Can I keep cacti at home?

Cacti can often be found in modern homes. They have a rather unusual appearance. This is due to the tropical origin of the plants. Instead of leaves, a thick trunk is covered with spines. Some of them may bloom.

 Is it possible to keep cacti at home

The unusual appearance of the cactus like very many. But it is important to remember that there are so many varieties among them. There are both useful and harmful. Many believe that these plants have strong energy.

Benefit and harm

Experts say that cactuses with long needles have negative energy. If a person has a weak temper, the cactus will affect him negatively. Therefore, these plants are not recommended for those who have any psychological problems and phobias.

But, if a person has a strong and confident character, a cactus cannot hurt him. He only feeds a strong character, giving a person additional energy.

The presence of a fleshy stem, in which a lot of moisture is stored, as well as thin prickly needles, suggests that energy has two sides - positive and negative.

Plant Benefits:

  1. It can serve as a shield that reflects bad energy.
  2. Being indoors, absorbs from it the negative influence of the environment.
  3. Negative human emotions can also be absorbed.
  4. If you put it near the workplace, it will help to improve thinking processes.

Should I start?

These plants can be started at home. Sometimes cacti are even needed. But it is very important to choose the right plant. Best of all, it was a young process. When purchasing your first cactus, select a small plant that has small needles.

Where better to put a cactus in the house?

  1. Perfect for this table or window sill in the kitchen. The plant will take over the emotions accumulated during the day of the household, which they bring home.
  2. The window sill will be a great place for a cactus. It will not be located so close to the person to harm him, and will also receive enough light.
  3. On the desktop, it will help get rid of anger and frustration in the
  4. It is often placed near the computer, as it is believed that the plant will absorb negative waves.
  5. In the hallway, he too will benefit, since it is from the street comes a lot of bad energy.

Unsuitable places:

  1. Bedroom. Never put it near the bed. This may adversely affect the health of the sleeper, cause migraine and digestive disorders.
  2. In the nursery, too, it should not be put. The child may be injured. In addition, the energy of the cactus is not very well affect the unformed psyche.
  3. Hall or lounge. The presence of cactus in the rooms where you relax will worsen the quality of rest.

When should I start a cactus?

 When should I start a cactus

  1. If you want to find out how good or bad energy in the room. If it is good, it will bloom.
  2. If you do not have time to care for plants that require too much attention.
  3. If you do not like the cactus that you purchased, better give it away. He will not benefit. If you love a plant, it will influence you well.
  4. The cactus will be useful to people who suffer from inconstancy and doubts. It will help make the character harder.
  5. It is believed that it protects against evil spirits.
  6. It will help develop a person's tolerance.

Cactus and feng shui

It is important to determine how the cactus relates to the host. His influence will depend on it. How to determine the ratio of cactus?

  1. He does not suit you, if in the room with him you get worse.
  2. If the mood improves, the cactus will love you.

Teaching Feng Shui does not recommend the house cacti. It is believed that they drive away the energy of "Qi".

If you listen to this teaching, put a cactus only in places with the most negative energy. This is a bathroom, toilet, stairs.

Signs associated with the cactus in the apartment

 Signs associated with the cactus in the apartment

  1. There is an opinion that a cactus may not live under one roof with men. This is a superstition that is not backed up by anything. But women connect it with failures in life.
  2. If a cactus that has been at your house for many years suddenly blossoms, it means that there will be a wedding in the house soon.
  3. Also, a blooming cactus for a young couple can say that a child will soon be in the house.
  4. If a cactus has been in the house for a long time, but you have never noticed it bloom, this indicates a very bad energy in the room.

Which cactus to choose

If you decide that you still need to buy a cactus, then the choice should be done consciously and correctly. It must match the atmosphere in the home, as well as the nature of the inhabitants.

The type of plant is important

  1. If you buy a high cactus - it will contribute to forgiveness for the accumulated grievances.
  2. Columnar - helps t emotional instability.
  3. Cactus in the form of a ball - helps to gain health.
  4. Finger-shaped - will improve the quality of speech, will fight with evil and rash statements.

Cactus Features

  1. The plant can "feel" peace and love, as if they reign in the dwelling.
  2. Cactus is able to take on the negative, to establish relationships between the inhabitants of the house.
  3. Absorbing negative energy, he gives a person a positive, as if processing it.
  4. If some of the household does not like the plant for some reason, it will feel it. And a person who does not like cactus will feel uncomfortable with him. A headache may even begin or your mood may deteriorate.
  5. Put a pot with this plant in those places where there is an energy hole.For example, in the area of ​​doors and windows.
  6. Do not put it in the bedroom and nursery. Here he can interfere with proper rest and harm mental health.

Cactus at work

 Cactus at work
Experts say that this plant is ideal for places with negative energy. Therefore, it is in the workplace that it will be most welcome. He will absorb all the bad emotions from working troubles, will take away the negative that comes in your direction from colleagues or unfriendly clients.

Having put on a workplace, you will always see a plant, so, you will not forget to take care of it.

It is believed that no other plant is able to cope so well with radiation from various electronics.

Signs associated with cactus at work:

  1. If you put a cactus to the right of your workplace, then it will help you work as productively as possible, will empower and inspire.
  2. If you place it on the left, it will take upon itself all the bad things that happen to you in the process.
  3. But do not put it right in the middle of the table. This will disturb the thinking processes and will distract attention.

Observe your condition for several days after buying a cactus.If your condition has not worsened - this means that the plant suits you. If you are in a bad mood or unwell, get rid of the plant.

If you gave a cactus, which blooms - this is a good sign.

Video: Myths about cacti

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