Can I eat lemon peel?

An interesting fact is that the skin of such a citrus as a lemon contains a huge amount of vitamins. And it was proved that they are much more than in the lemon itself. It is no secret that many people prefer to drink citrus juice, which, according to experts, is rich in nutrients and vitamins, but the fact that the lemon peel contains all of these substances is an order of magnitude more often taken into account. And it would be worth it, because mainly due to the peel, citrus boasts healing properties.

 Can I eat lemon peel

It is quite simple to get the zest: you just need to separate the peel from the lemon, peel it, put it in the freezer for a while, and grate it after freezing.

The benefits of lemon peel

If you carefully examine the lemon peel for the presence of nutrients and trace elements, you can meet the following health-friendly elements:

  • citronella;
  • phellandren;
  • vitamin C;
  • citric, malic and formic acids;
  • pectin.

And this is not the whole list of everything that is in the peel.

The beneficial effects of the peel can not only cleanse the body, but also rejuvenate the skin cells. Additional impact is as follows:

  1. It deals with the causes of bloating by reducing the unpleasant gas in the intestines.
  2. Helps cleanse the liver due to the intake of large amounts of antioxidants in the body.
  3. It normalizes digestion and reduces the risk of constipation.
  4. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthening it. All this is due to the vitamins that are contained in the peel. Thus, the risk of contracting viral and infectious diseases is significantly reduced.
  5. Promotes the restoration of blood pH balance.
  6. Affects a decrease in blood pressure.
  7. It can be used to disinfect wounds.

Also, with the help of lemon peel, you can whiten your teeth and improve your emotional state, getting rid of recurring anxiety or anxiety.

Cancer Prevention

Thanks to many studies that were conducted not so long ago, it has been proven that lemon peel is much more effective compared to the same chemotherapy, when the question arises of combating cancer with scars. This effect is achieved due to its ability when it is ingested into the body to help eliminate toxins from it.

At the end of the 20th century, one study was conducted aimed at studying the effects of lemon peel on the prevention of cancer. By carrying out more than two dozen experiments, doctors discovered that the special extract contained in the lemon zest, penetrating into the patient’s body, begins an active fight against malignant cells. And what is most interesting, this extract could destroy them.

The advantage of using peel as a cure for cancer is that, compared with many drugs, it does not cause any harm to healthy cells, and also does not cause any adverse reactions inside the body.

Using lemon peel

Usually it is used during the preparation of various sweet dishes.By adding a specific bitterness, the taste of the dish is improved. Now, after reading this article, you can increase the number of possible uses of lemon peel for cooking a much larger number of dishes.

 Using lemon peel

There are three possible ways to use yellow citrus peel:

Method 1. As seasoning for dishes. To do this, you first need to wash the lemon very well, and then put it in the freezer for a few hours. It is necessary that citrus is properly frozen. After you can get it back, peel and rub. If you do not have a grater, you can use a blender. The resulting zest is further used in various soups, as well as salads, juices and sauces. It can be added to rice or pasta dishes. It goes well with fish.

Method 2 As a basis for lemonade. To make lemonade from citrus peel, you will need to use a blender. It is required to grind a lemon. As a result, all the elements that are beneficial to the body fall into the drink.

Method 3. As an ingredient for cocktails.Who would have thought, but in the cocktails also used lemon peel. With its help, the drink gets a unique and slightly bitter taste.

Lemon Peel Tea Is It Possible?

On the basis of the peel of a lemon, an unusual tea is obtained, rich in useful trace elements and able to strengthen the immune system in the winter. Another advantage of this tea is cleansing the body.

To make tea you will need:

  • Liter of cold water;
  • Squeezed juice of lemons in the amount of two pieces;
  • The peel of the same lemons;
  • Honey.

Tea is made as follows:

  1. Water is poured into a prepared pan and a peel is thrown into it. Everything is put on the fire and boils for 15 minutes. Watching time is important.
  2. After the time the pan is removed from the stove, and the juice of lemons is added to it. Tea is ready.
  3. To make it a little sweeter, you can add honey.

Tea can be consumed both hot and cold. It is best to take it after meals. The exception is breakfast. In this case, it is preferable to drink tea on an empty stomach.

As a conclusion, you can answer the question posed by the article - yes.And if you clarify, the lemon peel is not so much you can eat, how many need to do it to strengthen the immune system and improve the health of the whole organism. The useful and nutrients contained in lemon peel have a beneficial effect on the general physical and emotional state of a person.

Video: The Use of Lemon Peel

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