Can walnuts be breastfed?

Normally flowing lactation is very important for a woman during the period when she is breastfeeding a baby. To what only women do not resort in order to increase the quantity and improve the quality of breast milk. For their experiments, they use almost all the available products, which, in their opinion, can at least slightly increase the amount of milk produced by the body.

 Breast-fed Walnuts

Breast milk has such a natural composition that it is able to provide the infant with all the necessary substances. Despite this, pediatricians recommend young mommy to introduce into the diet various natural products, with which you can increase its nutritional value. Some products can act as additional suppliers of vitamins, minerals, and other substances that will get into the baby’s body with breast milk. In the category of such products can be safely attributed walnuts.Pediatricians are strongly recommended for introduction into the diet, although even they have certain contraindications.

The benefits of walnuts

Any nuts, including walnuts, are a fairly high-calorie product. In terms of 100 g of the product they contain 650 calories. They contain a considerable amount of carbohydrates. This circumstance indicates that it is necessary to consume walnuts nursing mom moderately, unless, of course, she is not indifferent to the state of her figure. But the benefits of walnuts for breast milk are undoubted:

  1. Milk gets protein and amino acid saturation, and this is an absolute plus, both for the mother herself and for her child.
  2. In percentage terms, the fatty acids in milk are significantly increased.
  3. More tannins and carotenoids appear in the milk.
  4. According to doctors, walnuts in relation to the child have a calming effect. At the same time, there is an improvement in sleep, its depth increases.
  5. Nuts are useful not only for the child, but also for the most nursing mommy. Ascorbic acid contained in them will help to strengthen the immune system of mommies. At the same time protection against cold will increase significantly.
  6. Eating walnuts helps breastfeeding mother to fight depression.

Walnut damage

Some believe in the complete safety of walnuts. This is actually not the case. Kernels contain a certain amount of essential oils that can cause allergic manifestations in babies. There may not be many of them at all, but this is already a reason for banning the use of walnuts to those moms who have the following phenomena:

  1. Hypersensitivity to foods that cause food allergies.
  2. Asthmatic manifestations.
  3. Hypersensitivity to all types of allergies.
  4. You can not use walnuts to those moms who have a history of psoriasis, eczema, and other skin diseases. This restriction is due to the fact that walnuts are pronounced provocateurs.

It turns out that a woman from such a product must be completely abandoned? Of course not. If a woman has a particular addiction to walnuts, then she should not deprive herself of this pleasure. It is just that she will have to wait a little, to survive at least that period when she is breastfeeding a child.

You can not eat nuts in unlimited quantities. Once in the body of the baby, the allergen can accumulate there. Sooner or later, he will show himself anyway. A sensible step would not include the allergenic product in the diet while the baby is getting breast milk. This is especially true for the first month of life of the baby.

Walnuts and lactation

Nuts can increase the viscosity of breast milk. Baby, in turn, will be difficult to extract milk from the breast during sucking. If mommy still decided to use this product, then it should be done not earlier than the third month of the child's life. Let him adapt a little to new conditions, more thoroughly get used to the maternal breast. At the initial stage, you should limit yourself to just a couple of nucleoli per day.

 Walnuts and lactation

Anyone who believes that the product leads to increased lactation, he is simply mistaken. Nuts can in no way affect the amount of milk produced. But with the fact that nuts increase the nutritional value of milk, it is difficult to argue. In addition, increases its calorie content.Eating such milk, the crumb for a long time will remain full.

It is necessary to dispel the myth that walnuts lead to the emergence of mastitis, entailing lactostasis. It will not happen. Nursing mommy in this can be absolutely sure.

Choosing the right nuts

In addition to the ability to cause allergic reactions, nuts can be fraught with another danger. If the product is stored for a long time and in violation of existing rules and conditions, it may become covered with mold. And this is really dangerous, both for a nursing mom and for her baby. Mold can serve as the location of various microorganisms and poisons. Characteristically, these poisons are able to show a carcinogenic effect. Choosing nuts, you should follow the following rules:

  • The product must have a proper presentation with a golden brown shade.
  • There should be no dark spots on the outside and a black core inside.
  • Nuts should not have a bitter taste.
  • There should be no smell of mold.

The nut should be eaten immediately after it has been peeled. It is better not to store them in a purified form at all.If this is the case, then storage should be carried out in a freezer.

Correct use

A moderate amount is considered if a nursing mom consumes 4-5 walnut kernels per day. Such a case will be optimal in nature. Consuming nuts, you should adhere to the following points:

  1. Do not combine nuts with other dishes. They must be used as a snack. For example, they completely replace the second breakfast.
  2. If we talk about nuts, then you should not focus your attention only on this one type. More rational will be their alternation with other types of similar products. A good solution would be to use nut mixes.
  3. Do not nursing mommy eat roasted walnuts. For her, they will be more useful raw.
  4. You should avoid eating nut jam and muffins with nut filling. The benefits of this will be minimal, but the baby’s digestive problems may very well arise.

If there are no undesirable effects on the part of the child's organism after eating mommy walnuts, you can use them.In this case, you should always remember that they have contraindications. To begin to use them it is necessary gradually, from small amounts. Of course, the product must meet all the requirements of quality and safety. The most reasonable step before eating walnuts is to seek advice from a pediatrician. So it will be much safer, both for mommy herself and for her baby.

Video: Who Use Walnuts?

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