas formation.
- In addition to normalizing the stool, a positive effect is observed on the immune system. Probiotics strengthen the protective functions, therefore, during the spread of viral infections, the baby will be less sick, and the mother will be exposed to attacks of viruses.
- Since almost all dairy products are considered the most valuable sources of protein, yogurt is not included in the list of exceptions. It helps to lose weight by getting rid of fatty tissue. Also, the product is indicated for low hemoglobin (lactating problem).
- Due to the most valuable mineral-vitamin complex, it can be said that the composition will cover part of the daily requirement in magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, chlorine, retinol, ascorbic acid and B vitamins.
- In order to maximize the health of the body, it is necessary to drink drinking yoghurts, eat compositions in jars and use the latter as a salad dressing. Some moms smear this toast with this product instead of sour cream.
- Home-cooked yogurts can be used several times a day as a snack between main meals. Experts recommend mixing them with natural baked cereals (muesli) or oatmeal.
Store yogurts for HB
- Everyone knows that consumer products are harvested in large quantities, which is why quality is lost. Yoghurts are no exception, they are stuffed with preservatives that extend the shelf life.Therefore, whenever possible, in the first 3 months of a baby’s life, it is better to refuse such formulations. Further they can be entered after approval of the pediatrician.
- This decision is due to the fact that immediately after the birth of the child is still weak, his body simply will not accept the store products with a large number of dyes and flavors. If the mother will use the purchased yogurt, many substances will be given with milk.
- There is no sense in taking such yoghurts, because they cause problems with the digestive activity of the child. He suffers from colic, increased gas, bloating, etc. In addition, the risk of developing allergies increases.
- Judging by the numerous reviews of newly-minted mothers who use products from supermarkets with additives, the child had a rash, problems with the chair, other difficulties that are difficult to get rid of.
- If you still want to use these yogurts, you should abandon the compositions with flavors, flavors. Give preference to natural products "Activia", it is better than others affects the body.
- It is easy to identify yogurt, stuffed with chemicals.Such products have a shelf life of more than one week. High-quality products, in turn, lie in a closed form no longer than 4 days. Therefore, before buying, read the label.
Rules for choosing yogurt
- Currently, on the shelves of supermarkets you can find countless various yogurts. Among such products, you can choose all-natural dairy products without additives or, on the contrary, with pieces of fruit, cereals and juice.
- The choice of such yogurt should be approached with the utmost seriousness. Without fail, pay attention to the composition and shelf life. The last figure should not exceed 1 week. Experts strongly recommend cooking yogurt yourself.
- It is worth noting that the newly-made mommy is allowed to drink far from all the yoghurts while breastfeeding. The composition of the purchased products often contain many harmful substances. Among them, it is worth noting flavor enhancers, dyes, preservatives and fillers.
- Together, these components have a negative effect on the body of the mother and baby.In infants, there may be a noticeable deterioration of health. All sorts of chemical additives negatively affect the fragile body.
- In addition, unnatural yogurts have a high calorie content with low nutritional value. Consider, the most harmful enzyme in the composition of such products is considered aspartame. This substance acts as a sweetener. Therefore, be very careful when choosing yoghurts.
How to cook yogurt
- To make really tasty and healthy yogurt, it is enough to take kefir with minimal fat content. Seasonal berries should be taken as additional components, jam is allowed. The main thing is to observe the number of additional ingredients.
- Remember, the less sugary foods, the higher will be the benefits of the final composition. Take 0.7 liters. kefir, 1 banana, 20 gr. fresh berries, prunes. Consider the possible allergic reaction of the baby to certain components.
- Send all the ingredients to the blender bowl. Turn the contents into a homogeneous mass. Depending on the characteristics of the baby’s body, it is allowed to add fructose, honey or cane sugar to yogurt. After that, pour the finished drink into portion containers.Store in the refrigerator.
Consuming yogurt while breastfeeding will help curb appetite and supply the body with valuable substances. Consider that only a natural product has useful qualities. Try not to buy store yogurt.
Video: what is the use of yogurt for children
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