Is it possible to dates when breastfeeding?

An important role in the health of an infant is played by the nutrition of the mother. Through breast milk, a woman nourishes the children's developing organism with all valuable substances derived from her diet. Lactation is the most crucial moment in the life of a nursing woman.

 Breastfeeding dates

One of the richest sources of vitamins and other nutrients are vegetables, berries and fruits, however, each fruit has a peculiar effect on the human body. Should I include in the diet of nursing mothers dates?

What is the use of dates?

Dates - delicious fruit of the Phoenician palm. This is the first plant cultivated by people, and it is able to fully replace food. Arabs appreciated this delicacy and even equate it to bread.Dates and water can nourish the body for a long time, supporting vitality.

Many people love dates, but no one thinks about how useful they are. Even experts of traditional medicine appreciated their properties:

  1. Pectin has a positive effect on blood structure. It is able to reduce cholesterol and normalize metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Calcium is involved in the structure of bone tissue. Strengthens and forms the bones of the baby.
  3. Favorably affects the eyesight and eye muscles of vitamin A in the composition of dates.
  4. Vitamins of group B - contribute to the development of the nervous system and take part in cellular metabolism. A valuable inclusion for the development of a child's body. They also have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of a woman during lactation.
  5. Takes part in the production of energy, tones, gives the body vitamin PP vitality.
  6. Maintains the condition of the skin in good shape, gives elasticity and elasticity - female vitamin E.
  7. Ascorbic acid builds up the barrier function involved in resistance to attacking infections. A positive effect on the strengthening of the nervous system and immunity.
  8. Folic acid is important in the period of prenatal development of the fetus, and it also participates in the formation of the hematopoietic system, strengthens the immune system.
  9. The rich composition of trace elements (fluorine, sulfur, potassium, iron, magnesium, selenium) is also important for the full operation of the body.

The list of valuable substances is extensive, and allows you to include the fetus in the diet of a nursing woman. Moreover, dates improve the quality and quantity of milk, as well as saturate the body of the newborn from the first days of his life. Doctors recommend mothers not to deny themselves this delicacy already in the first month since the birth of the baby.

The effect of dates on the body of a nursing woman

  • Adjust immunity.
  • Normalize the kidneys and liver.
  • Beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  • Heal from cough.
  • Blood pressure is normalized.
  • Prevent the occurrence of cancer.
  • Restore the vitality of the body after a long illness.
  • Improve brain activity.

The positive effect of sweets on the work of the brain.Dried fruits can eliminate the discomfort caused by heartburn. They are a preventive measure against oncological diseases. Adjust the work of the kidneys. Remove mucus and sputum from the lungs.

Important! After consuming dates, it is imperative to rinse the mouth to avoid the destruction of enamel under the action of a large amount of sugar in the fruit.

How to eat dates

Any new product included in the diet of women during breastfeeding requires a reasonable approach and caution. It is necessary to begin the use of dates in small doses, with more careful control over a condition of the baby. The introduction of the fetus in food begin with a single copy in the morning. In the absence of any reactions in the child, the amount can be increased, but even here it is important not to get carried away. In the normal course of digestion, you can drink fruit milk. This is an excellent tool to restore the uterus and the balance of substances in the body.

 How to use dates when breastfeeding

A variety of options for the use of the fruit mass: compotes, kissels, independent dessert or the inclusion of sweet dishes, salads, puddings, additives that enrich the composition of muesli. They are harmoniously combined with meat, poultry, give piquant taste to the pilaf.They are a delicious addition to fish and butter. The pleasant, refreshing taste of ice cream can be greatly embellished by adding a couple of such sweets per serving.

After surgeries, blood loss as a result of cesarean section or delivery, as well as during breastfeeding, dates can restore prostration and help the weakened body become stronger due to the large amount of iron in the structure. They have a cleansing effect and perform the function of a probiotic, creating a useful microflora necessary for the body. The date eaten on an empty stomach is a good anthelmintic drug.

How to get useful fruit

The choice of dates should be taken seriously. This is especially important for women during lactation. When taking any food, the mother must remember that she is a conductor of valuable nutrients in the body of her child, and can also cause harm by unwise actions.

Dates have become a familiar product on our shelves, but not always the perfect, shiny look says about the exceptional quality of the fruit.Often, the product lines are full of sweets that have undergone chemical treatment, therefore, saturated toxic compounds. For mother and baby, such a fetus is contraindicated. Attractive, brilliant date - a reason to admire, but no more. This presentation is provided with sugar syrup with the inclusion of preservatives.

Knowing how the fruits that have a solid benefit visually look, you can make purchases in special stores that promote healthy eating. Natural dates have a matte color, soft and non-shiny, not too dried. The term and storage conditions depend on the degree of shrinkage. Fruits with minimal shrinkage in the summer is not worth buying. Having access to freshly collected sweets, it is worth drying them yourself, then the question of various types of fraud will not be relevant. The output will be 100% natural product. Heat treatment destroys the beneficial composition of the fruit, either fully or partially, therefore, the workpiece is better to do at the natural temperature on the exposed surface.

Store the workpiece in dry containers tightly closed. If necessary, long-term storage - placed in the refrigerator.In the conditions of the freezer, they can last for 5 years.


Despite the undoubted valuable qualities of dates, they also have contraindications. This is an important point in the period of feeding the baby with breast milk.

Exotic sweetness is contraindicated:

  • With elevated blood glucose levels.
  • With individual non-perception of the product.
  • If an allergic reaction to any element in the composition of the fetus.

If there are no contraindications, then eating a date can not only improve overall well-being. The fruit can be a source of excellent mood and charge of vivacity.

Video: the benefits and harm of dates for the body

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