Can pork be given to dogs?

The question - can dogs eat pork, is faced by most owners. It is not always clear for what reasons pets can not be pork, because this product has a natural origin.

 Is it possible to give dogs pork

Facts and Myths

  1. It is believed that by eating pork dogs, it is poorly absorbed. This is not true, because pork meat has the highest digestibility of the pet's organism than other meat, such as veal. Pork loses only lamb in this respect.
  2. It is believed that pets should not be given pork because of its high fat content. This is the myth. The percentage of fat in pork is really high, which scientists do not deny. However, fat is not distributed everywhere, but is localized in certain areas of pork carcass. Therefore, to choose when buying a piece of lean meat is not difficult.It is necessary to stop the choice on the shoulder or cut. In such pieces of pork meat, the proportion of fat is less than in the diet chicken.
  3. Lack of essential nutrients. This, too, is fiction. After all, pork is rich in such elements as zinc, phosphorus and B group vitamins, which have a positive effect on the body. In addition, pork offal will be helpful.
  4. Pork can lead to intestinal twisting. In part, this problem is real, but the cause is not pork, but physical activity with a full stomach. In order to avoid such consequences, you should feed the dog in small portions, especially if the dog belongs to a risk group (for example, shepherd dogs at a young age).
  5. Increased blood cholesterol. Eating pork can lead to elevated cholesterol. However, this can be facilitated by feeding the dog and other fatty meats, fish, and also chicken eggs.

Why pork is dangerous for dogs

The ban on feeding dogs with pork meat is not due to the above factors,such as poor digestibility or increased fat, and other reasons. So why should you still feed your dog pork?

  1. Diseases. Pigs are prone to many different diseases, some of which can easily be transmitted to a pet. An example of such diseases is false rabies. You should know that the virus is resistant and dies only when it is boiled for a long time in water at a temperature not lower than 70 C. The virus can be infected with the meat of the sick animal, as well as be present in the meat of individuals who have already had the disease. In this connection, it is impossible to give the dog raw pork.
  2. High concentration of parasites. When feeding a dog with raw meat, the likelihood of infection with worms or trichinosis increases.

Determining the presence of parasites and their further treatment in a dog is a difficult process, since their development in the body begins with the formation of a larva. Avoid infection by infection will not succeed even with good provarka pork, because the larvae are enclosed in capsules that are resistant to high temperatures. This disease is a danger not only for dogs, but also for humans.In this connection, before buying pork, you must make sure that you pass the control.

How to give a dog pork?

Despite the fact that all animal proteins are a potential threat to pets, the dog’s body will not be able to function normally without using them. Each owner should independently decide whether to add pork to the pet's diet or not. In case it is decided not to exclude pork, it is necessary to follow the following rules and recommendations:

It is not recommended to feed the dog with non-thermally treated meat by-products. More useful for the animal will be a piece of beef or chicken meat. This will reduce the risk of infestation of the dog with parasites.

Do not feed the dog with pork every day. Preference should be given to boiled meat with a small amount of fat. In case it is necessary to include pork in the dog's diet on a daily basis, you should stop choosing offal.

Fact! Frozen meat also saves the infection in case it has been exposed to infection.

Feeding a dog with pork meat, bought exclusively in stores and retail outlets, where a product that has passed the examination is allowed.

Many veterinarians today change their attitude to pork and prescribe the use in small quantities of dogs that have suffered various diseases and, while observing diets, in order to speed up the process of recovery of a pet.

Dog pork and digestion

Due to the high fat content, pork meat, when consumed in large volumes, is difficult to digest in the dog's stomach, as mentioned above. Therefore, there is an accumulation of fat in the cells of the liver, and this, in turn, causes obesity of the dog.

Getting rid of obesity is an extremely difficult task. Nature laid down that the dog's body does not absorb heavy food. Therefore, even if pork is a good product for humans, this does not mean that it is good for dogs. Even if the meat does not contain harmful bacteria and microorganisms that can lead to infection, it can be harmful to the dog. So, one of the most dangerous diseases that threaten the health of a dog - “distemper” - occurs as a result of feeding a pet with pork.

Pork and Dog Diseases

In addition, pork can lead to the following diseases:

  1. Aujeszky's disease, also called pseudo-madness. The cause of this disease is eating raw pork or in contact with infected pigs. The symptomatology of the disease is similar to the signs of rabies, manifests itself 1-2 days after infection and leaves no time to determine the diagnosis. Most often it is fatal.
  2. Toksokaroz. With this disease, the larvae of worms, once in the body, spread through all the internal organs, consistently affecting the heart, brain and other organs.
  3. Tenioz (or tapeworm). Symptoms include weight loss, stunted dogs, resulting in lesions of the central nervous system and, as a result, death.

Need to know

Despite the likely danger of feeding pork, sometimes the pet's body itself requires it. So, in winter, dogs accumulate fat to maintain body temperature. Because it is recommended to include pork in the diet at least once a week.

Important! You should choose lean pieces of meat that have been tested for no infections.

Feed with pork

Today, feed manufacturers offer products with pork.You can buy such feed in large pet stores. Manufacturers have paid attention to such a product as pork because of the nutritional properties and vitamin-rich composition. Also pork is hypoallergenic, almost without causing allergic reactions.

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