Can I eat green potatoes?

The diet of the modern person should be made in such a way that it contains all the valuable products. In particular, the place of honor is occupied by fruits with vegetables, a clear representative of the latter is potato. Only ripe tubers, which were properly stored and grown without chemical components, are allowed to be eaten. But in the sale goes root with a green skin. Can I eat it? Let's figure it out together.

 Is it possible to eat green potatoes

Poisonous tubers

  1. Potatoes turn green when they lie under the light for a long time. As a result, solanin begins its release. By nature, it is a poison that negatively affects a person’s mental health. Solanin carries a particular danger to children whose body is not fully strengthened.
  2. This poison is very much in the potato, which has already sprouted.If you eat root vegetables in large quantities, the poison will destroy the blood, because it kills red blood cells. Also, there is the likelihood of seizures, severe dehydration, increase in body temperature to unprecedented boundaries.
  3. If the human immune system is weakened as a result of a change of seasons, vitamin deficiency, a recent illness, and other aspects, then after eating such a potato, the consequences will be most dire.
  4. It is interesting that solanine can not be heat treated, its effect does not become less after frying or boiling. Therefore, the danger from the tubers is always the highest.
  5. To visualize the whole picture, examine the findings of experienced professionals. According to their data, solanine becomes dangerous when its content in potatoes exceeds 40 mg. with calculation on 100 gr. vegetable. By the way, in the autumn after digging out the tubers, only 10 mg is concentrated in them. this substance. In the spring, the poison in the potatoes more, he prefers to accumulate in the green areas, near the peel.
  6. According to experts who neutralize terrorists, solanine has been mentioned in a variety of textbooks as a means of exterminating humanity.In Afghanistan, many textbooks were withdrawn in which Islamic terrorists were taught to mine, convert solanine into weapons for mass destruction.
  7. Is such a potato allowed for consumption? The answer is simple, no! Even if you cut off the peel with a thick layer, you will not eliminate all the poison that is in the cavity of the root crop. Therefore, try to reject such tubers so as not to harm yourself and your family.

Harm from eating green potatoes

If the above arguments did not convince you to refuse to accept the discussed raw materials, then examine the potential danger of eating dishes based on it.

  1. First of all, when a thermally processed root crop enters the body, it negatively affects the work of the esophagus. It begins intestinal upset, vomiting, diarrhea.
  2. However, it should be understood that for poisoning it is necessary to eat untreated, and raw potatoes in the amount of 2 kg. Agree, no one will be engaged in this. But if you eat green potatoes every day, solanine will begin to accumulate and destroy red blood cells. Over time, the immune system will fall greatly.
  3. It is worth taking care of choosing the right product to eat. Be sure to inspect each tuber, take weighed potatoes. So you can control the quality yourself and protect your family. Huge danger poison brings women in the situation, the elderly, the younger generation, as well as those who have chronic diseases.
  4. If poisoning has occurred, the primary symptoms include gagging, cutting pain in the stomach, diarrhea. Also deteriorates the activity of the heart, breathing becomes faster, a lump in the throat. There is a loss in space, irritability. The pupils dilate, the body becomes hot, and seizures are possible.

Actions in case of poisoning

  1. If you are faced with unpleasant consequences from the consumption of green tubers and revealed symptoms, immediately call an ambulance.
  2. This is followed by washing, which is carried out with easily diluted potassium permanganate. An adult will be enough for 3-4 liters. In children, they do not induce vomiting by artificial means; in adults, they do.
  3. After successful washing, it is necessary to drink coal or any other absorbent. Also, if necessary, drink a laxative.
  4. When the ambulance arrives at the site, the doctor can saturate the body with water intravenously. For this purpose, a sterile solution of sodium chloride is introduced.

Green potato application

 Green potato application

  1. Green potatoes are best preserved in a dry basement until the first warm days. Such a root crop is least subject to damage. In addition, green potatoes sprout much better in spring than usual.
  2. Despite the toxicity of the product, it has its purpose. Seasoned gardeners specially spread the root with a thin layer in a lighted and warm room. In this way, the potatoes turn green and make thick, good sprouts.
  3. Some gardeners specifically leave potatoes on the balcony in direct sunlight. As a result, the product begins the process of photosynthesis. Potatoes need to be turned as the appearance of the green shade.
  4. As a result, the root crop is least subject to damage and various diseases. Such simple procedures help to get the crop up to 3 weeks earlier.In addition, the yield from one bush increases markedly. Eating green tubers is prohibited to consume.

Green root vegetable is strictly forbidden to include in the diet. The product contains a dangerous poison - solanine. Such potatoes are used exclusively for industrial purposes. Root is great for growing a good harvest.

Video: what will happen if you eat green potatoes

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